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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 8


Shut your damn mouth, you little punk! This marriage won’t be over till Rebecca says it is! You got no right talking

divorce to her!” 

Melissa was hitting and scolding Theodore fiercely

Even with her age, Melissa managed a few hits before she was out of breath

Theodore, you apologize to Rebecca right now. Don’t upset your grandmother anymore!Sam finally spoke up 


Even though Sam was old, his words still carried immense authority

Theodore froze again, looking at Sam

Sam continued with a stern face, You’re a grownup now. You should know what to do! Do you need me to spell it for you?” 

Suddenly, a cough echoed through the room

Everyone was startled, looking anxiously toward Melissa. Theodore rushed forward to support her

Melissa coughed a few times and then looked at Rebecca and the kids. Her voice was raspy as she said, Rebecca, honey, this is all Theodore’s fault, butCould you forgive Theodore for the children’s sake?” 

If you two divorce, the children won’t have a whole family

If that punk ever lets you down again, you come to me, and I’ll teach him a lesson!Melissa’s voice was filled with weariness and a hint of pleading as she pleaded

Debra was furious. That old witch was playing the sympathy card

Melissa was sick and might not have many days left. If Becky didn’t give in now and something happened to Melissa, people would say Becky was responsible for Melissa’s death! This was just ruthless

Hey, what’s all this about?Debra interrupted. Rebecca just had a twins a few days ago. She’s exhausted and needs her rest. Can’t you give her a break while she recovers?” 

Then, she turned to Rebecca and said, Honey, you hardly slept last night with the little ones waking up every hour. Now that babies are finally quiet, get some rest. Otherwise, you’ll have to get up again to feed the babies.” 

Rebecca blinked and looked at her mother

Debra helped Rebecca lie down and carefully covered her with a blanket

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Alright, Rebecca needs to sleep now. Everyone, let’s give her some space and go out,” Debra said, starting to usher 

everyone out

It had to be said that Debra’s tactics were just as effective as Melissa’s. One used age and illness to guilt Rebecca into forgiving Theodore, while the other used Rebecca’s exhaustion as a counterattack. Debra not only shot down Melissa’s request but also managed to politely get everyone out of the room

Since Rebecca had lied down to rest, everyone had no choice but to leave the room and give her some peace and 


But Debra couldn’t just kick these people out of the house entirely. As much as she wanted to, Rebecca and Theodore weren’t officially divorced yet. The house was still legally Theodore’s, part of the Edwardsproperty

If they wanted to stay in their own home, she couldn’t force them to leave

So, Sam and Melissa moved into the villa. Not only did they move in, but they also demanded that Theodore move back and live there permanently. They ordered Theodore to treat Rebecca well and to stop being a jerk

Deep down, Theodore didn’t want to, but due to her frail health, he couldn’t risk upsetting her and making her condition worse. So, he had no choice but to agree to move back

Meanwhile, at Mitchell Villa… 

A loud crash echoed through the room as an expensive bottle of lotion shattered against the mirror, leaving shards. of glass scattered across the floor

Weren’t they supposed to get a divorce? Who the hell told Sam and Melissa about this?!Janet, pregnant, threw her makeup in a fit of rage, trembling with anger

Janet, please calm down. You need to think about the baby.Her manager, Lisa Adams, anxiously tried to soothe 


Janet’s face was dark with fury, her anger palpable. She ordered, Lisa, I want someone on this right now. Find proof that Rebecca deliberately leaked that info to Melissa. I’m giving it straight to Theodore.” 

Lisa was surprised. Janet, are you sayingRebecca was the one who told Melissa?” 

Who else could it be?Janet sneered, her voice dripping with sarcasm. My baby is about to be born, and if it’s a boy, Theodore’s father Michael Edwards will definitely agree to our marriage. She’s just getting desperate!” 

Lisa hesitated. But Rebecca had twins, a boy and a girlShe already has a son.” 

Janet scoffed, So what? Rebecca’s just some adopted kid my parents took in. If I don’t like her, the Mitchell family 


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doesn’t give a damn about her, let alone give her a penny!” 

Michael wanted an heir, and he loves money. If both Rebecca and I give the Edwards family sons, he will definitely choose me as Theodore’s wife, not an adopted nobody like Rebecca

Cut the crap, Lisa. Go get to it. If you find something, great. If not, make something up. We have to make everyone believe that Rebecca’s the one behind all this.Janet’s voice was cold

Got it,” Lisa quickly agreed

Oh, one more thing,Janet added. Once I have the baby, I’ll be ready to make a comeback. Keep an eye out for any opportunities for me.” 

Lisa was stunned for a moment before nodding. Okay.” 

Rebecca woke up from a nap and realized it was already late at night. She instinctively reached for the light and wanted to check on the children

Rebecca reached for the bedside lamp and clicked it on, waking Debra, who was sound asleep beside her

Debra blinked, still a bit groggy, but quickly became alert. She looked at Rebecca with concern. Becky, what’s wrong? Are you thirsty? Do you want some water? Or do you need to use the bathroom? Mommy will go with you.” 

As Debra spoke, she started to get up


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