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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 115

Chapter 115 



Just like the room back home, this one also has an elevator straight to the warehouse. It’s all for your personal use. If you can’t fit something in your room, you can store it there,Adrian explained

Stacey was surprised. There’s one here, too?” 

Debra nodded. Yes, every room has a small warehouse underneath. It’s everyone’s private space, convenient for storing things.” 

That’s fantastic!Stacey thought to herself

Got it, thanks, Mom,she said happily

Debra glanced around the room and said, The two rooms next door are ready, too. One is for Lily, and the other for Kev. Do you want to have a look?” 

Sure, Stacey agreed

They went to see the babiesrooms together

Both rooms were beautifully decorated. Lily’s room had warm tones, mainly yellow, with a theme of cute and cuddly animals, giving it a warm and happy vibe. Kev’s room had cool tones, primarily blue, with a theme of sky, sea, and little dolphins, creating a clear and spacious feel

Next to each baby’s crib were two beds for the nannies to use at night to take care of the children

Who set all this up?Stacey couldn’t help but ask 

Adrian glanced at their mother

Stacey immediately understood, looking at her mother with a heartfelt smile

I just provided the designs. Adrian took care of everything else, Debra explained with a smile. She had been with her daughter the whole time recently and didn’t have the chance to come back. All she could do was draw up the designs and leave the execution to Adrian, who was the only one still in Hivalis

Thanks, Adrian,Stacey said, turning to him with a grateful smile

Adrian instinctively tensed up but nodded. It’s what a brother should do. No need to thank me.” 

Stacey was genuinely happy. Life with her family was filled with joy

Alright, we’ve seen all the rooms. If there’s nothing else, everyone should rest for a bit. We’ve all had a long journey and must be tired, Debra said with a smile

Stacey smiled and nodded. Okay” 

MomLily stumbled over, wrapping her tiny arms around her mother’s leg, refusing to let go

Mom Seeing this, Kev also ran over and clung to Stacey’s other leg 

Looking down, Stacey saw the two adorable little ones, her heart melting at the sight. She gently bent down, pries apart, and scooped them into her arms



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Zacky she was to have been reunited with her parents and brothers at a time of her greatest need for help

ZA: Kenari the? Stacey asked the little ones

Lid intend Axaking at her mother with curiosity

Ker was even more confused and had no idea what she was asking 

Stacey raised her hand, gently pinching their cheeks before leaning down to kiss each of them. I’ll sleep with them tonight.” 

When they were very little, she had never dared to sleep with them, fearing she might accidentally roll over and hurt them in Aer skep 

But now, they were much bigger, and her worries had lessened

The two nannies were surprised at this 

Debra smiled. Alright, let them sleep with you then

Sleeping with children was not easy, as their restlessness could easily disturb the mother’s sleep. However, doing it occasionally was fine and could even strengthen the bond between mother and child

The two nannies, Marie and Gwen, had brought a lot of things with them and needed time to organize. It was perfect timing for Stacey to take the kids and let the nannies settle in and take a break

Everyone left, and soon, the room was quiet, with only Stacey and her two babies remaining

She picked up the babies, took off their shoes, and placed them on the bed before climbing in herself

Lily wobbled around and tried to walk on the bed

Stacey quickly grabbed her and tucked her into the covers

Being smaller and more wellbehaved than his sister, Kev crawled into the bed by himself

Stacey thought for a moment as she lay down, then took out a storybook. She flipped through it and found a children’s story. Lily, Kev, how about I tell you a story?she asked

Despite her busy schedule, Stacey made it a point to read bedtime stories to her children every night

Tonight was no different. She began reading softly, her gentle voice and soothing tone embodying the essence of a mother’s love

The little ones were already accustomed to falling asleep to their mother’s voice. Though they had been full of energy moments ago, the calming rhythm of her storytelling soon made their eyelids grow heavy. Before long, both were sound asleep

Stacey relaxed, carefully set the book aside, and lay beside her children. Watching the two peacefully sleeping beside her filled her with happiness, and she soon drifted off

However, her sleep was restless. She dreamed she was being crushed under a heavy boulder, struggling to breathe

She fought with all her might, believing she had finally pushed the boulder away, only to wake up with a start

Stacey looked down at her chest and saw Kev sprawled there



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