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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 239

Chapter 239 

Janet hesitated for a while and decided to share her doubts with Clemente

Clemente, I still feel that there are missing parts in this thingshe said

About what? The owner admitted to his crime already,Clemente looked confused

The owner is responsible for Keavy’s death. But what about Elder Randy? The owner had nothing to do with Elder Randy and he wasn’t even at the Spring Ball” 

Clemente let out a cold sneer, That is where things get really interesting. Hear this: the owner’s restaurant is one of the caters of the spring ball.” 


Janet gasped

So the owner WAS at the spring ball! He even prepared the food himself, which gave him a chance to poison Elder Randy

But what did the owner do? Was it another mistake

And what about Agnes

Based on the information that they had gathered so far, Agnes had nothing to do with this whole mess

But that couldn’t be right… 

A thousand thoughts sped through her addled brain

Cheer up Janet. You just did something really awesome today. I am going to let the king know about this!Clemente grinned

Clemente wait-” 

She wanted to ask him to keep it quiet before they could know more. 

Yet Clemente had turned hastily and rushed away

Standing stiffly for a few more moments, Janet returned to the interrogation room

The owner was still in his chair, sobbing miserably

Queen Janet! Have you talked to General Clemente yet?he looked at Janet with hope, Did you tell him that I didn’t mean any of these? And I definitely don’t deserve to be sentenced to death?” 

The King and the elders will mete out your punishment.Janet studied his tearstained face and asked, And now I have one more question for you: do you know Elder Randy before this?” 

The owner’s expression was vacant, Who is Elder Randy? I don’t know him.” 

He is one of the elders that attended the Spring Ball a couple of weeks back, and you were the caterer of that event. Elder Randy got poisoned at the Spring Ball and his symptom matches with Keavy’s.” 

The owner rounded his eyes as his brain processed the information

Then his breathing became heavy

He burst out crying, WHAT THE HELL! Are you blaming me for that case as well?! Am I responsible for all the poison cases in the whole world?!” 

I didn’t say that. Calm down-” 

Yet the owner had completely lost control of his temper under pressure

You rich and powerful people can’t do this! Can’t dump shit on my head like that!!! I won’t be somebody else’s scapegoat!” 

He roared, his face twisted by horror and panic, and he banged his fists on the table, I don’t know that goddamn Elder Randy! You can’t blame me for that! You fucking 



Janet shot up and tried to contain him

Yet he slapped her hand away, breathing very fast

NoNO! You are going to sentence me to death, aren’t you!he shouted, Then I take it back! I take all my testimony back! I won’t let you powerful fucks walk over my head-” 

Just then, the door to the interrogation room flung open

Westin strode in with a large group of soldiers and elders behind his back

Chain him! And toss him into the cell,Westin ordered the soldiers icily. This man is responsible for Keavy’s death and Elder Randy’s poison case. He will be brought to trial later!” 

The soldiers piled in and yanked the owner up from his chair

The owner was still crying miserably, I didn’t do it! I didn’t poison that elder! You can’t do this to me-” 

The soldiers clogged his mouth

And they dragged him out of the interrogation room


Janet wanted to chase up the owner. Yet Westin stood in her way and placed a hand. on her shoulder

Great job,he said with a smile on his lips

Westin listen-” 

He bent his back and planted a kiss on her forehead

I owe you a thank you,he said hoarsely by her ears. You unraveled the truth. Your helped my best friend. I am so proud of you my love” 

She frowned in silence

Did she really unravel the truth

Yet why did she feel that she was getting further and further away from the truth? Somebody cleared his throat behind Westin

Janet looked over and found that it was Elder Lamonte

By his side was Agnes, with her head held down

Queen Janet,Elder Lamonte gave a nod to Janet

There was an awkward smile on his face

It looked as though he was trying to show his gratitude yet wasn’t quite used to that expression

Thank youfor what you did for my son,he said briefly in a hoarse voice. You 

Will be a good queen

You are welcome.” 

The man who was once her enemy now changed his attitude and was expressing his gratitude

Yet it gave Janet less pleasure than she thought

Her eyes flickered to Agnes

Why don’t you look happy, Lady Agnes?Janet asked abruptly, Aren’t you happy to learn about the truth of your mate’s death?” 

Agnes gave a small shiver

Slowly, she raised her head and forced her face into a strained smile, OOf course I am happy” 

It doesn’t look like it,said Janet icily

Enmity flickered across Agnes’s eyes as she said, I was just wonderingwhy did you suddenly become so interested in Keavy’s death? It has been so long ago…. I stumbled upon it while looking into Elder Randy’s case. And I won’t stop my investigation until I have the FULL TRUTH,Janet said

She stressed the full truthon purpose

Agnes gave another shiver and lowered her head again

This woman was definitely involved

Janet could be sure of that

Yet the only question wasHOW

My Queen accomplished something great today,Westin announced proudly. Let’s celebrate her contribution over dinner at the dining hall tonight!” 

The room erupted into applause

Westin lowered his head to Janet, Do you want to head back to the castle with me my love?” 

Janet shook her head, Noyou go ahead. I want to stay here a bit longerto clear my head.” 

They all left the room to prepare for tonight’s celebration party

Janet wandered down the hallway along. Pacing to think

She brought herself back to the very beginning of this investigation

OK, from the start

Clemente told her that he should be having dinner with Keavy that night, but he caught up in patrol duty and couldn’t get back in time

And that was why Keavy ordered that takeout, which killed him

Assuming that it wasn’t an accident, and somebody did poison Keavy with that takeout on purpose (Janet was still convinced that it was Agnes), Clemente couldn’t be home during dinner that night… 

And what did Clemente say about that patrol duty

….A girl was attacked by bears near my patrol pointbut it turned out to be a false alert

False alert

Someone probably designed that emergent patrol duty to divert Clemente from home

Janet turned on her heels abruptly and headed downstairs

The Patrolling Center was a few floors beneath the interrogation room

Janet walked into the center and stopped a passing soldier, Excuse me, I need help with something” 

Queen Janet!the soldier gasped, Yes of course. What do you need?” 

He recognized her, which definitely made things easier

Do you keep records of the calls people made into this center asking for help?Janet asked

Sure we do.” 

How long do those records date back to?” 

We still have records from 10 years ago.” 


Janet gave the soldier the date and time and asked him to dig up the phone record of Clemente’s patrol duty

It didn’t take long. 30 minutes later, the soldier brought Janet into a meeting room. and played the record for her on a laptop

That record started with some static

And then a few seconds later, a female voice suddenly started screaming

..Help! II am being attacked by a bear! Hurry and send someone over to help meNOW!” 

Do you need to hear it again, Queen Janet?the soldier asked

No need,Janet said with a cold smile on her lips

Although the record was short, she could still recognize that voice- 

Agnes’s voice

Agnes should be at her parent’s that night. Why would she call into the Patrol Center 

calming that she was attacked by a bear

The reason was simple: To divert Clemente away from the house so that she could carry on her plan of poisoning Keavy

Gotcha, bitch

Janet looked at the soldier and said, Can you ask General Clemente to come over? There is something important that I need to tell him.” 

Chapter 380

He came in with a big grin on his face asking, What are you still doing here Janet? You should head back to the castle with the King. I want to stop by my brother’s grave and let him know about the truth that you found. Do you want to come with me or should I see you at the party-” 

Clemente wait!Janet had to raise her voice to stop him. Listen. Have you listened. to the phone call that was made into the Patrol Center on the night that Keavy died?” 

Clemente frowned, No. The Center had operators who took the call and assigned duties directly to us. Why are you asking about this?” 

Janet nodded

That was what she thought

If Clemente had taken the call himself, he would have recognized Agnes’s voice

Listen to this.” 

She hit playand played the record for Clemente

Help! 1I am being attacked by a bear! Hurry and send someone over to help meNOW!” 

Agnes’s voice echoed in the room

The grin faded from Clemente’s face, and it was replaced by a horrified expression. WWait….What is this?he stuttered, trembling. Where did you get this? How on earth-” 

I asked a soldier to dig this phone record from 5 years ago. The person who called in for help was Agnes,Janet said

IMPOSSIBLE!Clemente roared, his face twisted by anger. Agnes was at her parent’s house that night! There was no way she could be attacked by a bear-” 

Precisely!Janet snapped, Because she lied about it! She made that call to divert you from home so that Keavy would have to order a takeout-” 

You are still dwelling on that! The owner admitted to his crime already-” 

He didn’t admit to everything! The owner strongly denied having anything involved in Elder Randy’s case!” 

And you believed him? A wife murderer who happened to kill my brother as well?” 

As a matter of fact, yes, I believe him,Janet said icily. That man is a piece of shit. But he doesn’t have the gut to touch a wellrespected elder and he has no motive to do it.” 

She stared at Clemente’s ragefilled face and added, And if you really think about it, there are so many parts that don’t add up in the owner’s testimony. For example,. he labeled the poisoned food carefully. But how did the poisoned one still end up in Keavy’s hand?” 


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