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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36 

The viewers in the livestream were nearly doubled over with laughter

[Lesley may not be the prettiest, but she’s absolutely adorable!

[Oh no, I think I might be falling for Lesley. How can someone be this endearingly silly?

In livestream Room Three, countless netizens watched with laughter, commenting that this variety show was just 

too entertaining

Meanwhile, Rebecca and Charlie waited a bit longer after hiding the chickens to ensure no one was coming. Only 

then did they feel relieved

Luckily, they managed to keep some of their chickens

Rebecca quietly calculated the number of chickens they had. She and Charlie now had twentytwo, while Lesley and Angie had only eighteen. The other guests had even fewer

It seemed they were poised to win. However, everyone in the circle knew that Janet and Lesley were from the same company. Given their status and relationship, Lesley’s participation in this show was likely to support Janet

If Lesley intentionally lost her chickens to Janet, then Janet would end up with twentyeight chickens, surpassing 


With just over an hour left before the game ended, going outside to catch more chickens seemed unlikely

Rebecca’s mind raced, and after a moment, she glanced at the camera and then turned to look at Charlie. Finally, she whispered a few words into his ear

Tens of thousands of fans were buzzing in the livestream, curious about what she whispered to Charlie

A moment later, Charlie stayed in the cave to continue guarding the chickens

Rebecca quietly slipped out of the cave and walked away alone


[Where is Becky going?

[Isn’t Chuck going with Becky?

Many fans filled the comment section with questions

Since each group of guests had only one livestream room, the camera could only follow one of them after Rebecca 

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Chapter 36 

and Charlie split up, leaving the other’s actions a mystery


Charlie deliberately ensured that the livestream camera followed him. He sat in the cave, smiling and chatting with 

the viewers

Meanwhile, Rebecca slipped away from the camera and ventured outside. After about ten minutes of trekking 

the hills, she finally found two people, Phoebe and her grandfather, Tamron

Becky!Phoebe saw Rebecca and ran over to her, beaming with joy

She looked around for Charlie and, not seeing him, asked curiously, Where’s Charlie?” 

He’s busy with something,” Rebecca replied with a smile

Oh, Becky, how did your chickens get stolen earlier?Phoebe asked, lowering her voice to a whisper. I ran into Lesley and her sister, but they wouldn’t say anything when I asked them about it. They were so scared we’d take 

their chickens.” 

The viewers in the livestream burst into laughter at Phoebe’s candidness

Rebecca was surprised by this information. You ran into them

you see them?she inquired

Where did you 

They were heading south,” Tamron answered with a chuckle

Thank you, Mr. Hemsworth,Rebecca said, smiling as she expressed her gratitude. After a few more words of farewell, she turned and left

As Phoebe watched Rebecca’s retreating figure, it took her a moment to realize what was happening. Grandpa, is 

chickens?Becky going to get revenge on the Bretherton sisters? Or, I mean, is she going to take back her 

Phoebe, known for her straightforwardness, almost blurted out the wrong words, Fortunately, she caught herself in time and quickly corrected her words

In Livestream Room Two, Phoebe’s fans adored her candid nature. When they heard her genuine thoughts, they burst into laughter again

Meanwhile, Rebecca, having obtained the direction she needed, quietly headed south, paying no mind to the happenings in Livestream Room Two

Many viewers, now unable to follow Rebecca in Livestream Room Five due to her split with Charlie, flocked to Livestream Room Two. Once they finally saw Becky, they began flooding the chat with comments, urging Phoebe to follow her so they could see what Rebecca was up to

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Chapter 36 


Phoebe, who had struggled with interacting with viewers all day, was taken aback by their sudden excitement and 

insistence that she follow Becky

Isn’t that a bit intrusive?she asked nervously

[Not at all! You’re filming a variety show, and the program didn’t say you couldn’t follow Becky, right?

[Please, Phoebe. We’re dying to know what she’s planning. Help us out!

Faced with the overwhelming pleas from the viewers, Phoebe hesitated momentarily. Eventually, her curiosity got 

the better of her. She bit her lip and agreed, Alright.” 

Tamron, being older, couldn’t run all over the hills, so Phoebe decided to leave their chickens with him to guard

She then quietly followed the direction Becky had taken


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