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level 1 player novel novel Chapter 41

– The registered item has been sold.

– The registered item has been sold.

– The registered item has been sold.

… … aftermath… …


A bright smile appeared on Hyunseong’s lips.

The response to the set for sale on TV and DVD players has been explosive.

In particular, the promotion of Baekhwa customers was dazzling.

‘You’ve been quiet all this time, and you are giving me such grace.’

Baekhwa was the least likely to purchase large-capacity batteries for camping among VVIPs.

I buy all the new products, but there are few purchases of large-capacity batteries for camping.

This meant that Hyunseong didn’t really enjoy the content he had sold.

But this time it was the opposite.

Simultaneously with the bulk purchase of TV and DVD player sets, I started to purchase a huge amount of high-capacity batteries for camping.

Although not as much as the department store, the reaction of other customers was also explosive.

At the same time as the sales, the purchase reviews were also extremely hot.

XXX TV and DVD Player Sets – General Rating

– Contains the movie Transformers.

-Seller: Choi Hyunseong

-Sales price: 399,999,999 points

Best purchase review

Bartus – I really enjoyed it. It was impressive. But is it impossible to sell Bum X B?

Since it is not a living organism, wouldn’t it be possible to register for sale?

If it is classified as an item and can be registered for sale, please upload it.

I will definitely buy it no matter how much it costs.

↳ Gordonbourg – I agree. If you can, please do sell it.

↳ SADBI – I also hope to purchase it.

↳ Vipar – No, how could you have seen that movie and thought about it? Are you buying? Bum X Bee is a colleague, not a thing! Don’t you all know that intelligent creatures that can talk cannot be registered in the sales window?

↳ Gordonbourg – I know, but I’m asking just in case. If Vipar is available, will you not buy it?

↳ Bipar – Well, if I can buy it, I will definitely buy it.

… … aftermath… …

There was an incredibly explosive reaction.

‘Beom X-B cannot be sold.’

It is not a matter of whether or not to be recognized as an intelligent life.

How would you sell CG characters in a movie?

‘But the car itself can be sold.’

There are no cars that turn into robots, but there are cars that simply run well.

‘Have you ever tried it?’

Even if it couldn’t transform into a real robot, explosive sales were expected.

However, the car was not the end of living like a normal object.

After that, I continued to pay taxes and insurance premiums.Hyunseong grabbed her smartphone and searched the Internet.

‘It is possible to purchase a vehicle without insurance.’


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