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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102 

Debra’s move to buy their place in line with money further darkened Theodore’s expression. Debra was truly impatient

ger to finalize the divorce between him and Rebecca

With the financial boost, Rebecca and Theodore jumped straight to the front of the queue without any delay, ready to proceed with their appointment

The staff behind the counter wore neutral expressions. After routine inquiries, they produced the necessary documents for signing

Rebecca and Theodore both signed the papers, effectively completing their divorce appointment

After the mandatory onemonth coolingoff period, they could return to collect their divorce license

Debra’s face was beaming with a radiant smile

Seeing Debra so happy made Rebecca feel quite happy too, but occasionally, when she glanced at Theodore out of the comer of her eye, she couldn’t help but feel a bit uncomfortable. 

She knew why Theodore was in such a hurry to sign the divorce agreementJenny

This man, in the end, was just like this. He wasn’t worth her spending the rest of her life with him

Debra also glanced at Theodore, and she was increasingly disapproving of him

If Becky ever met her prince charming who was willing to cherish her for a lifetime, Debra would surely grow fonder of hint 

over time

As Debra thought, she held Rebecca’s hand happily. Let’s go home.” 

Regardless, they had achieved today’s goal

The Carter family’s car had been waiting outside the Courthouse, ready for Rebecca and her mother, Debra. They climbed in and settled into their seats as the vehicle swiftly pulled away from the curb

Theodore watched silently as the car gradually disappeared from view, His hand, absentmindedly slipping into his pocket. clenched slightly as he contemplated the turn of events

In Theodore’s mind, there was no possibility that Charlie would marry Rebecca 

He was convinced that once he resolved the issues surrounding the Edwards family, he could eventually win Rebecca back

He believed that in time, she would come to realize who truly deserved her love and trust

With that in mind, he got into his car and ordered his driver to leave the place

Meanwhile, inside the Carter family’s car, Debra was bearning with joy. Unable to contain her excitement, she eagerly pulled out her phone and shared the news in their family group chat

Debra: [I have some good news!

Debra: [Theodore signed the divorce agreement!

08:51 Mon, Jul 22

Chapter 102 

Debra: II just accompanied Becky and Theodore to the Courthouse to arrange the divorce, and all procedures were successfully completed

As soon as the good news was sent out, the family immediately replied

Patrick: [Good job!


Charlie: Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations Wibing Becky the best in getting your divorce license sooner!! 

Bryce: [Great!

Adrian: [Congratulations, Becky

Rebecca also glanced at her phone, observing the flurry of messages in the group chat. Even through the screen, she could feel the genuine happiness and support from her family

Rebecca turned to her mother, and their eyes met in shared radiant smiles. In that moment, Rebecca’s heart lightened considerably, and a smile spread across her face

Thank you. Mom Rebecca said sincerely

Debra looked at her, feeling an unexpected pang of sadness. Smiling, she tucked a stray strand of hair behind Rebecca’s ear and sighed. Becky, I should be the one apologizing to you. If I had been more vigilant back then, that scoundrel wouldn’t have taken advantage of you, and you wouldn’t have suffered for so many years.” 

As Debra spoke, her eyes suddenly welled up with tears. She didn’t want to cry, quickly turning away from Rebecca to dab at her eyes with a tissue

Rebecca reached out immediately and hugged Debra tightly

It’s okay. Mom. It’s not your fault. We’re finally all together as a family.Rebecca comforted her gently

They arrived home quickly, but Rebecca hadn’t expected the warm welcome waiting for her. Patrick, Bryce, Charlie, and even Paul were there, each holding a bouquet of flowers for her 

Each of them approached Rebecca with their flowers in hand

Becky, congratulations! You’re finally getting divorced,” Patrick said first, handing Rebecca his bouquet with a smile and heartfelt wishes

Congratulations, Becky. Wishing you freedom and a brighter future ahead!Adrian added, offering his bouquet with


Becky, I wish you a better and happier life ahead,” Bryce said sincerely as he handed over his flowers

Charlie bounded forward next, presenting Rebecca with an enormous bouquet, complete with confetti poppers set off by an 

assistant nearby

Becky, congratulations! I wish you and the two little ones all the happiness and joy in the world. Let that jerk rot in regrets for his actions! Charlie shouted happily

Rebecca found herself overwhelmed with flowers in her arms, and Debra quickly stepped in to help carry the bouquets she had received earlier

With a bit of space now, Rebecca finally had a hand free to accept Charlie’s enormous bouquet. It was truly massive and incredibly beautiful, filling her with joy

08:51 Mon, Jul 22

Chapter 102 

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