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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 38

The party members gave various reasons to reduce the percentage of the proceeds allocated to Baek Woo-shin.

Considering that tanks and healers receive a higher rate of settlement than dealers, it was a scam.

It wasn’t because Baek Woo-shin couldn’t play the tank role at all.

As the hunting ground level went up, the settlement ratio of Baekwooshin gradually decreased.

And in the end, it almost turned into a slave contract.

“Hey, take that armor off! Because the cost of repairs is expensive!”

And in the end, the party members even got their hands on the equipment worn by Baekwooshin.

This is to save on equipment repair costs.

If you think of common sense, it is normal to upgrade Baekwooshin’s equipment to increase his defense.

However, the party members had unusual thoughts instead of normal ones.

Baek Woo-shin is a player who cannot score stats.

No matter how good the equipment he wore, his limitations were clear.

Someday we will have to part.

The party members chose to share the money rather than invest the money in the equipment of the lost baekwooshin that was thrown away.

It was obvious abuse and extortion.

Anger soared.

Garbage that doesn’t treat the same person as a human being.

Hyunseong confirmed the fact that Baek Woo-shin has a mother with intellectual disabilities and a younger sister.

Even though Baekwooshin was treated like this, it was because he needed money to hunt with them without missing a single day.

Baek Woo-shin’s mother was ill.

It wasn’t that serious.

It was a disease at a level that could be cured enough with the power of modern medicine that occurred after the cataclysm.

If they had properly distributed the settlement money after hunting, Baek Woo-shin’s mother would have been completely cured.

Baek Woo-shin considered himself the head of the family.

He hunted for his mother and younger sister, enduring the pain of being torn by monsters and breaking bones.

And he hunted like that and collected the money he received.

It was to cure her mother’s illness and give her sister a better life.

Even though he was aware of Baek Woo-shin’s circumstances, the party members didn’t care.

– Hey, Baek Woo-shin, don’t tell other people how much money you got.

-You must not say that you take off your armor in the dungeon. Then you can’t hunt with us anymore.

The party members took advantage of Baek Woo-shin’s situation as a weakness.

– don’t throw me away don’t speak

Baek Woo-shin insisted on letting the party members who ignored him, ridiculed him and abused him, let him hunt with him.

It was because they were the only players who put Baekwooshin into the party.

“Do you know what you guys have done wrong?”

“Don’t bullshit. What have we done wrong!”The party leader shouted at Hyunseong’s sad eyes.

“right! We took care of him!”

“If it weren’t for us, do you think that bastard would have been able to hunt in the dungeon?”

The party leader and party members raised their voices and glared at Baekwooshin.

“Hey, say it with your mouth! Did we treat you well? We never scolded you or didn’t pay properly!”

Baek Woo-shin nodded at the party leader’s words.

“Did you see it? The party is fine. So you stop falling.”

“You can’t do that?”

“What if I can’t do that?”

“All party members leave the dungeon immediately and receive an investigation. If you’re so confident, meeting the inquisitors and being investigated would be nothing.”

At Hyunseong’s words, the party leader and party members’ expressions turned to earthy.

No lies will work before the Inquisitor’s Contract of Truth.

“Who are you, ask us to investigate, Mara? I think the Players Association audit team can be any post!”

The party leader exclaimed.

“It would be better to be investigated when you say something nice, if you don’t want to see bad things.”

At Hyunseong’s words, the party leader wrinkled her face.

A member of the Players Association audit team has noticed a suspicious situation.

Even if I stumble over this place, the investigation will come anyway.

Then it’s a big deal.

They themselves knew best that their actions were wrong.

The crimes they committed were not only the enslavement and abuse of Baekwooshin.

He also bribed the doorkeeper and deceived the amount of mana stones and items.

What if an investigation begins and the facts come out?

‘You may be deprived of your player registration.’

The worst was the suspension of player registration, and the cancellation of the player registration when things got bigger.

If the player registration is canceled, the player registration certificate cannot be issued again unless the player moves to another country.

That wasn’t the end.

There will be fines for violating the Dungeon Management Act and additional penalties for smuggled mana stones and items.

Violation of the Dungeon Management Act is a serious felony.


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