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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10 

Chapter 10 

Summer Frost POV 

I rushed down to my kidsschool as soon as I got the call from their principal that they got into a fight with their classmate

You are here, Ms. SummerThis way, please,A young lady in her late twenties welcomed me and led the way while I trailed behind her

The principal’s office is along the walkway. It’s the second door by your right,The lady said to me just before we got to the walkway

lid. My steps slowed down when I arrived at the walkway and saw a familiar person 

I need to attend to something.She finally left me to go ahead, and I did. My squatting in front of a little girl

Daddy, why did you do that?The little girl whined as she pouted her lips

Honey, I told you to stay away from fighting both within and outside the school. You are going to be a woman, and a responsible woman shouldn’t fight for any reason,Even his voice sounded so familiar when he spoke up. As much as it was glaring that there was every chance he was the one, I refused to give in to my instinct. There was no way it could really be him

I’m going to have you grounded if you get into a fight again,” He finally stood up and it was when he turned to leave that I finally saw his face. I wasn’t mistaken. It was really him.. 

My eyes darted back to the little girl who was holding hands with him, and I couldn’t help the confusion I felt at that moment. Did Xander have a kid with another woman while I was away? That was the first thing that came to my mind, but for someone who claimed to be sterile, then I wondered what the heck was happening 

Summer?He called surprisingly as he walked over to me with the little girl, and now that I got a closer look at her, I couldn’t deny the striking resemblance between them. There was a high chance of him really being her Dad

What are you doing here?His voice was laced with surprise as he asked me the question, but I just scoffed and looked at him

Why? I can’t come here because you are here?I gently tucked my hair behind my ear and raised my eyebrows

Daddy, she’s mean. Why is she talking to you like that?The little girl must really care so much about her Dad. She glared hard at me

ther and walked away from them. If you don’t want someone being mean to your Daddy, then tell high to learn to mind his business,” I rolled my eyes My hurt wrenched painfully as I stopped along the walkway and looked back at them. I didn’t think it was going to hurt that much, but the thought of him as the father of the little girl was driving me nuts

With my emotions held together, I made my way into the principal’s office where I met her seated behind her desk

Who are you? How may I help you?She looked at me through the glass sitting on her nose bridge

My name is SummerI’m Jake and Jack’s Mom,I introduced myself to her, and she made a silent Oh. It was my first time coming to the school. I was supposed to be here the day they were registered, but I couldn’t make it because of an emergency that later came up… 

it’s nice to meet you,She smiled at me politely, and I nodded

Please sit,” She pointed toward the chair in front of her, and I sat on it

Quick one. I called you here about your sons. They got into a fight with their classmate after spending just a few days in school. They are also rude, and.” 

11:26 Tue, 11 Jun 

Chapter 10 


Permit me to interrupt you, Madam. My kids don’t act irrationally, I groomed them to be responsible, and if they got into a fight, they must’ve been pushed to it because they don’t do that,I defended my kids because I knew them more than anyone else

She squinted her eyebrows and looked at me for the next few seconds wordlessly

Are you defending them? Are you saying that I’m lying?” 

That is up to you to judge, Madam. I’m only telling you what my kids are capable of doing.I tried to be as polite as I could

You are unbelievable. You should be grateful that Mr. Xander is willing to let this gn. You should be grateful,I scoffed upon realizing that the person my kids got into a fight with was that little girl. Xander’s daughter

Anyway, it has been sorted out. You should tell your kids to stop being rude and stubborn. I won’t be patient next time,She said sternly, and I scoffed

If there is nothing more, I beg to take my leave now,And with that, I stood up and walked out of the office

I wanted nothing at that moment more than to confront Xander and tell him to warn his child to stay away from my kids, but on second thought, I didn’t want to raise an alarm. Not now that I didn’t want him to know about my kids

I left for my kid 

my kidsclass which was just in the next building, and I was soon able to locate them

Mommy!They ran into my arms excitedly as soon as I walked inside their class, and I smiled


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