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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27 

The three of them kept walking for another 10 minutes

But weirdly, they didn’t see any water

And there was a rot, disgusting smell in the air, like a seething mass of bacteria that had taken over the surrounding area

The bird song that had accompanied them the whole way had also disappeared, and they are left with nothing but an eerie silence

Something seemed off

Eventually, the path led them to a huge cave. The cave stood 5 meters high and seemed large enough to fit in an army of people

This doesn’t seem right,Balvina whispered to Janet, her face all serious

Kass dragged Janet to his back and stared into the pitchblack cave, We should leave, now.” 

They were right. This wasn’t the right way to go

Yet Janet suddenly felt the wind changing direction, bringing a strong, disgusting smell

Something was coming at them from the cave

LOOK OUT-Janet screamed and shoved Kass and Balvina to the side

They fell to the ground

And quickly jerked around to look at the gigantic animal that just dashed out of the 


It stood there like a tower. Then a deafening howl came from its mouth

Janet widened her eyes

What the fuc k was this?! 

Standing before them was a 13 feet tall bear

But its size was way larger than a regular bear. And it had unnaturally sharp fangs and long claws, making it looked more like a werewolf than a bear

What the fuc k-Balvina cried

Bear’s variant!Janet said hastily, Someone transfused werewolf’s blood to them. Making them much stronger and fiercer!” 

She had heard about those rumors before

That deep in the back mountain there was an inhabitance of crazy, lethal bears

One was enough to take down two werewolves

But she always thought those rumors were madeup stories to keep kids away from the back mountain

Until today

Until that map led them down this path

On your feet!Janet hissed, It is about to attack!” 

The bear’s beaming red eyes were on them. Then with a roaring howl, it jumped directly at Kass

Kass rolled on the ground and dodged its claw. When he stood up again, he had shifted into a large black wolf

The wolf snapped his head around and faced the bear, making a threatening hissing sound

Keep it that way!Janet cried, while circling around the bear with Balvina carefully. Get its attention Kass! Balvina and I will find an opening to strike back!” 

The black wolf curved his back and exposed his fangs at the bear

The bear was soon enraged by his aggressive gesture. Waiving its claws frantically in the air, the bear lunged at Kass at full speed

At the same time, Balvina and Janet went for the bear’s opening back together

Balvina jumped and shifted in the midair. She landed on the bear’s back and dug its fangs deep into the bear’s flesh

The bear felt pain. It started/struggling like crazy and twirled its body around. Hang in there!Janet yelled

She didn’t shift. Her small human form allowed her to move around more easily. Grabbing the bear’s chest fur, Janet easily climbed up to the bear’s giant head

The bear was too distracted by Balvina and Kass

It didn’t notice her

Knelt down on the bear’s shaking head, Janet drew a dagger from her back


She stabbed down on the center of the bear’s skull with both of her hands

Blood gushed out, spilling all over Janet’s body

The bear roared and screamed loudly

It staggered back a few steps

And fell to the ground with a huge thud

Oh my god,Balvina shifted back and wept her forehead, What a beast! If that bear’s body can’t lock up our position as the top one, what will?” 

Kass had shifted back as well

He ran to Janet’s side and asked urgently, Gamma Janet, are you alright?” 

Yet Janet didn’t answer him

She put a finger on his mouth, gesturing him to keep quiet

She was still gazing into the cave

Kass and Balvina froze

And then they gradually turned they heads and gazed to where Janet was looking at

In the cave, more and more red dots were appearing against the darkness

They were bear’s eyes

There were more than one bear

Back in the training field

Look-someone cried and pointed at the sky

Everybody looked up

It was a red firework from the signal gun each team received

A team was asking for help in the forest

Oh my,Harper gasped. It’s only been 3 hours and people are already asking for helps already? And judging by the direction of this firework, it is where Janet is at. I thought she claimed to be the strongest Gamma-” 

Yet before she could finish her sarcasm, Daran shoved her aside roughly

He quickly strode forward and snapped, I need a team of 10 people following me into the forest! Now!” 

Are you crazy?!” 

Harper screamed

She stumbled forward in her skinny high heels and grabbed Daran’s sleeves blurting 

out, You are the Alpha for Christ’s sake! Why do you have to risk yourself for a bunch of soldiers like them-” 

What do you mean?” 

Casper looked at Harper with a sulkily look on his face

If a man is injured on the battlefield, as Alphas we are supposed to leave him there?Casper asked sharply

Harper choked

She suddenly noticed that everyone presentevery manwas glaring at her hostilely right now

Daran shook Harper off him and said to a soldier, She is not a warrior. She shouldn’t be here in the first place. Drag her out.” 

Then he hurried towards the forest, leaving Harper’s desperate cries behind him

I’m coming with you!Casper caught up with Daran

They were all worried that it might be Janet

Casper, Daran and other 10 soldiers rushed into the forest, heading directly at the place where the firework was fired

They were all very fast

Within half an hour, they have arrived at the scene

Look!a soldier cried, pointing at the ground

There were a lot of blood spilled on the ground, some even on the tree

There were also deep claw marks on the tree trunk, indicating a fierce fight had taken place here


Casper yelled and rushed forward, with Daran on his heels

Daran’s body was strained, and his mind was a mess

He couldn’t begin to imagine if anything bad had happened to Janet

But how was this possible? There were only a few hyenas, bears, or lions in the mountain, but nothing too dangerous… 

What could possibly harm a group of Gamma and strong soldiers

In the open area upfront, they finally found traces of people

A gigantic bear was fallen to the ground, died. There was a severely injured brown shewolf lying by the side, its whole body covered in blood


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