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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 135

Chapter 135 

An hour later, Cynthia and Xavier departed together, towing their suitcases behind them. They had planned a short getaway. intending to celebrate it as their delayed honeymoon. By the afternoon, when Gary arrived at Cynthia’s Boutique, he found the store securely locked and shuttered. Undeterred, Gary then proceeded to Cynthia and Xavier’s new residence, only to discover that this location was also closed 

Intent on reaching Xavier, Gary pulled out his phone, only to realize in a flash of dismay that he had never obtained Xavier’s contact details during their last Christmas gathering. Now, with no way to contact him and the Carter family’s banquet looming. Gary felt the pressure mounting. Unable to contain his frustration any longer, Gary took matters into his own hands; he secretly purchased a plane ticket and headed to the filming studio to confront Rebecca directly. The urgency to secure an invitation to the Carter family banquet had become paramount

Similarly, Michael was grappling with his own concerns. He reached out to Theodore, bewildered and anxious, and asked why they hadn’t received the invitation yet, Contrarily, Helen understood the underlying dynamics of why the Carter family might not extend an invitation to the Edwards family. Now that she’s reunited with her prominent biological family, she’s gone for rags to riches and is now refusing to acknowledge Theodore!she thought 

Frustrated, Helen called her son, urging him to return home. She believed that Theodore could not get Rebecca back, he shouldn’t relentlessly pursue her just to be humiliated. Rather than fixating on Rebecca, Helen suggested Theodore focus his attention on Jenny. Though the Smith family was slightly less influential than the Carter family, aligning with them still held promising prospects for the Edwards family. With Jenny by his side, there might be significant opportunities for both the Edwards and Smith families to flourish, possibly even overtaking the Carter family in the future

Receiving this call from his mother and hearing her analysis prompted a mix of reactions from Theodore. Rebecca wouldn’t refuse to get back together with me. I’m sure she’s just throwing a tantrum, he thought. However, as he formulated a response, he found himself speechless, realizing that Rebecca’s recent actions might indicate a genuine desire to sever ties completely. Resigned. Theodore agreed, Okay, I’ll be back in a few days.” 

I can’t keep staying here and playing along with Rebecca’s tantrums, especially with pressing matters awaiting my attention at the company. I can’t afford to have Gifford mess round in my absence. Perhaps giving Rebecca some space might be beneficial. Besides, I need to strategize on managing the Edwards Group and ensuring Michael relinquishes his shares. Im sick and tired of being manipulated by those fools! he reasoned

Meanwhile, Stacey found herself disconnected from the concems of the Mitchell and Edwards families. She had been exceedingly busy; each day after filming, her mother would eagerly style her in various outfits and experiment with different makeup looks, transforming her appearance dramatically. Stacey couldn’t help but wonder if her mother viewed her as a mere doll, dressing and making her up incessantly, often more elaborately than her roles required. What do you think? Isn’t it beautiful?Debra, inquired after completing another transformation, her smile reflecting her satisfaction

Looking at her reflection, Stacey thought, It’s really pretty, but this is probably the last outfit, right?It’s beautiful. Mom, I think this look is very good. How about we use this look at the banquet?she ventured cautiously as she watched her mother’s reaction, worried that any hint of dissatisfaction might prompt yet another makeover. Debra paused, seeming to contemplate another change, which made Stacey’s heart sink. Quietly, she moved away, subtly lifting the hem of her dress and running out of the room

Rushing into the living room, she turned to her father, twirling and asking, Dad, isn’t my outfit the most beautiful in the world?” 

As she spun around, she noticed her mother following her. Completing a full 360degree turn, she swiftly winked at Patrick, silently pleading for his supportPatrick, catching on to his beloved daughter’s cues, chuckled heartily

Just then, a little voice exclaimed with admiration, Mommy, you look so beautiful

Mommy, you’re the most beautiful in the world!another chimed in

Lillian and Kevin ran to their mother with wideeyed admiration. As they spoke, they reached out to touch Stacey’s skirt, dazzled by their mother’s beauty. Upon hearing the little onesvoices, Debra was delighted and scooped up her grandchildren, asking. Really? Do you both think your mom is particularly beautiful today?” 



Chapter 135 

An hour later, Cynth

Chapter 135 

An hour later, Cynth

Chapter 135 

Yes!Lillian declared, her excitement palpable. Grandma, Iwant to be dressed up too!she then pleaded eagerly

Me toolKevin echoed his sister’s sentiment, afraid that his grama might not dress him up otherwise


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