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Married To My Sister's Husband novel Chapter 3

Luthel Mansion

Livy finally woke up to the familiar scent of her room, the warmth of it suddenly smoothed her aching nerves.

Wait. How did i get to my room? Am I still dreaming?

Was that all a dream? If it was, then she's couldn't be happier to have woken up from such nightmare. But she deep down still, she knew it wasn’t a dream.

Slowly and weakly, she opened her eyes to see their family doctor writing down on his notepad.

She looked around carefully just to be certain it was her room, but met her mother's cold eyes staring her down.

Last thing she remembered was, she suddenly felt faint at work inside her office and decided to close her eyes for a bit.

Could it be that she had fainted back then? Why, why did she faint?

Soon the memories came rushing back like a sharp slap making her flinch.

She had seen the Winfrey's at Luthel Inc, and she knew the reason why they had come.

That and coupled with the fact that she had not eaten anything since the day before must have been the reason she fainted.

"Good. You're awake. How do you feel? Are you hurting anywhere?" doctor Collins asked, concerned.

Dr. Collins has been the Luthel family doctor ever since Livy was a little girl, so she wasn't feeling too self-conscious with him around.

"I feel fine, just my head...it feels sore, and my stomach hurts a little," she replied.

"How long have you been feeling the ache in your head?", Dr Collins asked professionally.

"For the past 2 days now. I... " she started but Judy interrupted,

"She must have been stressing herself too much at the office combined with her wedding preparations. It's my fault, I shouldn't have let her take on so much work. But I hope she's alright?"

Livy completely froze as the sound of the word 'marriage' rang in her ears.

So it's decided then? She's getting married to Markian. A trickle of tear made its way down her cheek as she lowered her head in disappointment.

When she raised up her head again, her eyes were glued to her mother who showed no empathy or pity whatsoever.

Judy's face was as blank as ever, only maybe with a slight disapproval. Of course it wasn't against the arranged marriage, but at the fact that Livy was now crying.

She hates it when her daughters unnecessary starts to cry around her, thinking that would solve anything.

She believes only the weak and lazy think they can solve their problems with tears. Pathetic. She knows she didn't bring them up to lazy nor weak.

"She will be fine, she just needs to start eating properly- she has lost some weight. I will give you some prescriptions she needs to take, it will help with the headache and the pain in her stomach too for the time being. And of course, congratulations on your wedding, ma'am. Don't worry, you will be just fine once you take the prescribed medications as instructed,” Dr Collins stated pleasantly.

Livy was already lost in her own thoughts, and might as well be drowning in her own tears toi.

“Of course Dr, she will and I’ll make sure of that. Thank you for your help.” Judy said nicely as she walked the doctor to the door and handed him over to the butler to see him out.

When she returned to Livy's bed, she was quite upset for several reasons but kept a straight face as she tucked Livy in and straightened the side of the blanket covering.

"'Take the day off and nurse yourself back to health,' I said. Falling sick or fainting at the office doesn't tell well on our imagine, but does she listen? No! I'm responsible for putting food on the tables of over 2000 employees, but my own daughter fainted because of hunger- how ironic?" Judy soliloquized audibly.

She was not the least bit careful with her word, well aware that Livy could hear her and was still crying.

"Who...se wedding preparations were you referring to, mother?" Livy asked with a heavy heart.

"Yours of course. The Winfrey's have accepted the married proposal, so in a week's time you will be getting married to the President of Castlehill- Markian Winfrey. Now, do you understand why you can't be so negligent with your health? Imagine the embarrassment I faced today when I came to share the good news with you, but you were unconscious in your office."

Judy rehearsed what happened at the office after Livy had gone unconscious.

Good news? Please...

When Judy was done scolding her daughter and putting everything in order, she was about to leave- hoping for no objection from her sad daughter.

"Should I just die? Or maybe i should've died instead of Sophy, then I wouldn't be compelled into a life of torture all in the name of marriage. Maybe I should died, because I would rather be dead than conceit to the idea of a loveless marriage. Who knows? Maybe then you would finally listen to me." Livy spoke with all the seriousness and boldness she could muster.

But with a personality like hers, it was very easy to call her bluff. This, Judy knew very well how to manipulate.

"I think that would be the easiest solution for everyone, don't you? Well then, go on! You would just be another one of my burdens lifted...",


"What?! Do you think you can threaten me with ending your life? Was that what all this drama of starvation and falling unconscious been about these past few days? Look honey, if you think that tears and going hungry would help you get your way, then you really are a weakling and unworthy to call me 'mother'..." Judy stated firmly.

At this point Livy was dead silent and wondered what exactly is going through her mother's mind right now?

Is she really serious about getting her married to the same man that have been married to her late daughter up until a month ago?

When did her mother become so unfeeling and impulsive, only thinking about profit and gain?

Livy tried to move her lips to say something but there were no words.

"... I didn't think so either. So you better put yourself together and show that you are your father's daughter and the heiress of the Luthel empire. Your fears would follow you around all your life if you don't stop hiding and face them head on. The Winfrey's and i have decided that date for the court marriage be in the next one week. So put your emotions to good use and get your acts right, unless you want your father's life's work and your sister's efforts all be for nothing- and it will be on you!" With that Judy left the room and Livy with mixed emotions.

Why is her destiny leading her along these thorny path? Why can't she just have a normal life with a promising future?

The last thing she wants is to cause problems for her mother and Luthel Inc, but she can't betray her sister like this either.

Winfrey Mansion

It's been 3 days since the Winfrey's accepted the marriage proposal between their son and Luthel Inc's heiress- Olivia Luthel.

Fortunately, only family members were invited for the engagement tonight, which was an approximate of 10 persons from both families. No press, no media.

Markian is in his room thinking about the turn of event surrounding him currently.

Mrs. Judy Luthel have promised to leave Castlehill with her investors if he doesn't agree to this sick joke.

He stared intensely at a picture frame of Sophia on one side of the brilliantly painted wall of his room.

With a glass of wine in his hand, he took each sip as he relived the happy but short memories of him with his late wife.

It was October last year and Sophy had thought pranking him by nabbing him from the office and took him on a trip to Italy, Venice.

She had bugged him for months that she wanted to go on a vacation there, but he had been very busy late year with business trips and constant work load at the office. So, she decided to take matters into her own hands and took him there by force anyway.

He was quite upset with her because he didn't have his laptop with him and was unable to do any work, but he remembered they had ended up having the best time in Venice.

She had gotten him a native bracelet with an eagle engraved at the crust of the bracelet.

He never took it off his wrist- not even after her death. But what does any of that matter now? he asked himself as he looked at the bracelet on his wrist. It was supposed to be her promise of forever with him, a promise she didn't keep. Angrily, he pulled the bracelet off his wrist.

In 3 days time, he would be making the same vows he had made with Sophy to her twin sister.

He raised his glass at Sophy's portrait and smirked with glimmering blue eyes.

"I was going to take you round the world- just like you dreamt of, and when we grew old, we would both spend the rest of our lives alone on a little island- just the both of us. (Sigh)... I was so stupid to have thought that I had forever with you..." he soliloquized disheartened.

"...I'll be getting engaged to your sister today, hope it makes you happy? Leaving without a goodbye isn't very smart now, is it? She and I will have to live together and in the same room. We will even share a bed like a married couple, hope that makes you happy? Everyday....every single moment without you would be a nightmare for me, hope that makes you happy?" he questioned the picture accusingly, almost expecting a reply.


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