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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 260

Chapter 260 

What is your mom’s name?asked Casper eagerly

The boy lowered his head, I don’t remember.” 

He clearly didn’t want to tell them

Balvina gave him a look asking him to be patient and turned to the boy with a gentle. smile, Your eyes are gorgeous, Aspen. Does your mom have grey eyes as well?” 

The boy bit the bait and raised his head back up, No! Mom has brown eyes like amber. They are also very pretty.” 

Casper’s heart almost jumped out of his throatJanet had brown eyes

I bet your mom is a very attractive lady,Balvina smiled. I bet she has curvy long hair?” 

Yes! Very long hair. All the way to her waist! But not very curvy, more like straight!Aspen looked very excited showing off his beautiful mommy to the others, And she has a heartshaped face and the body of a female warrior. She is the most beautiful woman I know!” 

The glass slipped from Casper’s grip and fell to the floor, making a breaking sound

He was shaking as his mind screamed- 

…That was Janet

The boy’s mother was Janet

Aspen was startled by that breaking glass and cried, What happened?” 


Casper tried everything he could to keep up with a calm expression and said to the boy, Your aunt Balvina and I need to have a word alone. You and Jasmine just go ahead and dig in. Balvina?” 

He gestured for Balvina to follow him and marched towards the next room

As soon as the door closed behind their back, Balvina let out a small gasp, Holy fuckthat boy’s mom-” 

That is Janet’s child!Casper snapped, clenching his fists

Tuck that boy’s mom-” 

That is Janet’s child!Casper snapped, clenching his fists

No. Wait Let us calm down for a second.” 

Balvina covered her forehead with one hand and paced back and forth in the room, A lot of women have brown eyes and heartshaped faces that doesn’t mean anything-” 

But that sniffing thing?Casper said in a trembling voice, Janet always sniffed her. food before eating! To make sure that her food is safe and clean. That is a quirk she got when she was staying with the Diaz. I have never seen anybody else do that!” 

The couple exchanged a shocking look


This boy was really Janet’s child

But what was he doing here

And if he was here, where was Janet

Hold on.Balvina raised a hand, If this is Janet’s child, then his father is” 

That Lycan King,Casper gritted

Janet had been with Westin for years

It only made sense that Westin was the father

Balvina took a sharp inhale of breath and shook her head, God. Imagine if Daran finds out about this” 

Oh he will lose it and becomes a total nutcase,Casper gritted. The child of his ex and his life rival He might strangle the child in a heartbeat. No. We can’t let him find out about this.” 

Yeah. You are right,Balvina sighed. OK. Let’s get back in there. And keep it together, Casper. Don’t frighten the child.” 

They went back to the dining table

The two kids were sharing a plate of pumpkin pie

What did you talk about, Mom and Dad?Jasmine asked with her mouth stuffed. with pie

Nothing. Eat your pie,Balvina rubbed her daughter’s hair

Casper fixed his gaze upon Aspen. The more he looked, the more traces of Janet he found on this kid’s face

Anything wrong, sir?Aspen noticed his gaze and asked

NoNothing,Casper’s lips trembled. And don’t call me sir. Call meUncle Casper.” 

This was his niece

His beloved sister’s child

Janet, where are you? Have you come back home already

Why haven’t you come and see me

<hr/>Aspen slept in Casper and Balvina’s suite that night

The next day, when all the adults went to meetings, Jasmine generously invited Aspen to play hideandseek with her friends

ButI have never played hideandseek before,said Aspen blankly

You haven’t?Jasmine gasped, Then what do you do back home?” 

Aspen thought about this for a while, Studying. Reading books with my mom. And training

He trained very hard

He didn’t want the others to look down on him because he didn’t have a wolf

That is all you do all day? That is crazy!Jasmine cried, No, you have to play hideandseek with us today. I will teach you the rules.” 

The group of kids went to the garden

Jasmine was the seeker for the first round

She covered her eyes and started counting as the other kidsincluding Aspenscattered, looking for places to hide

This was the first time that Aspen played this time

He was very excited and really wanted to win

He ran all the way down to the lake and spotted a tree by the waterthis tree had a dense canopy, which was a great place to hide himself

So he climbed up and crouched down on a thick breach behind the leaves

There were children screaming and giggling’s in the distance

It sounded like Jasmine had caught a couple of hiders

Aspen held his breath and waited nervously

After what felt like a couple of minutes, he carefully leaned forward and gazed into the distance

He wanted to see if Jasmine was getting close to him

It was when the branch beneath him gave a dangerous wobble


The branch snapped in half and Aspen fell directly into the lake

Water engulfed him immediately

Aspen opened his mouth to scream and ended up choking a mouthful of water

He moved his little arms and legs struggling to the surface. Yet the surface grew further and further away from him

He didn’t know how to swim

The boy started to panic. He opened his mouth and bubbles came out of it- 

He was going to drown

Just then, he felt a pair of strong hands grab him by his shoulder and pull him up 

dragging him to the shore

Aspen crushed down to the solid ground and coughed nonstop

He looked up, breathing hard, and found that the person who rescued him was no one else but Daran


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