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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61 

Just as the family was having a good time, the maid, Brenda, suddenly rushed in anxiously. Mr. Carter, Mrs. Carter, Ms. Carter, something’s not right. Mr. Edwards from next door is here, saying he wants to see Ms. Carter.” 

Everyone froze at the news, turning to the aunt for more information

She continued, He looks really grim. Could he be here to cause trouble?” 

Just ignore him,Rebecca spoke up first

Debra sighed in relief, then nodded. Yes, close the door!” 

Brenda, if Theodore comes again, just close the door and ignore him,Debra instructed her directly

Brenda, still a bit stunned, quickly nodded. Sure, I’ll shut him out right away.” 

With that, Brenda left for the door

I think we should hire some bodyguards to stay watch the house, just to be safe. Becky and the two babies are at home. What if that scumbag barges in and tries to take them away?Paul voiced his concerns

Patrick nodded in agreement

I’ll talk to Bryce about this. He has a lot of connections, so I’ll get him so introduce find good talents to us,Debral 

chimed in

With each of them contributing a suggestion, they easily arranged to hire bodyguards

Outside the door, Theodore waited impatiently. Finally, Brenda emerged, but only to shoot him a cold glare before shutting the door behind her

What did that mean

Was he not welcome there? – 

Did Rebecca still not want to see him

Theodore couldn’t help but chuckle in frustration as the situation seemed incomprehensible to him. Was Rebecca out of her mind? They hadn’t even divorced yet, and here she was, openly living in another man’s house… 

How disgusting and shameless of her

Theodore, seething with anger, felt the urge to lash out. He turned sharply, yanking out his phone, and dialed Rebecca’s number with a furious jab



15:01 Bat 

Chapter 61 

Inside Carter Villa, Rebecca’s phone buzzed to life, displaying Theodoreas the caller ID. The room’s atmosphere shifted as everyone exchanged tense glances

Rebecca, however, looked at the screen with a cold resolve and promptly declined the call

She knew there was no point in communicating with Theodore anymore. Answering his call and engaging in conversation would only squander her emotions and tarnish her peace of mind

Outside, Theodore glared at his phone in disbelief. His call had been rejected? Rebecca had actually hung up on him? 

In a fit of rage, Theodore lashed out, kicking the flowerpot that adorned the Carter family’s doorstep. The pot toppled down the stairs, shattering into a spray of ceramic shards and soil, the loud crash echoing through the quiet evening

Inside the house, Brenda’s heart leaped at the sudden commotion outside. She felt a wave of fear wash over

Having vented his anger, Theodore shot a final, icy glare at Carter Villa before turning away, cloaked in his see fury, and storming back to his place

Meanwhile, Brenda waited with her heart pounding until the noise outside subsided. Cautiously, she stepper Inside to inform Debra and Rebecca. With their permission, she nervously ventured to the front door to asse damage

The sight that greeted her was disheartening: the once immaculate doorstep was now a chaotic scene of bri pots and scattered flowers

Brenda’s heart ached at the sight. These flowers had been specially brought in from Hivalis, and they were favorites

Mrs. Carter, it’s terrible! Your favorite flowers have been knocked over, the pots are all broken, and many! and leaves are damaged!Brenda rushed back in, her voice trembling with concern

The family shared a collective moment of distress upon hearing the news

Unable to contain their anger any longer, they all hurried outside. The sight of their beloved flowers and now reduced to a mess of broken pottery and trampled greenery, filled them with fury

Rebecca’s face darkened with anger. She had known Theodore had a volatile temper, but she never imag would stoop so low as to vandalize the Carter family’s property

It’s okay. Count how many were broken. Later, we’ll send a compensation list to the Edwards Group,” her voice laced with cold determination. We’ll demand reimbursement for the damaged flowerpots an Not just that, we’ll also ask for compensation for the emotional distress caused by his senseless destru 

15:51 Sat, 20 Jul 

Chapter 61

Debra demanded coldly

Paul smiled and said, No worries, let’s leave this to Adrian. When it comes to legal battles, our family has nothing 

to fear.” 

He turned to Debra, quickly adding, Oh right, Debra, about Becky and Theodore’s divorce, why don’t we have 

Adrian help Becky file a lawsuit? Maybe a court ruling will expedite the divorce.” 

Debra fell silent, contemplating the suggestion

Patrick glanced at his younger brother, shaking his head with a mix of amusement and exasperation. We’ve 

already considered that and even discussed it with Adrian. According to the law, for a divorce to be granted 

through litigation, the husband needs to have committed a major fault.” 

Paul protested, How is there no major fault? Theodore cheated and even has an illegitimate child. Gathering 

evidence for that shouldn’t be too hard, right?” 

Paul’s mind wandered to Janet’s child. Proving Janet’s child is Theodore’s shouldn’t be too difficult. Leave it to me. I can arrange for a paternity test easily!” 

Debra sighed, shaking her head. It’s not that simple. According to the law, adultery doesn’t constitute a major fault within a marriage. To file for divorce, there needs to be evidence of domestic violence, bigamy, or other 


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