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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45 

Becky, would you like to be the spokesperson for our Carter family jewelry store?In the evening, after the family had finished dinner, Patrick suddenly looked up and asked Rebecca with an expectant gaze

Rebecca was caught off guard. Spokesperson?” 

Debra’s eyes lit up with excitement. Yes! Perfect! Becky and Chuck should be the faces of our store. What

brilliant idea!” 

Debra studied her daughter, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she felt. Becky looks so beautiful, she’s more than qualified to be the spokesperson for our jewelry store!” 

Butcan I really pull it off?Rebecca fidgeted, worried that she might not do well

Charlie smiled brightly, Of course you can! Didn’t you stone it on that reality show?” 

Don’t worry, Becky. I’ve got your back. Nobody’s gonna mess with you,” Charlie said confidently

Rebecca hesitated for a moment but finally agreed, Okay.” 

As soon as she agreed, the family exchanged relieved smiles

Oh, and Becky,Debra added, her tone serious. We need to speed up your divorce from Theodore. Whether he 

likes it or not, we’re pushing this through.” 

Rebecca nodded in agreement. Sure.” 

After dinner, Rebecca went to feed the babies again. The little ones were still so tiny and needed their mother’s 


While Rebecca was taking care of the babies, Theodore, who hadn’t been home for a long time, suddenly pulled up to the villa next door in a sleek black RollsRoyce

He stepped out of the car, heading towards the villa

However, the front door was tightly shut, causing Theodore to frown

He took a step forward and pressed the doorbell, waiting outside the door. But the house was still quiet, with no response from inside. No one came to open the door

Feeling frustrated, Theodore couldn’t help but kick the door hard

A moment later, he took out his phone and called Rebecca



Meanwhile, Rebecca was feeding the babies when the phone beside her suddenly buzzed

She carefully cradled the babies in her arms and reached for her phone. Seeing Theodore’s name on the screen, she fell silent

But, still, she answered the call after a brief hesitation

Her mom was right. She needed to finalize the divorce with Theodore. Dragging it out was


I’m home. Open the door!Theodore ordered impatiently

Home? Open the door? He is back?” 

Rebecca was surprised for a moment and explained, I’m not at home.” 

Outside Edwards Villa, Theodore froze and couldn’t believe it. You’re not at home? Where did you go?he demanded loudly, his tone so fierce it seemed to pierce through the phone

Are you still with that Charlie? Living with him? Rebecca, have you forgotten you’re married? We just had babies, my babies! Do you have any shame?!Theodore shouted in a fit of rage

Rebecca was fed up upon hearing this. She hung up the phone, struggling to catch her breath

They had been married for three years, and she had taken care of Theodore for two of those years, knowing all his likes and dislikes by heart. Yet, he never bothered to understand her, not even a little bit

Theodore had absolutely no trust in her

The next second, the phone rang again. It was still him

Rebecca answered and immediately said, Theodore, I’ve told you. Charlie and I are not what you think.. 

And besides, you have a child with Janet. You have no right to judge me.” 

Taking a deep breath, she said, Theodore, if you’re free tomorrow, let’s meet at the courthouse. We’re getting a divorce, so let’s do it quickly and get this over with.” 

Theodore smashed a flowerpot at the door in anger and laughed furiously. Divorce? Rebecca, stop playing hard to get. Keep this up, and you’ll be divorced for real

You have one hour. Get back here now!he demanded

With that, he hung up the phone

Rebecca stared at her phone, her head buzzing. Playing hard to get?When have I ever done that? Heh” 

15:41 Sat, 20 Jul 

Chapter 45 

Soon, Theodore called again

Rebecca picked it up


One hour, Rebecca. That’s all you get. One minute late, and I’ll see you in the Courthouse tomorrow!Theodore’s voice dripped with venom

Rebecca checked the time. It was 7 PM. So, in an hour, it would be 8 PM

The houses were so close. Just one more hour, and after eight, she could file for divorce tomorrow. Awesome

Rebecca thought about it and set an alarm on her phone for 8:01 PM

By then, the twins had almost finished their bottles. Rebecca carefully picked them up and placed them beside 


The two little ones gazed at their mother with bright, glistening eyes

A little while later, there was a knock on the door. Debra came in with two nannies

The nannies quickly took the babies to soothe them

Debra sat down by the bed and softly said, Becky, I think Theodore is back.” 

Earlier, Debra had been in the master bedroom and happened to glance out the window at the entrance of Edwards Villa. There, she saw Theodore

He was standing at the gate, seemingly upset

Rebecca nodded. I know, he just called me,she explained


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