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Master of his heart (Max and Brielle) novel Chapter 1295

Brielle sat there in silence, leaving King completely in the dark about what she was thinking.


King finally asked the question that had been eating away at him.

"Are you interested in buying Premier Palace because of me, or because of Max?"

Confusion flickered in Brielle's eyes as she glanced at him.

"King, does it really matter? Aren't you and Max the same person?"

King was visibly shaken, staring at her in shock. Brielle’s confusion seemed genuine; she even reached out and touched his forehead, as if checking for a fever.

"Why are you asking such a question?"

She had her own secrets, a side of herself she was too scared to show Max. She understood the need to hide parts of oneself. Max had shown his hidden side, while she still struggled with being completely honest.

Her fingers continued tapping away on the keyboard, her brow furrowed in concentration. Would Max turn away if he knew her other side? She couldn’t risk it.

King sat beside her, utterly dumbstruck. Brielle had always seen him and Max as separate, always wanting Max back and wishing King away. But now, she firmly believed they were the same person. Why?

King was genuinely puzzled but chose to stay quiet, sitting beside her. When Brielle got engrossed in her work, he stood up, saying he needed a smoke.

There was a smoking area on that floor, and he found himself standing alone in the empty hallway, her words echoing in his mind.

"Aren't you and Max the same person?"

Could it be that Brielle, after being hypnotized by Myles to forget her past, also forgot her feelings? If she now believed he and Max were the same, did that mean her love for Max was also love for him?


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