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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 

Theodore left, and following his lead, some other guests began to take their leave. In no time, the number of attendees at the banquet had dwindled significantly

Patrick remained his cheerful self until he saw off the last VIP 

Back at home that evening, Debra’s face turned stern as she muttered angrily, Theodore is becoming more disgusting by the day. Becky must divorce him!” 

Divorce was definitely on the table, but Theodore was adamant about retaining custody of the child and keeping the kid’s surname. Without his consent, they were at an impasse, so Debra was furious about the situation

Patrick smiled reassuringly at his wife, Don’t worry, take it slow. If he’s reluctant to divorce and wants to drag it out, then we’ll drag it out with him. We’re not going to be the ones feeling bothered in the end.” 

What do you mean?Debra frowned, displeased with her husband’s insinuations

Patrick looked at his wife, then at his daughter, before smiling and saying, How many years did that scumbag 

torment Becky in the past?” 

Becky has taken care of him for so long, and what does he do? He wakes up and gets involved with other women, sleeping around with them! Isn’t Janet pregnant with his kid? I heard she gave birth around the same time Becky did, yet, did he feel any remorse? Does he realize he’s wronged Becky by doing that?” 

Debra knew Patrick well, and at his words, she sensed mischief brewing. Her eyes lit up with anticipation as she probed, What do you have in mind?Patrick chuckled at her curiosity

We’ll take a page from his book. Why else would I have bought a house next to his?” 

Rebecca grew nervous at her father’s words and couldn’t help but ask, Daddo you have a plan?” 

Patrick looked at Rebecca, his eyes filled with affection, and he nodded. Yes.” 

1 2 2 2 2 2 £ 2

Seeing the curiosity in both their eyes, Patrick smiled and explained, Becky, I want to ask you something. Has Theodore always thought it was okay to flirt and get close to other women without caring if it hurts you? Since that’s the case, we move in right next to him and make him watch you get close to other menright under his nose. I wonder if he can stand watching it.” 

His plan rendered both Rebecca and Debra speechless

Wait, honey, what do you mean? I don’t quite understand. We live here, so how is it the same as Becky getting close to other menin Theodore’s eyes?” 

Debra was completely lost, and she pursued with confusion


Chapter 60 

Paul took a sip of water, amazed by Patrick’s schemel 

Unable to resist, Paul chimed in to help Patrick explain, Debra, think about it. Isn’t Theodore misunderstanding Becky’s relationship with Chuck?” 

Debra asked in confusion, Yeah, so what?” 

Debra quickly pieced it together. The manher husband mentioned earlier must be Chuck

But when we bought the house, Theodore didn’t have any misunderstandings about them, right?Debra couldn’t help but ask

Paul chuckled, That’s right. But isn’t it just a matter of time because he does?” 

He glanced at Rebecca, who looked utterly lost, thinking that his niece was as innocent as her mother

Chuck doesn’t know his boundaries. After we found Becky, he started showering her with affection without restraint, but outsiders don’t know that Chuck and Becky are actually siblings. As adults and Chuck suddenly being so kind to Becky, it’s only natural for others to misunderstand them?” 

Debra’s eyes widened as she turned to her husband. So you already foresaw Theodore misunderstanding Becky and Chuck’s relationship, deliberately buying the house next to Theodore’s, waiting for him to jump to conclusions. about Becky and Chuck, just to infuriate him?” 

Patrick and Paul exchanged a knowing look, both sporting cunning smiles. When it came to dealing with men, indeed, their own kind knew the best method

Becky getting the divorce license meant her liberation was assured

But letting everything end there would be letting Theodore off too easily

With Becky now under their protection, it was impossible for Theodore to make her suffer even a bit more

So now, it was time for them to strike back. Whether in business or personal matters, every bit that Theodore owed Becky, they would reclaim it, down to the last penny

Theodore finding a mistress, flirting with Janet in front of Becky, getting Janet pregnant, making Becky suffer for so long now they could live next door to Theodore for however long they wanted, maybe even longer, and make Theodore feel the same torment Becky once did

Will this really work? Would that scumbag even care?Debra seemed to understand, yet also seemed confused about the situation

Paul chuckled, Why wouldn’t it work? Hasn’t Theodore been on the brink of losing it these past few days?” 

15:51 Sat, 20 Jul 20 Jul 

Chapter 60 

Didn’t you find Theodore’s expression at the banquet amusing?Paul smirked

No man can feel comfortable knowing his wife is being flirtatious with another man, even if he doesn’t love her,Patrick interjected

Debra fell silent


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