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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 12

Chapter 12 

Sam and Melissa didn’t look pleased. The fact that their greatgrandchildren didn’t take the Edwards name was embarrassing

Rebecca, are you still upset about your sister? I can promise you. Theodore will never get involved with Janet again. If they dare to keep on anything, I swear they’ll face the consequences!Melissa looked at Rebecca, her promise firm

Rebecca, you shouldn’t change the kidssurname without discussing with us. People will think we are a joke if they find out,Sam added, frowning

Debra listened to their sarcastic comments and couldn’t help but laugh. She mocked, A joke? Who would dare to laugh at us? Let them come to me, and I’ll shut their mouths!” 

Rebecca,Theodore’s voice was frosty, I don’t give a damn what you decide before the birth, but once that kids are out, it’s taking my last name. Period.His tone left no room for argument

I’ll find someone to change their birth licenses. And since they’ll have my surname, I’ll take care of all their expenses. You don’t need to worry about it.Theodore then firmly decided

Sam and Melissa breathed a sigh of relief. Their grandchildren should carry their surnames. If they bore someone else’s name, it would be a stain on the family’s honor

Since Theodore was willing to step in, Sam and Melissa were reassured. After all, the Edwards family had a vast business empire. As long as Theodore wanted to change, it would be easy to alter the children’s surnames

Rebecca, don’t worry. We will treat you well in the future.” Melissa comforted Rebecca, believing the matter was settled

Rebecca had initially thought Sam and Melissa were kind to her, but over the past few days, she realized they were actually siding with Theodore. After all, an outsider would never be more important than their own grandson

Don’t even think about it! All of the paper work are done. It can’t be changed!Rebecca snapped, her voice cold. Debra looked at the group mockingly. The Edwards family was one of the top elite families in Maeloria. Without the Carters, Becky might not have stood a chance against this shameless bunch. But now, with the Carter family backing Becky, how could these people still think they could push her around? That was a pipe dream

What?Melissa exclaimed in disbelief. You’ve already completed the children’s official birth registration?” 

Alright, enough’s enough.Debra waved her hand dismissively. Rebecca needs some rest. She just gave birth, for crying out loud. Let’s not bother her with this nonsense.She started to usher them toward the door

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Chapter 12 

Suddenly, the sound of a cane hitting the floor echoed through the room

Everyone was startled, and the room fell silent Instantly. They all turned toward the source of the sound Sam


Sam, who had always been calm, now looked sternly at Rebecca. He said in a cold voice, Rebecca, you Theodore can fight over your personal issues all you want, but you have no say when it comes to children

Tomorrow, you both go to change the children’s surname on the license. End of discussion. Stop being unreasonable!Sam commanded firmly

With that, Sam turned and walked away, clearly done with the argument

Melissa’s face was also grim. She watched her husband leave and then looked at Rebecca

Her health had never been good, and now she felt a pain in her chest. It wasn’t good… 

With trembling hands, she popped a pill and swallowed it. Melissa then gave Debra a cold glance and walked over to Rebecca. She reached out, gently holding Rebecca’s hand, like a worried elder trying to console a younger one

Rebecca, can we talk for a moment, just you and me?Melissa lowered her raspy voice, pleading

Theodore gave Rebecca a long, deep look before finally turning to leave

Rebecca, alone and vulnerable, was easy to manipulate. Just like when he forced her to sign the divorce license, he had ways to make her comply. This little act of defiance was just a scene

Melissa didn’t leave. Instead, she glanced meaningfully at Debra, clearly wanting her to leave so she could speak to 

Rebecca alone

Rebecca pressed her lips together and didn’t say a word no matter what Melissa said

Over the past few days, she had come to realize that only her mother truly cared about her. None of the Edwards 

could be trusted

Melissa waited for a long time, but Rebecca didn’t budge. The expectantlook in her eyes gradually faded into disappointment, ending with a weary sigh

Rebecca, you’re still so young. There are many things you don’t understand yet. When you grow older and wiser, you’ll understand what I’m trying to tell you

What does it matter if he’s with other women? Men like him, well, they don’t usually settle down young. We’ve all been there. In a few years, you’ll see things differently. You’ll realize love isn’t everything. As long as you’re the one by Theodore’s side, in the end, when he gets older and settles down, everything will be yours

And don’t forget,Melissa added, the Edwards family fortune and properties will all be yours too


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