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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 46

Chapter 46 

But just before Theodore pressed the dial button, he hesitated. What if Rebecca’s just stuck in traffic?” 

He stared at his phone, pondering, and decided to give her a few more minutes

At that moment, the doorbell rang

Theodore turned and saw Rebecca standing at the door. A wave of relief washed over him, but it lasted only a second before anger quickly took over again. He glared at Rebecca with a cold, mocking expression

Looks like you came here in a rush. Are you afraid of being late?Theodore sneered

Rebecca paused before explaining. I wasn’t rushing. I’ve been next door the whole time, in the villa next to yours. I set an alarm and arrived right on time. It’s been over an hour

So, as we agreed, you’ll come with me to the Courthouse tomorrow to file for divorce, right?Rebecca clarified

Theodore was taken aback

Rebecca thought for a few seconds and added, “I live next door. When it’s time to go tomorrow, you can come get meOr I can come get you.” 

After saying this, Rebecca felt she had nothing more to add. She stood there for a moment and turned to leave. 

It wasn’t until she was gone that Theodore snapped out of it. His face turned extremely sullen in an instant

He rushed out and saw Rebecca just as she was about to enter the gate of the villa next door

Without a second thought, he chased after her, grabbed her arm, and started dragging her toward his house

Rebecca struggled angrily. Theodore, let go of me!” 

But Theodore just tightened his grip, determined to drag her away

Let her go!Debra shouted, rushing from the house with a stick in hand.. 

Even though Theodore was the president of a company, he was still startled by the sight of Debra wielding the 


Debra wasn’t about to be polite. She raised the stick and swung it at Theodore

She had learned how to discipline her son and knew exactly where to hit to cause the most pain with minimal injury. Even if it led to legal trouble, à little payout was nothing


Chapter 46 

The Carter family had nothing but money, and if a few bucks could buy Debra some stress relief by beating Theodore, it would be a great deal

Rebecca watched in shock as her mother rained blows down on Theodore with the heavy stick, each hit precise and brutal

Theodore’s face twisted in agony. Ten strikes were all he could take before he finally let go of Rebecca

Patrick quickly snatched his daughter away from the scumbag the second she was free

Theodore had never been beaten like this in his life. It wasn’t just the pain. It was the humiliation

That was a highsociety neighborhood, and he knew his beating would be the gossip of the elite circles in no time

He stared coldly at Rebecca, his eyes narrowing as he spoke. Rebecca, I’ll count to three. Come here yourself! Three! Two” 

Debra rolled her eyes and snapped, Don’t forget the divorce license tomorrow, pal. See you in Courthouse, you loser!” 

Patrick, backing up his wife, spat at Theodore. Yeah, scumbag, that’s for you!” 

Theodore was caught off guard as the spit landed square on his face

His face darkened instantly, a storm brewing beneath

Rebecca was equally shocked. Her mom was fierce, but it seemed like her dad was also incredible

That was downright humiliating

Rebecca couldn’t help but pull her dad back, thinking it was enough and not to go too far

Rebecca, you really want to divorce me?Theodore sneered coldly. Fine, see you at the Courthouse tomorrow!” 

With that, he just turned and left

Back at Edwards Villa, Theodore quickly headed upstairs to the bathroom and started to shower again

He had never been humiliated like this in his life

Rebecca had gone too far this time. If he ever begged her again, he’d kill himself

Fuming, Theodore cranked the shower on full blast, tore off his clothes, and scrubbed himself furiously, especially the spot where Patrick’s spit had landed

No matter how much he scrubbed, he couldn’t shake the feeling of being tainted

15:42 Sat, 20 Ju 

Chapter 46 

That damned woman! It’s all her fault!! 

Theodore spent a full two hours in the shower, scrubbing his skin until it was red

With a grim face, he took out his phone

Wyatt, find out everything you can about the woman with Rebecca,Theodore ordered coldly


In Macloria, it was the first time someone had dared to mess with him. He couldn’t help but scoff

Wyatt had just finished dinner when he received Theodore’s call. Hearing his furious tone, he was a bit puzzled

But sensing Theodore’s intense anger, Wyatt knew better than to question him at this moment. Got it,he agreed

You have three days, the sooner the better. Get all the details on that woman and her family. If there’s any 

criminal activity or other legal violations, even better,Theodore added

Wyatt was bewildered

His heart skipped a beat, and he instantly became alert. Theodore, what happened?he quickly asked


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