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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 

A woman had stood up from the stand

And to everyone’s surprise, this objector was Angelina, Harper’s largest victim

Daran looked toward Angelina with a frown, Are you raising objections now Angelina?” 

Sorry to interrupt you, Alpha Daran. But yes, I do object to those penalties,Angelina answered with a nod

But why?one of the elders cried in disbelief, Harper caused all of your sufferings. An eye for an eye. Don’t you want to see her pay for what she did?” 

Of course, I do. But I don’t want her to get expelled. No.” 

Angelina walked around the long table and stand in front of Daran and the elders. She bowed to them humbly before looking up and asked

Pardon me, Alpha Daran and my lords. But have you ever lived in the rogue’s world before?” 

I have fought them, killed them, but I have never lived them.Daran answered coldly, Do tell me how your question is related to the issue we are dealing with now.” 

I don’t want Harper Diaz to get expelled because it would be a reward for her, not a punishment.” 

Angelina took a deep breath and turned to look at Harper, her eyes gleaming with hatred

Thanks to her, I have been to the rogue’s world. I know those rogues. They are all vicious, ruthless, and cold, just like her. I have no doubt that Harper would fit right in when she came to the rogue’s society.” 

There was a moment of discussion among the elders. And then one of the elders asked Angelina, Then what do you suggest? Your opinion matters greatly because you are Harper’s largest victim.” 

Angelina raised her head, Instead of setting her free by expelling her, I think we should keep her here and let her take up heavy labors in our pack. She will no longer be a lady, but a lowly slave. She will redeem her sin through hard works.” 

But don’t you think it is too mild a penalty? How can we make that sure gets enough punishment for her sins?the elder frowned with disagreement

Angelina slightly curved her lips, That is why I wish you could appoint Harper to me as my maid. I will keep an eye on her personally and make sure she repents her crime.” 

There was an astonished gasp from the crowd

This was truly a bold suggestion

Letting a former lady serve as a maid? This had never happened before in Riverside Pack

BBut you can’t do this!John stuttered nervously, Harper didn’t know how to serve as a maid. She had never cleaned or wiped anything in her entire life!” 

Angelina countered fiercely, She can learn, can’t she? Do you think I am born to be a maid myself?” 

John wanted to keep arguing. Yet Owen tugged at his shirt gesturing him to shut up

Daran pondered on this briefly before gazing at Janet and asked, What do you think, Gamma Janet? Do you think this is a good idea?” 

Janet stood up from her seat

I think this penalty serves Harper justly. I will help Angelina to keep an eye on Harper.Janet smiled. And I insist on that tattoo on her forehead as well. It will serve as a constant reminder to Harper and everyone else of what crime she had committed.” 

Hearing Janet’s words, Harper suddenly started to struggle and scream furiously. But her mouth was clogged. So she couldn’t make any sounds beside muffled groans

Janet glanced at Harper and added with a smile, In fact, why don’t we give that tattoo to her right here today? Many people had come a long way to witness this. We don’t want them to come back home disappointed.” 

Exited cheering and shouts could be heard from the crowd

People were all clapping to Janet’s suggestion

After receiving a nod from Daran, guards rushed to get the equipment and they returned with a tattoo needle

Harper was forced to kneel on the ground, facing the entire public

Her eyes were wide with dread and horror as the guards with the tattoo needle approached her. She gritted the clog in her mouth so hard that it was starting to make a squeaky sound

Hold on a second.” 

Angelina took a step forward and stuck her hand out to the guard, Actually, can I do 


The guard looked towards the stand hesitantly. Seeing no one had objected, he gave Angelina the tattoo needle and stepped down

WellMiss Harper, have you seen this day coming?” 

With the tattoo needle in her one hand, Angelina grabbed Harper’s chin with another 

hand and forced her to look up

I bet 

you have never imagined that I would come back one day.Angelina giggled, raising the needle. But here I am, just for you. And we are going to have so much fun togetherforever.” 

The needle touched Harper’s skin, making a sizzling sound

A muffled cry escaped Harper’s gritted teeth as her whole body twitched in pain involuntarily

Two guards held Harper still as Angelina continued with her work

It hurts, doesn’t it!” 

Angelina snapped while looking down at Harper’s tearstained face

Well, you should know this when you have my forehead tattooed! Remember how you asked your maids to splash salty water over my face to increase my pain?! You deserve all these, Harper!” 

Hellen let out a small cry and fainted into Paul’s arm

John seemed as though he was about to shit his pants in horror

Still sitting on the stand, Janet looked closely at this with a cold smile on her lips

She felt a sweet sense of victory at heart

At this moment, everything Harper had ever done to her came rushing back to her. All those damages that Harper had once caused her, physical ones and emotional ones, were all still fresh in her mind

This was Janet’s revenge as well

Letting out a small breath, Janet glanced around at the other Diaz

Harper was only the first one

If the others couldn’t learn their lesson today, she would make sure for them to suffer, just like Harper

Every. Single. One. Of. Them

After a long 10 minutes, Angelina completed with the tattoo. She let go of Harper, who collapsed onto the ground almost immediately

There was a striking tattoo on her forehead now, which read


Starting today, Harper was no longer a mighty lady

She would spend the rest of her life working as a slave in redemption of her crimes. Angelina turned toward the stand and bowed, My work here is completed. I ask for your permission now to take Harper back to my home.” 


Daran stood up from his seat and said to the whole crowd deeply

Let this incident be a lesson to everyone here today. Riverside Pack does not endure frauds, schemers, and criminals. Rogues are threatening our safety and we can’t waste time on fighting our own brothers and sisters. Anyone dares to challenge this will receive the same amount of punishment.” 


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