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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 86


Chapter 86 

30 minutes later, all Gammas were gathered in the same tent where they had the meeting yesterday

Janet was the last one to arrive. She wasn’t ready to face Daran after their quarrel. When she stepped into the tent, she saw Daran talking to a man

That man looked familiar


The man strode over with his arms spread wide open and pulled Janet in for a big hug 

My gosh. It was so nice to see you again! You look radiating.” 

Janet was slightly taken aback

It took her a minute to realize that this man was Silver Claw Pack’s Alpha Jared, AKA Glen’s Alpha


Alpha Jared, it has been quite a while.Janet smiled and hugged him back. How have you been?” 

I am doing just fine. Thanks for asking,Jared replied briskly, still holding Janet’s hands. I heard what Glen did. I am terribly sorry for that. So I traveled from Silver Claw Pack overnight just to be here to-” 

Daran cleared his throat deliberately, cutting Jared off

He cast a dark look at Jared and Janet’s holding hands before saying coldly, Alpha Jared, one apology is not enough.” 

Yes, I know. And that is why I came over myself to make up for all of your loss. And to make sure that Glen is sentenced justly‘ 

Make up for our loss?” 

Daran walked up to him step by step, his voice echoing boomingly across the tent, drawing everyone’s attention

That is an easy way to say. Thanks to your Gamma, we lost thousands of people’s lives, soldiers and civilians. You can’t put a number on our loss! And let’s not forget about one thing-” 

Daran narrowed his eyes into slits

-We haven’t ruled out your suspicion yet.” 

There was a ringing silence among them

Jared’s face turned cold, What do you mean?” 

The two men stood face to face, both of them tall and sturdy, glaring at each other with sharp eyes

Tension was quickly building up between them


Daran sneered

Maybe Glen was working for the Rogue King with your connivance. And that makes the entire Silver Claw Packincluding youa traitor” 


Janet snapped, clenching her fists

She felt that Daran was being unnecessarily aggressive here

They all heard Glen and Veronica’s testimony, Glen betrayed them for personal reasons. It was most likely that Jared had no idea of this

And even if Jared was indeed aware of it, they couldn’t confront him until they had concrete proof

Jared was an Alpha. There was no way to talk to an Alpha like that

The others were also astonished by Daran’s bluntness

Jeff let out an awkward laugh, Alpha Daran, I really don’t think Alpha Jared is at fault here. And seriously, I am tired of pointing fingers at this group. We should really be working together right now.” 

Steven nodded to that hastily

That is what I think,Jared said calmly

He looked at Daran with a candid expression

I understand your doubt, Alpha Daran. But I swear to the moon goddess, I didn’t know what he was up to. And not to defend my men or anything, us Silver Claw men are all very emotional and crazily romantic. We fell in love easily. And would do crazy shit for love. But that doesn’t make us traitorsWe are just very dedicated to our partners.” 

He winked at Janet

Janet replied to him with a dry smile

Daran saw their little interactions. His face darkened

I am sure that most men in this room are dedicated to their partners,Daran hissed. But your point being?” 

Let me talk to Glen and that girl Veronica,Jared said. Our top priority is to locate the Rogue King, right? They must know something. So let me persuade them to work 

for us.” 

Daran frowned with an expressionless face, pondering

I agree with Alpha Jared,Janet said. Balvina just told me that the fled rogues were gathered at the Great Canyon 200 miles away. They were cheering for the Rogue King. From what we know, they might be working on their next strike. We need to be proactive.” 

Daran breathed out a sigh


He said sullenly

Let’s go to Glen and Veronica. And see what Alpha Jared can do.” 

The group of them filed out of the tent

Janet fell a few steps behind to walk with Daran

What was that about?Janet whispered

Daran kept his eyes straight forward with a deadpan face

What was what?Daran said icily

You. Going after Jared!Janet said in fume, You knew at heart that he was 

innocent. So why did you attack him? It makes no sense.” 

Do I need to explain all my decisions to you?Daran’s jaw tightened. As you have constantly reminded me, you are not a member of my pack.” 

Don’t be a baby, Daran. You were clearly going after him for personal issues 

She paused

And then something hit her


She slowly began, while thinking about her seemingly absurd theory

Daranare youjealous of Jared?” 


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