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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 136

Chapter 136 

A week had passed, and the cast of The Empress found themselves on a welldeserved vacation. In a grand gesture, the Carter family had chartered a plane and whisked all the staff from the series to Alagua City for a lavish homecoming banquet in honor of Stacey. Alongside the film crew, the plane was filled with a host of Charlie’s acquaintances including Lynn, Courtney, and a slew of prominent directors and actors from the entertainment industry. It was quite the gathering. with the Carter family extending invites far and wide, welcoming anyone who was available to partake in the festivities 

Sierra, the stylist, found herself marveling at her second visit to Alagua City in just a few months, each occasion memorable and unique. Her first visit had been marked by a helicopter ride her first ever, and now, she found herself aboard a Carter- familychartered plane surrounded by Alisters of the entertainment industry

The journey took a full day, and upon arrival, everyone disembarked in an orderly fashion. Joshua, the Carter family’s butler, greeted them at the airport gate, flanked by a bevy of attendants. Outside, a lineup of luxury cars awaited ready to 

the transport everyone to their hotel. The guests filed into the vehicles, departing one by one as 


At the back of the line, Sierra couldn’t resist capturing the opulent scene on her phone. However, as their turn approached. she quickly tucked her phone away. Stacey, having noticed Sierra’s sneaky snapshot, couldn’t help but chuckle. Sierra, Malcolm, thank you for going through the trouble of traveling to join us here. she invited warmly

It’s okay, Becky. Congratulations on your return to the Carter family!Sierra responded quickly, offering her genuine congratulations,” 

Thank you,Stacey replied with a smile

Malcolm added, Becky, Sierra and I will head to the hotel first. See you tomorrow.” 

Stacey’s smile widened. Okay, see you tomorrow.” 

After ensuring all guests were attended to and had left for the hotel under Nick’s guidance, the Carter family themselves. finally got into their luxury car and drove home. Nik made sure that the hotel staff was wellprepared to look after the guests, ensuring they felt nothing short of welcomed. Now, it was time for the hosts themselves to rest and rejuvenate for the 

festivities tomorrow

Today’s arrivals weren’t just from the Aotori shooting base. The Carter family had also organized for guests from Hivalis to be flown in, and those from Maeloria posed more of a logistical challenge. Proactive as ever, they had driven to Hivalis a few hours earlier to connect with the flight to Alagua City. Curiously, the Mitchell and Edwards families were notably absent, sparking whispers among some who suspected a separate arrangement might have been made for them. Many speculated that perhaps the Carter family hadt another plane or even a helicopter for them, given their distinct standing

As these musings circulated, the very helicopter presumed to fetch them returned from Maeloria. It landed with a resounding thud, but to everyone’s surprise, it wasn’t the Mitchell or Edwards family members who disembarked. Instead, Bryce, the Carter family’s second son, exited with his colleagues. The return of their longlost sister after 23 years had sparked immense joy within the Carter family. Previously, Bryce had introduced his colleagues to his sister at the Civil Registry Office, and now he had invited them to join the family banquet

iven the distance from Maeloria to Alagua City, the convenience of helicopter transport made attendance at the banquet a elightful prospect for Bryce’s colleagues. They gladly accepted the invitation, eager to partake in the family’s celebrations. Upon landing at the Carter Manor, Bryce led his colleagues on a brief tour before Nick ushered them to the hotel to rest and prepare for the upcoming festivities

Among Bryce’s colleagues was his female colleague, whom Debra and Stacey had previously met at the Civil Registry Office. This time around, only the female colleague returned with Bryce from the hotel. Overjoyed, Debra exchanged knowing glances with her husband, Patrick, eagerly awaiting their son’s explanation of the unfolding events. The conclusion was as expected and pleasantly satisfying. Stacey had learned the name of the girl, Ramona Quigley, a 28yearold whose parents were simple, honest civil servants. She was merely a year older than Stacey 

The Carter family was thoroughly pleased with this potential unjon. Debra was especially eager to welcome Ramona as her daughterinlaw, seeing a bright future ahead. However, the looming concern was still Adrian. After his mother’s worried 



Chapter 130 

gaze became too much, he excused himself, saying, I’m going back to my room,” his discomfort 

Debra watched him retreat, her gaze lingering on his departing figure until he vanished around the corner. Turning to Patrick with a worried expression, she voiced her fears, What should we do about Adrian?” 


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