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Married To My Sister's Husband novel Chapter 4

A lot had happened since the evening of the engagement party and everything was beginning to overwhelm Livy.

The day after the engagement party, Livy had received a call from Heather to hang out and go shopping.

She had tried to explain to Heather how busy she was but to no avail, so she was practically dragged on the shopping spree by Heather.

Livy wasn't a fan of hanging out with friends or going shopping, let alone with someone she barely knows.

But as the day went by, she slowly became comfortable with Heather who could talk, gist and laugh all day.

It was amazing how much she had enjoyed their hang out and shopping, well since she had not done any of those like for ever.

Heather didn't waste any time in planning a spa date the next day ahead of the wedding, which was just two days away.

After the beautiful afternoon she had with Heather, Livy soon became perplexed when she got a text from Markian's secretary, informing her of a dinner reservation Markian made that evening.

She was certain there must have been a mistake somewhere so she called back just to make sure. It was no mistake. A reservation have been made for both she and Markian at a very fancy restaurant.

How? No, why does he want to have dinner with me?

She can barely comport herself at the mere sight of him, sitting with him would just be on a different scale of scary. How on earth would she be able to sit alone with Markian, all evening?

Should she cancel and make up a story like saying she's busy with work? But her mother had relieved her of all duties ahead of the wedding preparations.

It won't be a huge white wedding ceremony with grand reception and lots of people, but something simple.

A small court wedding with family members only, preceded with a small reception afterwards.

"He hates me, so why does he want us to meet?" Livy kept asking herself with no answer at all.

Well, it's a good thing she went shopping, at least now she had something beautiful and elegant to wear to her first date ever.

Appearance- her mother would always say, is very important.

Even though she was certain nothing good would come out of this dinner date, she still consciously anticipated it.

She had dreamt of a day like this ever since she first laid eyes on Markian.

He had been very nice to her back then, but she was too shy to thank him for his help or even ask for his name. Would he remember that day, or was it some meaningless memory so easily discarded.

She got dressed early and anxiously waited for the time. She laid on her bed staring at the ceiling when slowly but surely, she dosed off to sleep.

She found herself in a play house she recognized quite well, it was hers and Sophy's play house when they were kids.

She was lying and the bed just like when they were kids, playing pretend sick daughter of a billionaire, while Sophy was the doctor.

She tried getting up from the bed but someone stopped her. It was Sophia. She hadn't changed at all, just like when they were kids. Sophy was her 6yrs old self, while Livy was her grown up self.

She took Livy's hands to check for pulse just like a doctor would, while Livy just lied there staring as her twin sister examined her.

She can't remember when last she had had any dream of Sophy since her death, so it was both a surprise and a relief- but she just couldn't help but stare.

"Well, Miss Liv you have been stressing a lot lately, so you broke down. You've been diagnosed with 'stressyphoria', and all you need now is a good rest. Forget about the 'what if' and 'could be', just do what your heart says and be happy for once". Sophy said, as she wrote down on her fake notepad.

Everything looked the same, her sister was as beautiful as always just like their mother- tall, slender and elegant.

Livy took after their father and though he was a handsome man, she had often wished she took after her mother instead.

Livy didn't say anything, she just laid on the bed and stared at her sister as she made funny remarks and talked about funny memories from their childhood.

She missed Sophy so much, more than she wished to admit or show- but instead of mourning, what is she doing? She's about to get married to her sister's husband.

No other betrayal was as worse as that, she thought.

Letting the smile fall off her face, she said with teary eyes "I'm so sorry Soph, I'm not a very good sister. You would still be with us if...if...maybe it would have been better if it was me instead".

"Sorry. I couldn't hear you amist all the negativity and nonsense you've just said. Shut up and don't say anything, you always end up saying the stupidest things..." Sophy replied in a sarcastic nonchalant way, making Livy chuckle a little.

This was her sister. She always was easy going and had a way of making everything better no matter what it was. It really wasn't a surprise Markian fell in love with her.

Sophy had always been Livy's strength throughout their years, and even after death she still found a way to give her the strength she needed.

"...what I want to know is where you got such a gorgeous gown from? Wow...look at you looking all cute and beautiful. So tell me, you are still in love with Markian right?" Sophy asked excitedly, shocking Livy at the mention of 'Markian'.

And with that Livy woke up. She continued to stare at the ceiling for few seconds before she reached for her phone to check the time.

It's almost time to leave, and she would prefer getting to the restaurant before Markian does. She doubts she would be able to walk properly at the sight of him.

Right on cue, a maid came in to inform her that her ride was ready and she shouldn't be late -courtsey of her mother. Seems Markian had spoken to Judy about this dinner date, so one of the best ride was waiting downstairs for her.

All her years, she have never been as nervous as she was right now going to meet with Markian -and she is always nervous.

'What exactly I'm I doing? How on earth can i manage a meeting with the man my heart have yearned for all these years?'

She could barely calm herself down just thinking about him, and she was even more scared her nervousness and anxiety would show.

For some reason, she really cared about what he would think of her timidity and shy nature.

What if she results to rudeness and ruins everything? Her mother would never forgive her for that.

'Olivia relax, it's not an execution, it's just a dinner date. Maybe, he wants to know a little about you, nothing to worry about,' she told herself to calm her racing heart as she entered the car and drove off.

It was a 15mins drive to the restaurant, so she got there at exactly 7:05pm.

She was unnaturally early, but it's OK since she's very nervous, at least she has more time to prepare for her first meeting with her soon-to-be husband.

So also, she wouldn't have to risk nervously tripping on her foot while walking towards him if he had beat her to the restaurant first.

After what seemed like the longest 25mins ever, she was beginning to feel that maybe he had changed his mind.

Why would he even want to try and meet with her? Because, asking her on a date means he is trying to at least get to know who he will be getting married to, but she really doesn't think that he gives a hoot about any of that at the moment.

Right after she finished her thought, she felt a familiar presence as the air around her changed, sparking some excitement and joy within her.

She looked up to see a dashing, handsome Markian walking straight in her direction.

For a brief moment she wasn't feeling at all nervous as she was, instead she was filled with some sense of pride as all the young ladies- even some elderly women ogled at Markian as he walked past them to get to her.

'Could this be real?' She wondered.

It seemed so unreal like one of her fantasies of Markian.

Only when he finally got to her, did she realise that she was done for.

She suddenly flushed in embarrassment at the evidence that she was lost at the mere sight of him, and this excited him for some reason.

Markian was not one to admire another person let alone admire just any woman's beauty that wasn't his wife, so he gave himself a mental slap. But it wasn't enough to stop his mind from thinking that; 'Livy looked so beautiful tonight'.

She wasn't his wife. Well, technically speaking she was going to be his wife in two days, but it still wasn't right to think of her as a woman - or like his woman.


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