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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost novel Chapter 14

Chapter 14 

Chapter 14 

Whwhat’s going on?Xander mumbled as he paced restlessly in his study. Many thoughts ran through his mind, yet he failed to place what was happening. Could it be that those twins were his kids? Could it be that he was their father? He dismissed the thoughts immediately because the last time he checked, he was sterile and couldn’t have a child

It must be a coincidenceNo way they are my kids,Even though it didn’t make any sense, he tried to hold on to that conclusion, but deep inside him, he knew that it was crazy. He knew that something was happening. Something he needed to find out as soon as he could

I think I’m losing my mind.He slumped on the sofa and sank his fingers into his hair as he shut his eyes

What’s going on?He slowly ruffled his hair like he was on the verge of losing his mind completely

Could it be that it was all a misunderstanding?He mumbled but quickly shook off the thought. No way the doctor could make a mistake like that

The door opened and Nick walked inside

Sir, I got a call from the hospital. I think…. 

I will sort that out later. I need you to do something for me, Nick,” He stood up and tucked his hands inside his pockets

Alright, Sir. What can I do for you?Nick’s question hit him hard, but his tongue felt tied when he opened his mouth to talk, He didn’t know what to say

NickDo you think a doctor can make a mistake?Nick was dumbfounded by his boss’s question, so he stared back at him for a few seconds 

Yes, Sir, Everyone is bound to make a mistake or two in their profession, and I think health experts ar 

slowly nodded. Of course, he knew anyone could make a mistake, but he just wanted to be sure

not exempted,Nick explained to him, and he 

UhmSir, is everything alright? Are you ok?Nick’s worried voice caught his attention, and he sighed briefly

Prepare the car. We are going to the hospital,He walked over to the chair behind the desk and picked up his coat from it

Where are we going, Sir?” 


the hospital. I need to see the doctor for something important,” He led the way outside while Nick followed him from behind

Nick led the way to the car once they were outside the building and within the compound

I’ll drive myself, Hand me the car keys,” Xander demanded. He felt like Nick might not drive as fast as he wanted. He was desperate to find out the truth, and he really needed to hurry to the hospital

Xander hopped inside the car and drove off immediately


The ride to the hospital was sh 

hurried toward the entrance door

since he drove as fast as he could, and when he arrived, he pulled over at the parking lot, alighted from the car, and 

Is the doctor inside?He asked the receptionist once he was inside

He isXander couldn’t wait for the young lady to finish what she was saying before he hurried off and made his way to the doctor’s office

He knocked on the door when he arrived at the front of the doctor’s office

Chapter 14 

Who isHe pushed the door open and barged inside while the masculine voice from inside was still speaking

Xander?The young doctor who was in his thirties, pulled a surprised look as he raised his gaze from the desktop and looked at him

  1. ry. We need to talk. It’s very urgent,He took a seat before he was offered one


You need to relax, man. I’m in the middle of a Zoom meeting Give me a few minutes,Henry covered the camera of his desktop and whispered before he resumed the meeting 

The meeting lasted for another five minutes, but those minutes felt like forever to Xander. He was so desperate about this that he thought the meeting was never going to end

I’m done now. What’s happening, man? Is it about your Mom?Henry asked him, and he sighed, He had been friends with Henry almost all his life. They had been best buddies right from middle school

Not that. UhmHe paused and sighed, thinking of a way to ask him

I want to take a fertility test, Henry. Can we do it now?Henry’s face went blank for a moment 

Fertility test? What do you need that for?” Henry raised his eyebrows confusingly 

Don’t ask me questions, man. Let’s get to it. It’s really urgent,Xander didn’t know how he was going to start explaining to his friend how he took a test years ago and was said to be sterile. At least not now

Are you ok, Xander? Is there something you want to talk about?Henry asked worriedly as he leaned forward. Nine years ago, Henry had traveled out of the country to pursue his career as a medical doctor and only came back three years ago, so he hadn’t been conscious of the things happening in Xander’s life ever since, not even Xander being married for two years before divorce


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