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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 116

Chapter 116 

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Mr. Edwards, you and my sister have been divorced. There’s no need for you to see her anymore, and it’s best if you don’t come looking for her again,Bryce said coldly

Theodore was anxious. Bryce, there were many misunderstandings in the past. Rebecca really likes me. She divorced me out of anger. Let me in. I’ll explain everything to her. She will forgive me. I know she will.” 

As Theodore spoke, he suddenly remembered something and hurriedly added, Right, about Janet, I can explain that too. Nothing ever happened between me and her. Her child isn’t mine. I never betrayed Rebecca or our marriage.” 

Get lost!Bryce cut him off bluntly, issuing an unmistakable command for him to leave

In the next moment, Bryce turned to go back inside

Theodore was desperate and grabbed Bryce’s arm

But Bryce had trained for situations like this. He swiftly turned, performed a reverse takedown, and threw Theodore over his shoulder on the ground instantly

He released Theodore immediately, clearly disgusted

Don’t bring up the past anymore. No matter what, my sister has nothing to do with you or your family now. If you have any sense, go home and stay there. Stop thinking about my sister. If I catch you again, I won’t let you off so easily,Bryce warned sternly

With that, Bryce turned and walked into the house without another glance at Theodore

Bryce!Theodore scrambled to his feet, desperate. I messed up in the past. I really understand where I went wrong now. I hurt Rebecca, but I’m ready to make things right, I’ll apologize to her. We still love each other.” 

Without a second thought, Bryce grabbed a broom from the corner. He swung the handle with all his might, striking Theodore’s calf

The blow sent him several steps backward, just enough to push him out of Carter Villa

Bryce drew an imaginary line in the dirt with the broom handle. Take a good look. Inside this line is the Cartersterritory. Don’t step in again, or don’t blame me for what happens.” 

Terrified, Theodore stumbled back even further. The pain and his past dealings with the Carter family had taught him that Bryce’s threats were never empty. If he said he’d hit, he meant it

Seeing that Theodore had the sense to back off, Bryce snorted and turned to go back inside

Theodore’s face twisted with frustration. He wanted to leave but couldn’t bring himself to walk away

By the time Patrick returned from work, it was already dark. As he stepped out of his car, he noticed a familiar figure standing under the streetlight by the gate. It was Theodore

Disgusted, Patrick spat on the ground and went inside without glancing at Theodore

Theodore stood at the gate for a long time, long enough for his legs to go numb. It gradually dawned on him. Rebecca was genuinely furious this time and didn’t want to see him


Chapter 116 

he held into the trash and walked away 

Just as he stepped into his own house, his phone rang: The called D showed it was Michael

Theodore hesitated for a moment before answering the call

Theodore? How did it go? Did you make up with Rebecca?Michel’s voice came through the phone

Have Rebecca bring the kids to Edwards Manor tomorrow. You grandparents want to see them; Michael cominued

No,Theodore replied, his voice low and weary

What?Michael was puzzled. What do you mean?” 

Theodore felt a surge of frustration. If it weren’t for Michael constantly interfering, would things with Rebecca have gotten 

this bad

She’s still angry. It might take some time before we can reconciTheodore said

There was a patise on the other end of the line before Michael spoke again. Hmm, that’s to be expected. Women can be temperamental, like your mother. She often got angry over nothing. And now that Rebecca has the Carters backing her, it’s normal for her to feel more assertive

Just be patient with her. Spend some time making her happy. By her flowers, jewelry, and handbags, She’ll come around in a few days. And don’t forget to clear up the misunderstanding about Janet’s child not being yours” 

Theodore nodded, his voice still subdued. Okay” 

Michael thought momentarily before adding, And as for Jenny,ven though you’ll be with Rebecca, it’s best not to offend the Smith family. Find a way to soothe Jenny. Don’t let her be to upset” 

Theodore frowned, I’ll explain to her” 

There was no future between him and Jenny. He never had feelings for her

Good, as long as you’ve got it under control. You can handle the details yourself. But don’t drag things out with Rebecca. Try to make up and get the marriage license soon. It’ll put everyone at ease

If she’s really upset, take a few days off work to be with her. The benefits of being with the Carter family far outweigh a few extra days at work. It’s not like you’ll make a fortune in a day or two, Michael continued to patiently advise his son

Theodore nodded. Alright,” 

Meanwhile, in Hivalis

Stacey woke up. She got up, tidied herself, and then carried Kev downstairs

Lily was still asleep, and Stacey didn’t want to wake her

Adrian was watching a legal program on TV downstairs. Hearing the noise from the stairs, he quickly stood up

He walked over, took Kev from her, and asked with concern, Marning. Are you hungry? Should I ask the housekeeper to make you something to eat

vved, Jul 24 


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