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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103 

This was Rebecca’s first time returning to her hometown of Alaga City for Christmas. As the helicopter descended, Dave and the estate manager, Cooper, were already there with a group of people, waiting nearby

As they disembarked one by one, Cooper swiftly organized helpers to fetch their luggage as the whole family entered the house with excitement

Cooper had already instructed Grace to prepare some hot chocolate, which was promptly served to warm them up after the chilly journey

Becky, are you feeling tired? Would you like to go to your room for a rest?Debra asked, standing up and showing concern for Rebecca 

Patrick quickly agreed. Yeah, Becky and the kids should take a break in their rooms. It’s been a long day in that helicopter; you must be worn out

And the rest of you should head to your rooms too. Take a break and stop staring at Becky. She’s back for good now; there will be plenty of chances to catch up,” Patrick added, turning tos son

Rebecca couldn’t help but chuckle at Patrick’s remark, glancing easingly at her three brothers

Since arriving home yesterday and finding everyone gathered there, Rebecca noticed her brothers and Paul frequently glancing in her direction. Their gazes lasted for a few minutes, sometimes just a few seconds, before quickly turning away The sensation of being watched sent shivers down her spine, making her nervous

From yesterday until today, she found herself unintentionally on edge

It was only when Patrick suddenly pointed it out that she couldn’t hold back and burst into laughter, uncontrollably

Her laughter was infectious, and soon everyone joined in, unable to contain their amusement

Debra joined in, playfully scolding. You troublemakers!” 

Don’t mind them, Becky. They’re just thrilled to see you. Give it a few days,” Debra reassured her with a smile

Blushing slightly, Rebecca nodded in agreement

Let’s go upstairs and leave them be,Debra suggested, taking Rebecca’s hand and guiding her away

Rebecca cast a quick glance back at her brothers, particularly Adrian, before disappearing upstairs

She had been in touch with Charlie for a while now, so they were quite familiar. After Bryce transferred to work in Maeloria, she saw him occasionally, so there wasn’t much curiosity there. The exception was Adrian; due to work commitments, he couldn’t come to Maeloria. Besides their initial meeting at the hospital, they hadn’t seen each other since, and now she was quite curious about him

Adrian was tall, probably around six feet, with handsome and welldefined features. He exuded a commanding presence, perhaps a demeanor acquired from his long stint as a lawyer. Adrian noticed her gaze and his lips curved into a gentle smile

Rebecca couldn’t help but smile back before regaining her senses and quickly followed Debra upstairs

Once in her room, she sighed in relief without the occasional stres from her brothers

bily and Key were asleep, cradled by the nanny who took them lack to the nursery and settled them into their small cribs 

for rest 

Rebecca and Debra peeked in to check on the children, silently leaving once they saw they were sound asleep. They left the 


Chapter 103 

nanny to continue caring for them

Debra followed Rebecca back to her room, who stopped at the door

Becky, rest well. We’re all here at home; come find us if you need anything, Debra said tenderly

Okay. Thanks, Mom, Rebecca replied gratefully

Debra nodded in reassurance, gently closing the door behind Debra to ensure she wouldn’t be disturbed

With the door shut, Rebecca found herself alone in her room, finally letting out a quiet sigh of relief

Despite her family’s warmth, the solitude was a welcome change relaxing and comforting

After unwinding, she felt the onset of tiredness and fatigue as she hadn’t taken a nap today at all

Rebecca kicked off her shoes, slipped out of her coat, and carefully climbed into bed

Despite having slept in her own bed only twice, it felt incredibly comfortable and reassuring, like home

Rebecca quickly fell asleep again

When she woke up once more, the sky outside was completely chrk, a deep, dense blackness

Feeling a bit groggy, she reached for her phone to check the time and was surprised to see it was already past ten at night


Rebecca hesitated, then made up her mind and got up

The second floor was quiet while the living room lights were on, and her parents were in their casual home clothes, watching TV

Upon hearing movement from upstairs, both Patrick and Debra turned their heads towards the staircase, visibly happy to see Rebecca

Debra stood up just as Rebecca descended the stairs

Debra approached, smiling, You’re awake

Are you hungry?she asked

We kept some food for you in the kitchen,Debra said, then called out to Grace, Grace, please warm up Becky’s dinner and bring it out for her.” 

Grace looked at Rebecca happily, too. She hastened her steps, eager to bring Rebecca her dinner

Grace had been with the Carter family for over thirty years, hired on a high salary after Debra married Patrick because the latter enjoyed her cooking 

She had watched over the three boys as they grew up, and the family’s optimism and happiness were infectious. Working for them had made her more cheerful over time, and she enjoyed her life every day. So, without realizing it, she had grown -closer to the family

However, everything changed after Rebecca had an accident. The Carter family’s happiness had been shattered for years, and the atmosphere in the house had been dead ever since


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