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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 75

It was a man and a woman.

The man was middle-aged and wearing a fashionable cap, as if he was on a trip.

But the woman looked weird and she was in judo clothes, looking like she just came out of a judo gym.

"Yes, but it's more expensive," Frank said casually. He also wanted to be a driver.

"How much?"

"One thousand per person," Frank set the price high.

But to Frank's surprise, the middle-aged man put down a large handbag in his hand, took out a wallet from his pocket and rummaged for money.

Moments later, the middle-aged man took out a thick wad of banknotes from his wallet.

"Well, 2,000 thousand. Here you are." The middle-aged man handed the money to Frank.

Frank took it with surprise.

He asked for such a high fare, but the man agreed without hesitation!

"Get in." Frank said to them.

The door opened and the woman got in first.

The man said to Frank, "Sir, can you open the trunk? I want to put my things to the trunk. They are a bit heavy."

"Okay." Frank got off the car.

When he reached the trunk and was ready to open it, he glanced at the middle-aged man's huge bag.

The bag was so large that it could hold an adult.

And it was bulging now.

"There are lots of things. Are you making a move?" Frank asked after opening the trunk.

"No, there are some local specialties." The man answered with panic. It seemed that he didn't want to talk about the bag.

But as soon as the man shoved the bag into the trunk, Frank clearly saw the bag move.

It seemed the thing in the bag was alive!

When he started the car, Frank was still thinking of the bag.

And the man and the woman became silent after they got in the car.

Frank broke the ice and said, "You don't look like locals."

The woman glared at Frank.

But the man smiled and said, "We were here to visit our relatives, but they went out traveling. It's getting late now. But the house expense is expensive in the city center, so we want to find a cheap place to spend the night."

Frank smiled on the surface.

But he sneered in heart.

If they really wanted to find a cheap hotel, why would they pay 2,000 for the car fare?

The man must be lying.

"Well, it occurred to me that the gas is on at home, so I have to leave you here," said Frank as they arrived at the outskirts of the city.

The two people were shocked. "No, I have given you the money! You have to send us to where we want."

Frank simply said, "I'll give you back the money."

"You!!" The man frowned.

"Shit! How could you do that!?" the woman shouted with a strong Japanese accent.

"Oh, she's from Japan," Frank said, raising his eyebrows.

By this time, the woman had already made a move.

As she was about to grasp Frank's neck, Frank had broken the window and flew out of the car.

Before the two people in the car could react, another window was broken as well.

Frank reached out to pull the woman out of the car.

Chapter 75 Here You Are 1


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