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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 8


There was a ringing silence in the room

Baron stared at Janet with a bizarre look. A few seconds later, he suddenly burst into loud laughter

He laughed so hard that he was literally rocking back and forth in his seat

YYou? And me? Outside? Are f**king messing with me right now?” 

Baron wiped the tears in his eyes and breathed

Did you remember how your middle brother Owen used to punch you to halfdeath in the training field? Well, let’s just say that even Owen can’t last 1 minute against me. Do you still want to try it out?Janet let out a light chuckle, Are you afraid?” 

Afraid my ass,Baron snapped. I’m going to smash your skull!” 

Or I smash yours,Janet shrugged

Baron jumped out of his seat

Yet Daran put a hand on his shoulder to stop him

Alpha Casper,Daran turned to Casper with a nasty look on his face. Just excuse Janet from the room and there will be no need for a fight.” 

Casper got on his foot idly

In fact, I could use a little entertainment before the official meeting begins,Casper said with a lazy smile

Daran clenched his fists and glared at Casper in rage and disbelief

What the f**k was wrong with this man

Couldn’t he see that Baron was twice the size of Janet

He was dating Janet now. Didn’t he have any idea how to protect her

Janet?Daran snapped his head towards Janet and gritted, Don’t be silly here. You can’t win over Baron.” 

Janet snorted lightly, Thanks for your pep talk.” 

She walked around the table and headed towards the door. Before leaving, she winked provokingly at 


See you out there.” 

Members from BloodMoon Pack all got up and filed out

Weirdly, none of them seemed worried for Janet. Instead, they were all chatting and laughing enthusiastically

Baron blew an exciting whistle and was ready to rush outside

Yet Daran suddenly dragged him from behind and hissed sulkily

Don’t be too hard on her.” 

What?Baron cried in disbelief. You heard that woman Alpha! She was all over herself! Let me teach her a lesson and-” 

You’ll do as I said,Daran gave him a dark glare

Baron was hottempered. But he didn’t dare challenge his Alpha

Scratching his head in annoyance, Baron murmured a yes

Daran let go of Baron and walked outside in long strides. He took a deep breath and tried to push down the irritated feeling in his heart

10 minutes later, everyone was gathered by the wrestling ring in the training field

Janet jumped upstage gently

She grabbed the edge of her hoodie and pulled it over her head

Underneath she was dressed in a tank top and leggings. Her fit and graceful body immediately caught everyone’s attention

Janet stretched her shoulders and grinned at Baron

She raised a hand and crooked her index finger

Bring it on,she beamed

Baron glared at her

He was infuriated by Janet’s gesture

Letting out a deafening roar, he suddenly lunged at Janet


gasps came from the crowd as Janet deftly dodged this powerful charge

She fluidly followed with a quick jab to the glant’s midsection

It got him

A loud applause broke out from the crowd

Everyone from Blood Moon Pack was jumping ups and downs, cheering for Janet; whereas people from Riverside Pack lapsed into a silent shock

Daran widened his eyes staring at the petite figure in the wrestling ring

He couldn’t believe his eyes…. 

This was Janet

The same Janet who used to be so weak and pathetic and could only beg for people’s mercy in the training field- 

That Janet?! 

Daran felt his heart rate quickened

She was radiant with confidence and power right now

He couldn’t take his eyes off her

Ahhh-Baron suddenly let out a furious roar in the ring

He had been chasing Janet around the ring. Yet Janet skillfully dodged all his attacks

She handled her opponent with a level of skill and finesse that even the most experienced fighters would 


It pissed Baron to his bones

He had forgotten what Daran said about going gentle on Janet

His attacks were becoming very fierce

Stop running around, you rat!Baron roared

Catching up with Janet, he raised his large fist and threw a final, desperate punch


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