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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 

Ignore them. Let’s go see the babies,Charlie said, grabbing Rebecca’s hand with a smile

Rebecca turned to look at Charlie

But Charlie was already pulling her away

Debra was sitting with the two babies in the Carter family’s van. When Rebecca arrived, a big smile spread across 

Debra’s face

Seeing her own babies, Rebecca began to calm down. She stepped inside

Mom, how are Lily and Kev? Were they fussy this morning?Rebecca asked

They were quiet, eating and sleeping like little piglets, just as cute as you were at their age,Debra replied with


Rebecca smiled and leaned down to kiss the babies

She reached out to pick up one of the children to nurse them, but Debra quickly stopped her, speaking softly. They were just fed. It’s their nap time now. You should take a break, too. You still have filming to do this afternoon.‘ 

Debra couldn’t stand to see her daughter overworked

Looking at the children, Rebecca felt a twinge of concern. But the babies” 

There’s no need to worry about them. The breast milk was pumped in advance. It’s still fresh. Besides, drinking it now is perfectly fine,Debra reassured her

Thinking it over, Rebecca nodded. Alright.” 

Go back to the house and get some sleep,Debra urged

Rebecca had no choice but to agree, Okay.” 

Having just finished her confinement, her body was still weak. The morning’s hustle had left her exhausted. Most importantly, she needed to ensure she had enough energy to handle the afternoon’s filming

But just as she stepped out of the van and turned around, she unexpectedly ran into Theodore

Rebecca lowered her head slightly, trying to pretend she hadn’t seen him, and walked straight toward the house. However, Theodore suddenly walked toward her


Chipon 17 

At this moment, Charlie came down, conveniently stepping after Rebecca, blocking Theodore’s path

Rebecca’s heart instantly tightened with worry. She turned back to look at them, feeling anxious

Charlie and Theodore stared each other down, their gazes sharp as knives

Rebecca is my wife,Theodore said coldly

Nearby, a staff who had yet to leave overheard this juicy tidbit and involuntarily stopped in his tracks, stunned

Mr. Edwards is married? Isn’t he rumored to be Janet’s boyfriend

*Rumor has it they even have a child together and are just waiting to get married. But now, Mr. Edwards is saying 

Rebecca is his wife

Who is Rebecca? Wasn’t he trying to stop Becky to talk to her just now? Could Becky actually be Mr. Edwardsreal 

wife, Rebecca?” 

The staff thought, quickly realizing he shouldn’t be eavesdropping on this, and hurried away

He walked briskly, but as he reached the gate, he unexpectedly ran into Janet

Janet walked over and asked, What are they talking about over there?” 

The staff remained silent

Janet pulled out her purse. She took out four thousand dollars and said, Tell me.” 

In this industry, everyone had some sense. The staff, Jared, quickly accepted it

Jared was thrilled with this windfall and eagerly recounted what had happened in the courtyard. After finishing, he quickly assured her, Janet, don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone about this.” 

Janet’s face lost its usual oncamera gentleness, replaced by a cold expression. If this gets out, you can forget about working in this industry.” 

Jared nodded hastily. Don’t worry, Janet. I won’t tell a soul.” 

This commotion soon drew the attention of the three people in the courtyard. Theodore, Charlie, and Rebecca all turned to look toward the gate

Jared quickly lowered his head and scurried away

Janet walked into the courtyard

Rebecca quickly turned her gaze away and headed toward the house

Chapter 12 

Theodore was anxious. He immediately stepped forward, reaching out to grab Rebecca

Charlie instantly blocked Theodore and, raising his hand, landed a fierce punch on Theodore’s face

Theodore was enraged by the blow. He raised his fist and swung at Charlie

Hearing the commotion behind her, Rebecca turned around and saw Theodore about to hit Charlie

Panicked, Rebecca ran back and shoved Theodore forcefully. Theodore! That’s enough!” 

By now, Janet had entered and was standing quietly on the side

Using all her strength, Rebecca’s shove sent Theodore stumbling back several steps

Theodore’s eyes widened in shock as he stared at her. Rebecca, you pushed me for him?” 


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