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Love me or leave me (Rebecca and Theodore) novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82 

Debra and Patrick exchanged a discreet glance and then looked at Charlie and Rebecca, smiling

We’ve moved to Macloria now, so he also wanted to live together with us, and he applied for a transfer and was transferred to Maeloria,Debra explained with a smile

Charlie snorted, It’s because Becky is here that he deliberately transferred over, isn’t it? Hmph, I know his mind all 

too well!” 

Patrick pretended to scold Chuck, Chuck, don’t be so harsh. Bryce also wants to take better care of Becky.” 

Charlie kept grunting like a pig, almost blowing air out through his nose

Okay, you’ve played with Becky all day and then took such a long flight. You must be tired. Let’s eat dinner first, then hurry and take a shower to rest!Debra urged with a smile

Charlie could only follow and take Rebecca to eat, then encourage her to take a shower and go to bed, saying

Early to bed and early to rise is good for health.” 

Charlie didn’t dare to delay either. He had to catch the early morning flight back to the set to continue filming. The 

movie wasn’t finished, and he still had to go back and continue shooting

Janet had bought gems for Cynthia’s birthday present in Alagua City. When she came back home, she noticed that 

Theodore’s grandparents no longer came to see her

At first, Janet didn’t notice anything amiss. Before long, Cynthia’s birthday had passed, and Sam and Melissa 

stopped showing up, not even calling her

Sam and Melissa used to be very concerned about Arthur, visiting almost every day to check on Arthur and urging her to give Theodore custody

Sam and Melissa even wanted to take Arthur away to raise themselves, but she didn’t agree because she knew very well that Arthur was the biggest bargaining chip she had if she wanted to marry Theodore

Sam and Melissa just wanted Arthur, and if she handed Arthur over to them now, she wouldn’t lose the qualification to negotiate anymore 

So, no matter how much Sam and Melissa tempted her, she didn’t fall for it

On the contrary, she took advantage of Sam and Melissa’s concern for Arthur to remind them that only after she married Theodore could Theodore obtain Arthur’s custody

10:55 Sun, 21 Jul 

Chapter 82 

Everything went smoothly, and each time Sam and Melissa visited, she took great care of them, trying hard to please them


After several months of effort, Sam and Melissa were touched by her. The most obvious sign was that when they visited Arthur at her house, their attitude towards her had become much kinder

Janet thought that as long as she persisted, she could change Sam and Melissa’s minds. Persuading them to agree to her marriage with Theodore was just a question of time

However, these past few days, she suddenly had a bad feeling

It had been three days since Sam and Melissa had come to visit Arthur, and not even a video call to see Arthur

At first, she didn’t realize there was a problem. But after two days, Sam and Melissa still didn’t react, as if they didn’t care about Arthur anymore

Janet felt uneasy and even had a bizarre idea. Could Sam and Melissa have secretly transferred Arthur’s custody while I was away?” 

Janet thought this was very possible, especially since they were part of the Edwards family… 

She immediately called the nanny, Mary, over and started questioning her. At this point, she noticed Mary was hiding something and was clearly not herself

Janet had been working as an actress for several years, and sometimes, to play a role well, she often studied various ways to express emotions. Mary’s performance clearly indicated that she was lying

Janet was furious and then questioned Mary

Mary couldn’t stand up to Janet and, after being interrogated for an hour, she panicked and confessed everything

After telling the truth, Mary knew that she was going to lose her job. She had been taking care of Arthur these months and being criticized and bullied by Janet. All the accumulated anger poured out at once

Why are you feeling so good

You don’t even know who the father of your child is. What a shameless bitch!! 

Give me this month’s salary. I’m not doing this job anymore!” 

Mary said imperiously and then demanded in a very unhappy tone

She had taken care of many children before, but this was the first time she was taking care of a child for a mistress

She would never mention this to anyone else in the future, as she felt it was inauspicious

10:55 Sun, 21 Jul Gu 

Chapter 82 

Janet was already extremely angry, and Mary cursed before she could, causing her to burst into a rage all of a sudden. Mary, watch your language

Is this how your company trains you to talk to your employer?” 

Mary folded her arms and said fiercely, None of your business about my company

Give me my salary now, or I’ll put online the fact that you were hooking up with Theodore, forcing your sister 

Rebecca to divorce Theodore

I want all the fans to see what a despicable bitch their favorite actress is

Oh, by the way, that precious baby isn’t Theodore’s


I’m curious how many men you’ve slept with that you don’t even know whose child you have. And you want to use this bastard to force your sister Rebecca to divorce Theodore? Disgusting!” 

Janet trembled with fury and slapped Mary across the face with a fierce swing of her hand


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