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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 11

Chapter 11 

Sure,Rebecca agreed

Debra laughed, her heart overflowing with joy

Naming the babies was a big deal, so the mother and daughter started brainstorming, scouring the internet for the perfect nickname

Debra felt like such a big decision should be a family affair, so she texted Patrick and Rebecca’s brothers, asking everyone to help choose a nickname for the babies

But with more chefs in the kitchen, the task became even more daunting, and they couldn’t decide on a name for 

quite a while

Around noon, Paul called to say that Janet had delivered a baby boy, and both mom and son were doing well

Speaking of this, Paul was furious, He still remembered Theodore hadn’t shown up when Rebecca was giving birth, but now that some other woman was having a bastard, Theodore rushed over and practically glued to the kid. Ever since the child left the delivery room, he hadn’t let go of the baby

Debra, Rebecca must divorce that piece of trash! It’s absolutely unforgivable! It’s outrageous!Paul demanded angrily over the phone

Debra was equally fuming. How could such trash exist in this world

Then there were Sam and Melissa, two hypocrites who acted so righteously in front of Becky. They said that if Becky ever suffered, she could come to them, and they would stand up for her. But now, what happened

The second that homewrecker popped out a kid, those two were practically sprinting to the hospital

Not only did they go themselves, but they also made sure Theodore went along. Now the whole damn family was having a grand old time at the hospital, fawning over the mistress and her baby

How dare this family ask for her precious daughter’s forgiveness

Mom, I’m fine.Rebecca gently squeezed her mother’s hand, after seeing how upset she was

Debra looked at her daughter, her heart aching even more

Soon, her eyes filled with tears as she apologized, Becky, it’s all my fault. If I hadn’t been so careless back then, you wouldn’t be taken away from me and wouldn’t have had to go through all that.” 

Rebecca quickly took out a tissue and wiped her mother’s tears, comforting her. It’s okay, Mom. It’s all over now. We’ve found each other, and things will only get better.” 


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Chapter 12 

Hearing this, Debra quickly nodded, Yes, Becky. You are right. Things will get better and better. You have your whole life ahead of you. You’ve been through so much, now it’s time for you to be happy.” 

Over the next week, Sam and Melissa were very busy. They tried to keep peace at home, taking care of Rebecca and the twins while also sneaking off to the hospital to visit their other greatgrandchild

An heir was all they’d ever wanted. If Janet had given birth to a girl, maybe they wouldn’t have cared so much, but a sonIt changed everything. They might have despised the mistress and loathed Janet’s family, but they didn’t hate their greatgrandson. They even worried that the boy would be influenced in a bad way if he stayed with Janet’s family, so they were trying to let Theodore take the child away

Debra had Paul keep an eye on things at the hospital, and this was what Paul discovered

Sam and Melissa wanted Theodore to take Janet’s child and have Rebecca raise him. They even argued that while 

the adults were at fault, the child was innocent. Plus, Rebecca was a good person. She would understand if they 

explained it to her properly

Debra couldn’t help but laugh angrily after hearing this. Sam and Melissa really had some nerve. Did they think her daughter was some kind of saint who would raise the child of a mistress

Becky, listen to me,Debra advised her daughter earnestly. There isn’t a single good soul in the Edwards family

Don’t fall for their smooth talk and phony smiles. We gotta learn to see through their crap and get to the heart of 

the matter.” 

I know.Rebecca nodded in agreement

Mom, why don’t we just let the babies pick their own names?Rebecca asked, holding the babies

Debra was momentarily stunned, and then her eyes lit up. She nodded. Sure.” 

Over the past week, the whole family had been brainstorming names for the babies. Even Paul had pitched in with 

several suggestions

With so many good options, they couldn’t decide which ones to use

In the end, they decided it would be best to let the babies choose their own names by drawing lots

Once the decision was made, Debra and Rebecca got to work immediately

Debra bought the paper and a pen and wrote down all the options. The babies would rely on their own luck to 

draw their first names and nicknames

After Debra finished writing the names, she let the babies draw their own lots

In the end, the big sister was named Lillian Carter, with the nickname Lily, and the little brother was named Kevin 

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Chapter 11 

Carter, with the nickname Kev

The birth licenses for the twins were still pending. This should have been done at the hospital, but Paul had already thought about it. He didn’t want the babies to have the Edwards family name, so he had stalled it on purpose. Now, after talking it over with Rebecca, they’d settled on names and surnames, and they could officially apply for the birth licenses


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