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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 71

"You want me to work in a school?" asked Frank, frowning.

Gary nodded.

He was confident in Frank, and thought that as long as Frank was in the place, even the most dangerous situation would be safe eventually!

"If you cooperate with us, then the military will be your backing, and the people you have offended before will not dare to mess with you," said Gary.

"You think I'm afraid of those people?" Frank said quietly, "By the way, are you taking me or the Cancer Organization for an idiot?"

“What do you mean?” Gary was shocked.

"You know that the Cancer Organization has invited me, and now so many things that happened are related to them, which have me involved. Do you think the Cancer Organization will stay out of this?" Frank said, looking at Gary.

Hearing this, Gary looked upset.

He wasn't a fool. Of course he knew what would happen.

"That means, if I work in the school so suddenly, they'll think there must be someone or something important there," Frank continued. "As usual, the Cancer Organization would rather kill the innocent than let go of any suspect!"

Gary looked sullen. "You're right."

"Who came up with this idea of letting me work in the school?" Frank asked suddenly.

Gary was about to say something when the phone ring.

He took out his cell phone.

Gary answered the phone and heard Lieutenant General Lau said, “Come back. The target is missing!"


Gary's eyes widened. "Sir, what's going on?"

The target was Rowan.

But only he himself, Lieutenant General Lau and Frank knew where Rowan was. How could she be missing?

Lieutenant General Lau said in a low voice, "The traitor is stronger than we think, and I suspect… the traitor's position is higher than mine!"

Hanging up the phone, Gary closed his eyes for a long time and pondered on the matter. Then he opened his eyes, looked at Frank and said with a wry smile, "It feels like we are being led by the nose like fools."

"What are you going to do?” Frank heard the conversation.

It was sudden, but he had expected it.

"Just keep looking and hope it doesn't get any worse. I have to inform Rowan's mother about this, so I'm leaving."

Frank nodded.

Gary added, "Frank, if you miss the cooperation with the military this time, you will have a hard time in the future. You know, you've offended a lot of people, and they've got a place in H Country. I'll be busy these days, so I might be less in touch with you. Take care."

"Rest assured, I know these people are not going to stop here," Frank replied.

He knew that the military might be busy these days, and these incidents might let them know their own shortcomings, but this would be an opportunity for improvement.


Then Frank went back to the GM Community.

In the distance, Frank saw several men in black suits walking out of the Community with a lot of things and then threw them by the side of the road.

Next to the men were three women, each of whom was charming and beautiful.

But the girls looked sad.

Chapter 71 The Target Went Missing 1

Chapter 71 The Target Went Missing 2


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