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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 9


Rebecca glanced at the babies and dozed off again, not waking until the next morning

The babies were wailing from hunger. Debra held the babies, feeling a bit anxious. She didn’t want to disturb her daughter’s sleep, but these little ones were relentless. Couldn’t they wait a bit longer for their breakfast

Rebecca quickly awoke at the sound of the babiescries and tentatively asked, Are they hungry?” 

Debra nodded, quickly handing the babies over to Rebecca

Rebecca snuggled them close and began to nurse

Outside, the commotion had also woken Sam and Melissa. They got up, nerves on edge, and headed towards

Rebecca’s room

Theodore had slept in the study last night and also came out at this time

They exchanged a look before turning their attention to Rebecca’s door

Melissa raised her hand to knock, but just as her fingers were about to touch the door, the crying inside suddenly stopped. It seemed that the babies had been soothed

Her hand paused. After a beat of hesitation, she called out, Rebecca? Honey, you up?” 

Inside the room, Rebecca heard the sound at the door and looked up toward it

Debra also glanced toward the door, She couldn’t deny it. She really disliked the entire Edwards family

I’m awake, Grandma. I’m feeding the babies,Rebecca finally said after a moment of silence

She was a bit worried that if she didn’t answer, Melissa might come in. It could get awkward, especially if Sam was around

Outside, Sam and Melissa both let out a sigh of relief. Knowing the greatgrandchildren were being taken care of put them at ease

Theodore subconsciously relaxed as well. Then, he looked at Rebecca’s door and his grandparents standing by it, feeling somewhat irritated

He pulled out his phone, checked the time, and said, Grandpa, Grandma, I’m going to work.” 

Sam and Melissa looked at him

Theodore remained silent for a moment and then turned to leave

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While Rebecca was feeding the babies, the housemaid had already prepared breakfast. Rebecca’s breakfast was a special soup for her body to recover, which was good for her health and could help with milk production since she 

had to nurse two babies now

After breakfast, Sam and Melissa started watching the children. It didn’t matter how many times they saw their greatgrandchildren. They were simply smitten

The babies, just born, still had a bit of jaundice and needed some sunlight. The nanny took the babies outside when the time was right, with Sam and Melissa following along

Inside the room, Debra waited until everyone had left before sitting down next to Rebecca. She smiled happily and said, Becky, your dad texted me this morning. He wants to open a branch of our jewelry store right here in Macloria

If you manage to divorce Theodore in a month, we’ll head straight back to Hivalis. But if things get messy and there’s a holdup, you can get some handson training at the new store. Once you’ve got the hang of it, you’ll be in charge of all our family’s jewelry business,” Debra said with a smile

Rebecca was stunned. Mom” 

She didn’t get to finish her sentence as Debra quickly covered her mouth. Rebecca remembered that she shouldn’t call her momat this place, or it might reveal their relationship

Isn’t this a bit risky?Rebecca asked nervously

Debra laughed. Nothing risky about it, honey. Those boys couldn’t care less about the family business. If you don’t step up, everything we’ve built will be taken by others.” 

No way,Rebecca quickly replied

Debra nodded. Exactly. Your father and I used to feel bad about it, but luckily, we’ve found you now. Becky, you wouldn’t mind taking over the family business, would you? We own several mines overseas, and more than half of Hivalisjewelry stores. It’s a huge enterprise. One day, I’ll take you to see the gemstone. Many people love them.” 

Rebecca couldn’t find the words to express her gratitude. She finally understood what it felt like to have parents who loved her. Her mom and dad were so good to her

Unable to hold back, Rebecca reached out and gently hugged her mother, resting her head in her mother’s embrace. It felt warm, just like a mother’s hug should

Debra held her daughter gently. After so many years of separation, she had finally found her precious child. It took her a long time to feel a sense of reality. Her daughterwas truly back

However, their tender moment was interrupted by a knock at the door



Rebecca and Debra both looked toward the door. The next moment, Debra stood up and walked to open it

It was a housekeeper standing there

The housekeeper glanced at Debra and entered the room, saying, Ms. Mitchell, some people are here to see you. They say they are your family.” 

Family?Both Rebecca and Debra felt a wave of nervousness, glancing at each other

Let them in,Rebecca said

Okay,the housekeeper agreed

She then quickly left. Rebecca wondered if it was her father and brothers or her uncle coming to visit

But when she got downstairs and saw who it was, her heart sank. It was her adoptive parents and Janet

Sam and Melissa were in the living room, putting on a fake show for the Mitchells even though it was clear that 

they were displeased

Hearing the noise from upstairs, everyone looked toward the stairs and saw Debra and Rebecca

Janet also saw Rebecca, and a fleeting look of disdain flickered her eyes before it quickly turned into a smile. She stood up, her prominently swollen belly clearly visible

Rebecca, there you are! I heard your babies were born, so Mom, Dad, and I came to see you,” Janet smiled

Rebecca paused for a beat, then continued down the stairs without a word

Gary Mitchell and Karen Mitchell, her adoptive parents, also turned to look at Rebecca as she approached

Rebecca stopped short, saying, I’m going to check on the kids. Then, she turned to leave

She had nothing to say to this family, nor did she want to

Rebecca!Karen yelled as she saw her leaving. We came all this way to see you, and this is how you treat us?” 

Rebecca smiled and turned to Karen. And what do you think about Janet showing up at my house, pregnant with my husband’s child, while I’m still recovering? How do you feel about that?” 


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