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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 

The commotion in the courtyard momentarily ceased with the crowd’s arrival, but the scene was far from pleasant. Rebecca and Janet looked disheveled, their faces and hair in disarray, while Charlie and Theodore sported injuries

Ben was utterly terrified. He rushed over but was at a loss for words, unsure which side to support. Both parties seemed formidable, and he couldn’t afford to offend either

Wyatt quickly approached and said, Mr. Edwards, there’s an urgent matter at the company that needs your attention. Would you like to take a look?” 

Theodore shot Wyatt a glance before letting out a snort and walking away

Seeing this, Janet cast a frosty look at Rebecca and hurriedly followed him

Among the staff present, except Jared, who had initially overheard some gossip, no one else knew what had transpired. Everyone was bewildered, wondering why Charlie and Theodore had suddenly started fighting

Could it have been because Charlie had insulted Janet’s appearance in front of the media earlier? Or maybe it was because he deliberately ignored her while cooking? Did Janet complain to Theodore

Did Theodore get angry because of Janet and thus brawl with Charlie

This fracas thoroughly disrupted the lunch break. By the time everyone calmed down, it was already time to resume the afternoon shoot

Ben rubbed his nose and hurriedly reminded everyone to tidy up and touch up their makeup for the shoot

At his words, the crowd dispersed for their respective tasks

In the van, Rebecca gazed worriedly at the injury on Charlie’s forehead. Why did you suddenly get into a fight with him?she asked, her voice full of concern

Good job!Debra interjected from the side

She then looked at him with disdain. Chuck, I’ve always told you to take up Taekwondo seriously, but you never listened. Look at you now. If you’d mastered even half of what I know, not only would you not be hurt, but you could have beat that scumbag up!” 

Rebecca was stunned. She looked blankly at her mother and then at her brother, Charlie

Charlie, feeling wronged, muttered, had no idea it would come to this.” 

If he’d known, he would have taken those Taekwondo lessons seriously. That way, he could have beaten that jerk and stood up for his sister


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Chapter 33 

I’ll start training seriously as soon as we get back,Charlie declared earnestly

Debra was surprised, then elated. She raised her hand and extended it towards Charlie. Words are just words. High five to seal the deal!” 

Charlie rolled his eyes but complied, giving his mother a highfive. I swear, if I’m lying, may lightning strike me!” 

Debra was satisfied. She gave her son an onceover before turning to Rebecca. After a moment of hesitation, she said, Becky, why don’t you join your brother in a selfdefense class when we get back? It’s good for your health and could really come in handy.” 

Rebecca was stunned. A selfdefense class? Was it what she imagined

Mom, let me and Becky do it together. That way, I can be her sparring partner, and we’ll make sure we both learn!Charlie chimed in excitedly

Training alone was boring, but with his sister, it seemed like fun. He was genuinely happy about the idea

Can I really start learning now?Rebecca asked nervously, feeling unsure

Of course you can. It’s never too late to learn as long as you’re willing to work hard persistently,Debra replied with a smile

Okay,Rebecca agreed

She wanted to become stronger and more capable, and her mother’s suggestion was exactly what she needed

With some ointment applied to the bruise on Charlie’s face, the makeup artist came in to work their magic. No one 

No one had expected a fight, least of all involving Charlie. The makeup artist had to put in extra effort to conceal the marks on his face

Once their makeup was done, they headed out, and the live broadcast resumed. They were back to the mountain

The afternoon’s filming continued

Rebecca, eager to attract the chickens as she did in the morning, started tapping on a food bowl

However, despite her efforts, the surrounding forest remained eerily quiet, with no chickens in sight

What’s going on?Charlie frowned, sensing something was off

Where are the chickens?Rebecca echoed, equally puzzled

Standing still wouldn’t yield any answers. Exchanging glances, Charlie and Rebecca turned to look at the crew. The 


steff’s calm demeanor suggested that the program team might be up to something

With the chickens they caught in the morning still nearby, Rebecca and Charlie walked deeper into the forest, tapping the food bowl with spoon as they went. Suddenly, they spotted a chicken

So there were chickens in the forest, after all

Charlie immediately darted forward to catch it

But catching a chicken with bare hands proved difficult. Charlie chased after it while the chicken flapped its wings, sending feathers and dust flying into the air. The flurry of feathers and dirt hit both Charlie and Rebecca in the face. Rebecca quickly raised her hands to shield herself and Charlie, trying to avoid getting covered in feathers and dust

Now thoroughly frustrated by the chicken, Charlie rolled up his sleeves and gave chase with renewed determination

Once he let go of his idol image, his efforts paid off. He quickly caught the plump hen, which flapped helplessly in 

his grasp

Becky, hurry and grab some straw,he instructed

Snapping out of her daze, Rebecca rushed to fetch the straw. Working together, they managed to secure the chicken by tying its legs with the straw

As they walked back to where they had penned the chickens earlier, they couldn’t help but wonder. In the morning, the sound of the food bowl had drawn a flock of chickens, but in the afternoon, their attempts yielded no 



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