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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 101

Chapter 101 

You still won’t agree to a divorce? Rebecca asked incredulously, her voice trembling with disbelief

As she spoke, Rebecca reached for the divorce agreement and stood up, ready to leave. What was the point of wasting time there with him if they weren’t going to divorce

Debra stood up alongside Rebecca, preparing to leave as well

Rebecca, I came here to discuss the divorce! Theodore exclaimed anxiously, grabbing Rebecca’s arm

Debra swiftly pulled out a selfdefense baton and aimed a strike it Theodore’s grip on Rebecca’s arm

Theodore’s face changed instantly, and he quickly withdrew his hand

Glaring fiercely at Debra, Theodore then turned to Rebecca, pleading, “Let’s sit down and talk this through, can we

Rebecca, there are many things between us that need clarification to avoid regrets in the future, don’t you think?he continued urgently


Even if you don’t think for my sake, think for the sake of our two children. Do you really want them to grow up without a father?Theodore pressed

When Rebecca heard Theodore mentioned their children, she scoffed coldly. Displeased, she turned to him and said, Theodore, how dare you bring them up?” 

Theodore’s anger flared at her words. Rebecca, stop being so unreasonable! Yes, I suggested you have an abortion, but that 

We only when you were three months pregnant. The embryo was small then but now that they are born, things have 


They are living, breathing beings now, and they’re my children. I should step up and be a good father to them, don’t you think so?Theodore insisted

Debra didn’t hesitate. With a swift motion, she kicked Theodore in the midsection

Caught off guard, Theodore stumbled and lost his balance, crashing forward

At that moment, a waiter arrived with their ordered drinks. The door swung open, and Theodore’s head collided loudly with 

  1. it

Startled, the waiter accidentally spilled scalding coffee all over Theodore as he fell

Theodore, in pain from both the impact and the hot coffee, trembled involuntarily and scrambled to the side

Once he regained his composure, his face darkened with anger

Sir, are you alright?the waiter asked nervously, trying to assist Theodore

Did you get a burn?the waiter inquired anxiously, hastily wiping away the spilled coffee from Theodore’s clothes

Rebecca was taken aback by Debra’s sudden action. She hadn’t anticipated such a decisive move, which was literally a kick

08:51 Mon, Jul 22

Chapter 101 

Let’s go,” Debra said firmly, taking hold of Rebecca’s hand and leading her out

Reacting instinctively, Rebecca followed suit behind Debra

Walt,Theodore reached out again, catching Rebecca’s hand unexpectedly

But then Theodore remembered the impact of the baton earlier In a reflexive moment, he quickly let go of Rebecca’s hand, apprehensive about holding onto her again

Tll sign itTheodore ground out through clenched teeth

Today was supposed to be about discussing their divorce. He nodded to finalize things with Rebecca so he could marry Jenny. Otherwise, his father wouldn’t support him

If his father ended up handing over all the company shares to Gifford, Theodore couldn’t handle the consequences

Rebecca and Debra were taken aback by his resolve, both turning to look at Theodore in surprise

Theodore appeared utterly disheveled in Rebecca’s eyes she had never seen him look so defeated. Just moments ago, he had been struck, kicked, and spilled with hot coffee… 

A year ago, Rebecca might have felt sorry for him. But now she felt strangely indifferent. She almost believed that Theodore deserved it all. These were consequences he had to face

They returned to the privacy of the room. The waiter discreetly exited and closed the door behind him

Rebecca retrieved the divorce agreement and handed it to Theodore once more

This time, Theodore didn’t argue. He flipped through the document and scrutinized its contents carefully. With each passing moment, his brow furrowed deeper

Rebecca, I can’t agree to you having sole custody of the children. I’m their father and I have every right to be a part of their lives. Theodore said, meeting Rebecca’s gaze with calm determination

Debra, impatient and direct as ever, interjected, You’ve said enough. So, are you signing it? This is the only divorce agreement we’re offering. Sign it if you’re serious about it. If not, we can drag this out. We have all the time in the world, you know.” 

Theodore closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then turned to Debra with a cold smile. If I’m not mistaken, wasn’t it Charlie who exposed the Edwards family’s illegitimate children scandal

Is Charlic planning all this so he can marry Rebecca once we divorce?Theodore mocked

Debra frowned at his words, Why do you talk so much nonsense?” 

Theodore looked at Rebecca and continued, If my sources are correct, Charlie’s mother has been arranging blind dates for him these past few years. All candidates are ladies of prestigious families

Rebecca, do you really think you have what it takes to marry him and become the lady head of a wealthy family?Theodore sneered 

With that said, Theodore handed over the divorce agreement, picked up a pen, and swiftly signed it

Driven by selfinterest, he was willing to give up everything, including Rebecca and the two children he claimed to care 

about the most

Chapter 101- 


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