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Legend Of Dragon Lord novel Chapter 74

Two men?

Sidney eavesdropped, but didn't get the answer he wanted.

Allen responded, "Why did you ask that?"

Edwin laughed, "Eight years ago, the Ye family failed in the fighting, and people of your generation were all caught or committed suicide. Just when the Ye family lost hope, Frank suddenly set fire to the Ye's and killed lot of people, most of whom were spies. Frank saved the Ye family, but in the end, he was wronged by the Ye family and was driven out of the country to Siberia..."

Edwin spoke out what had happened that year.

Allen looked grimmer and grimmer.

Sidney, standing outside the door, was stunned.

It was the first time that he had heard of the story.

"That's enough," said Allen.

"Take it easy. I'm not here to tell you that matter. I just want to ask you where the two men went when they didn't find their son?" Edwin asked seriously.

"I don't know." Allen didn't want to tell him.

"Yes, of course you do." Edwin said lightly, "You're not Master Ye's son, but he treated you like you are his son. Whatever he went, he took you with him."

Outside the door, Sidney trembled all over, and was stunned by the news he had just heard.

His father was not grandpa's son?

What the hell was going on!?

They said that Frank was not from the Ye family? How come that his father was not from the Ye family either?

He was completely dumbstruck!

Allen's face darkened when he heard that.

This was his pain that he would never tell. He did not want others to know about it. Even if they did, he didn't want them to mention the past!

But now... Edwin raised the subject.

"What do you want?" Allen asked hatefully.

"Just answer my questions." Edwin got up from the sofa, looking calm, but his aura got strong.

Allen clearly felt it, and he widened his eyes.

It was this aura again!

Frank had it, his father had it, and now even Edwin had it. What was going on?

"You feel it?" Edwin quipped, "Anyone who gets this aura has the obsession with finding the place... So tell me, where did Frank's real parents go?"

There was one more thing Edwin didn't say, which was, those who had this mysterious aura were the slaves of others, and would be shackled all their lives, as if they were in a yoke, unable to move!

No one wanted to be a slave, and no one wanted to put their own life in the hands of others!

"No, it's different!" Allen burst into laughter.

"What?" Edwin frowned.

"The Master Ye's aura is just like yours, but Frank's is like his parents'. You guys are obviously at opposite ends of the spectrum. Although they are very similar, I can feel that you are both servants!" Allen laughed.

"You know it?!" Edwin's face darkened. He suddenly reached out his hand, grabbed Allen by the nose, and said coldly, "Tell me, where the hell is that place?"

Allen's face was red, but he looked even more triumphant.

"It's better to be an ordinary person. I just want to let the Ye family exist, but why don't you even give me the right to do so?" Allen suddenly became a little crazy, "Why am I not a natural descendent of the Ye family? Why Master Ye only regards me as a chess piece at his disposal even though I am loyal to the family? But none of you will be spared. You are all chess pieces!"

Edwin was irritated and he tightened his grip. Allen shuddered, his eyes widened, and his breath stopped.

When Edwin released his hand, Allen fell stiff to the ground.


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