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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35 

Switching live streams wasn’t an option, but they had the chance to witness the excitement firsthand

Especially Jayden and his daughter, Daphne, who knew the location of Rebecca and Charlie’s base. As soon as the incidenthappened, Jayden scooped Daphne up in his arms and dashed towards their base, eager to catch the action

On Janet’s end, she was utterly bewildered when she heard the program crew’s announcement

What on earth is that idiot Lesley up to this time?‘ 

As Janet pondered, she noticed the viewers in her livestream plummeting while the numbers in Lesley’s, Charlie and Rebecca’s streams skyrocketed

Not being slowwitted, Janet quickly realized that Lesley’s foolish antics must have drawn everyone’s attention 


Upon figuring this out, she almost spat blood in frustration

She had sent Lesley to cause trouble for Charlie and Rebecca, yet the fool had somehow managed to steal all her viewers

Despite being an awardwinning actress, Janet struggled to maintain her composure. Her expression turned sour, but luckily, with few viewers left in her stream, not many noticed this

After calming down, Janet’s curiosity was piqued by the crew’s announcement about the home raid.Thinking it over, she decided to grab her mother and head over to Charlie and Rebecca’s base. Alternatively, finding Lesley and Angie would work too. She needed to get to the bottom of this

Meanwhile, Phoebe and her grandfather were diligently catching chickens. The sudden announcement from the program crew left them equally confused. After a moment’s reflection, curiosity got the better of Phoebe. After 

discussing it with her grandfather, they decided to join the search and see what the fuss was about

Over there, Rebecca and Charlie managed to save half of their chickens. After standing still for a moment to gather their thoughts, they finally figured out what was going on

This game wasn’t just about catching chickens. You could also steal otherschickens

Since live chickens were hard to carry around, they had initially left the caught ones here. But now, they couldn’t afford to leave them unattended, or someone else might come along and steal them all

Realizing this, they thought they could also steal chickens from others. Any chickens they managed to steal would 

become theirs

Wirin vhis new understanding. Duskie and dokume a birgan deuirting Fuste ho sapune their chickens. In continue 

wik teh tarks, they handed to hide the rig hem on which seat a problem

Charlie recalled a rave he had seven with hat dieter while they were catching chickens earlier if they moved the fed 

Chickens there and hid them properly, they might solve their problem

Acting on the idea, the siblings quickly gathered the chickens and headed towards the cave

guy. Charlie’s strength came in handy, Working together, they managed to transfer the chickens swiftly 

However, unbeknownst to them, just after they left, Jayden arrived carrying his little daughter, Daphne. Seeing the empty spot with only some feathers left, he was bewildered. Where were the chickens? No, more importantly, where were the people

Both Charlie and Rebecca, as well as Lesley and Angie, had vanished without a trace

Daddy, they’re all gone,Daphne said innocently

Earlier, Jayden had found the surprise in the woods, which was a chicken coop. It was perfect for carrying the chickens. Now, with one hand holding the coop and the other carrying Daphne, even a sports star like him was starting to feel the strain

Bending down, he carefully set Daphne on the ground and massaged his hands, surveying the chaotic scene. They’ve gone,he said. Let’s go check out another area.” 

With that, Jayden picked up his daughter and left

If they couldn’t catch the excitement here, they might find something interesting elsewhere. Perhaps, as they wandered, they’d bump into the people involved in the commotion and get to see the action after all

Meanwhile, Phoebe and her grandfather were searching for others when they stumbled upon Lesley and Angie

Over a dozen of chickens, tied up with rope, were hard to carry. The sisters had found a wooden plank somewhere and laid the chickens out on it, each carrying an end as they walked

When the two groups of participants faced each other, tension immediately filled the air

Knowing that the sisters had just raided Charlie and Rebecca’s base, Phoebe worried they might steal from her and her grandfather next

Similarly, Lesley and Angie, still jittery from their unexpected windfall, were anxious about someone coming to snatch their chickens

In this unexpected encounter, they eyed each other warily, each side on high alert and full of apprehension


After a moment, seeing that Phoebe and her grandfather weren’t making any sudden moves, Lesley and her sister cautionsly began to cany their chickens away

Wait a second.Phoebe called out anxiously

The Bretherton sisters jumped at her sudden words, spinning around protectively like hens guarding their chicks


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