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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81 

Charlie ended up drunk, but luckily, the cabin had a bed, and Jarvis and Ernest helped him get onto it to rest

Rebecca also took advantage of the moment to go outside and have a look around

In all her life, she had never seen the ocean before

The Mitchell family wasn’t struggling financially. They took annual vacations, but they never took Rebecca with them

There are speedboats over there. Do you want to try it out?Jarvis asked Rebecca with a smile

Rebecca looked at the speedboat and then back at Jarvis. She thought about it for a while and finally nodded her head. Yes.” 

Alright! Let’s go have fun together!Jarvis decided happily right away

Ernest also started laughing. He rented a speedboat from the cruise staff

Ernest and Jarvis took Rebecca with them onto the speedboat and had a thrilling ride on the sea

Rebecca had never felt such a sensation before. The speedboat was racing through the water, occasionally dashing into the waves, which was both dangerous and exhilarating

Her heart was pounding, and after the excitement and tension, her nerves seemed to be open. She felt refreshed, comfortable, and happy!!! 

After riding the speedboat, they returned to the cruise ship

Jarvis bought three fishing sets, handing one each to Ernest and Rebecca and keeping one for himself. The three of them fished together on the cruise ship’s deck

It took Charlie three hours to wake up, and when he opened his eyes groggily at first, his consciousness was still somewhat hazy, but gradually, he became more alert

to the West Co 

Charlie remembered that he had come to the West Sea, and he had brought Rebecca along

Becky!!Charlie panicked and instantly sat up in bed, then hurriedly ran outside

Why did I get drunk? Where is Becky? What if Becky gets lost again? Becky is unfamiliar with this place and needs my care. How could I get drunk?‘ 

Charlie thought to himself, even wanting to slap himself, but when he rushed to the door, he quickly remembered 

Ernest and Jarvis



Chapter 81 

Charlie took out his phone and called Jarvis

Then, he felt relieved

Rebecca hadn’t been lost. She was now fishing on the deck with Ernest and Jarvis

Charlie put away his phone and walked happily towards the exit

On the deck, he searched through the fishing crowd and indeed saw Rebecca

Charlie smiled happily, walking towards Rebecca

Rebecca seemed to sense Charlie’s gaze, and she slowly turned around to see him. At that moment when their eyes met, Rebecca couldn’t help but laugh, and Charlie laughed happily, too

Hey Becky, fishing isn’t fun. It’s all a guy thing. I’ll take you on a speedboat ride instead, okay? Speedboats are way more fun!As soon as Charlie arrived, he didn’t stop talking

Ernest proudly said, We’ve already taken her out on the speedboat earlier.” 

Charlie was shocked, then incredulously thought, How could this be? Shouldn’t I be the one taking Becky for joyrides on the sea? How could Ernest and Jarvis beat me to it?” 

Okay, speedboats are really fun. I want to go on them again,Rebecca said with delight, looking at Charlie

Ernest froze in his tracks

Charlie’s eyes lit up, then he looked challengingly at Ernest and exclaimed happily, Sure, I’ll rent a speedboat right now!” 

He thought to himself, Becky is my sister after all. She’s definitely going to side with me. Ernest is trying to make me jealous. He’s dreaming

If Charlie had a tail, it would have been wagging so fast it would leave a blur

Rebecca packed up her fishing gear and followed Charlie to go out on the speedboat

She wasn’t lying when she said speedboats were fun. Riding in one was truly comfortable, and the feeling of speeding across the sea made her mood broaden

Rebecca and Charlie spent a long time riding on the sea together, and by the end of it, they had enough fun, and it was getting dark

The speedboat docked, and Ernest and Jarvis were ready to leave


Chapter 81 

Charlie took Rebecca to board the plane

They took another threehour travel, and finally, just before nine o’clock at night, they arrived back in Maeloria

The Carter family’s driver was waiting for them at the airport entrance, and they got into the car together and went 


Charlie planned to sleep at home that night

Meanwhile, Janet arranged for the paparazzi to secretly follow Charlie and Rebecca, and they finally managed to capture evidence of Charlie and Rebecca returning to the mansion together

The paparazzi were ecstatic, holding their cameras and frantically taking pictures, thinking to themselves, We’ve been waiting so long and finally got it. What sensational news!‘ 

But their happiness didn’t last long. Three bodyguards in black suits appeared behind them

A few minutes later, the paparazzi were grabbed by the collar by the bodyguards and thrown into the villa’s living 


Patrick, Debra, Charlie, Rebecca, the housekeeper, two nannies, and two babies were all in the living room

Everyone stared at the three paparazzi who the bodyguards had brought in

They were a bit scared, in fact, very scared, wondering what to do.. 

Were you spying just now?Charlie stared at the paparazzi with a mixed expression of amusement and disdain

The paparazzi shook their heads frantically to deny it but then quickly realized they needed to respond and hurriedly said, We’ll delete them now, right now!” 

They immediately opened their cameras and deleted all the photos they had sneaked

Charlie watched them finish and then personally took their camera to examine it carefully to make sure all the photos were gone before returning it to them


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