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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 117

Chapter 117 

After sitting in the living room awhile, Stacey stood up and went upstairs to check on Lily. She was a bit worried that Lily might wake up

To her surprise, as soon as she entered the room, she saw Lily had already woken 

  1. up. The baby was sitting on the bed, looking a bit dazed. When she heard the noise at the door, she turned her little head and looked towards her mother

When Lily saw her mom, her eyes lit up instantly, and she said softly, Mom.” 

Yeah, Stacey responded, walking over to pick up her

The calm days didn’t last long. The next day, Lynn sent a message saying Stacey had become very popular and that many directors and brands wanted to collaborate with her

Lynn didn’t interfere much with thirdparty endorsements, simply passing on the information of interested brands for Stacey to choose from

However, she had a special recommendation for a script called The Empress

Among the scripts that wanted to collaborate, The Empress was just a small production, its conditions only slightly better than the previous Lovey Princess. But this script was unique. Its plot was distinctive and unlike the usual generic storylines in the market

If they could ensure the script for The Empress stayed clean, avoiding any unnecessary meddling, and if the actors could embody their roles and meticulously bring each scene to life, there was a good chance this script could make her famous again, but with a completely different character

The female lead in Lovey Princess was more of a sweet, naive character, leaving the audience feeling warm and fuzzy and always wanting to smile

In contrast, the female lead in The Empress was fierce and beautiful, with a queen- like vibe and presence

Of course, a script with a unique twist could also be a major flop. There’s not guarantee that the film will make a hit, and the risk of it failing is high

In comparison, traditional, formulaic scripts may lack novelty but have a stable audience base. As long as there are no significant mistakes during filming, it’s 


Chipser 129 

generally easier to succeed. It might not become a huge hit, but it won’t do poorly either

You must decide whether to go with The Empress or opt for a more conventional script. Think it over carefully, and let me know your decision.” 

After recommending. Lynn elaborated on the differences, pros, and cons of The Empress and the other conventional scripts, letting Stacey decide

I’ll think it over. Thank you, Lynn,Stacey said, noting Lynn’s advice with gratitude

Oh, by the way, Lynn. I’ve moved to Hivals now, just to keep you informed,Stacey added suddenly 

Since Lynn was her manager, it was easier to arrange work if she was informed about such changes

Lynn nodded. Yes, Charlie already told me. The company will also move to Hivalis soon, so don’t worry” 

Stacey was silent for a moment, surprised by the sudden news

Charlie had registered the company, so it must have been his idea to move it to Hivalis 

Despite the surprise, she felt sorse warmthin her heart

I see. Thank you, LynnStacey said gratefully

Lynn smiled and replied, Becky, you don need to keep thanking me. Your talent is exceptional, and your rapid rise has added another stellar achievement to my career. Let’s continue to work together and grow mutually 

was surprised. Had she really earned such a significant place in Lynn’s 

Stacey was 


Yes, I get it. Let’s keep working hard togetherStacey cheerfully encouraged 

Let’s do our best,Lynn replied with a smile

After hanging up, Stacey immediately turned on her computer, downloaded the files Lynn had just sent, unzipped them, and found the script for The Empress. She then began reading it carefully


  1. Thu, Jul 25 hình 

Chapter 117 


generally easier to succeed. It might not become a huge hit, but it won’t do poorly 


You must decide whether to go with The Empress or opt for a more conventional script. Think it over carefully, and let me know your decision.” 

After recommending, Lynn elaborated on the differences, pros, and cons of The Empress and the other conventional scripts, letting Stacey decide

I’ll think it over. Thank you, Lynn,” Stacey said, noting Lynn’s advice with gratitude

Oh, by the way, Lynn, I’ve moved to Hivalls now, just to keep you informed,Stacey added suddenly

Since Lynn was her manager, it was easier to arrange work if she was informed. about such changes

Lynn nodded. Yes, Charlie already told me. The company will also move to Hívalis soon, so don’t worry.” 

Stacey was silent for a moment, surprised by the sudden news

Charlie had registered the company, so it must have been his idea to move it to Hivalis

Despite the surprise, she felt some warmth in her heart

I see. Thank you, Lynn,Stacey said gratefully

Lynn smiled and replied, Becky, you don’t need to keep thanking me. Your talent is exceptional, and your rapid rise has added another stellar achievement to my career. Let’s continue to work together and grow mutually.” 

Stacey was surprised. Had she really earned such a significant place in Lynn’s heart

Yes, I get it. Let’s keep working hard together.” Stacey cheerfully encouraged

Let’s do our best,” Lynn replied with a smile

After hanging up, Stacey immediately turned on her computer, downloaded the files Lynn had just sent, unzipped them, and found the script for The Empress. She then began reading it carefully

09 12 Thu, Jul 25 a God 

Chapter 117 

She quickly discovered that The Empress was a script adapted from a novel

Intrigued, she picked up her phone and searched for the original story

The original work was not too short but not brief either, totaling 600,000 words

Putting everything else aside, Stacey dedicated her time to thoroughly studying the novel. After finishing it, she also read through the script, spending a total of two weeks on this endeavor

When Lynn called again to ask if she had decided which script to choose, Stacey responded without hesitation, Lynn, I want to take The Empress.” 

The Empress was a challenge for her, but the main character, Charlotte, a strong and confident woman, was the kind of role she aspired to play

However, Lynn did not smile. She looked worried and was silent momentarily before speaking. Becky, I’ve got a bad news and a good news. Which one do you want to hear first?” 

Stacey’s heart sank, a sense of foreboding washing over her


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