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Master of his heart (Max and Brielle) novel Chapter 1328

"King, maybe it's time you considered finding a new wife. Women aren't irreplaceable, you know."

In this country, women's status remained depressingly low, to the point where even wearing short sleeves was forbidden.

King sat quietly to the side, his eyes slightly downcast.

His team had already scoped out the situation, but the villagers were proving difficult to manage.

Beyond the chain-link fence that enclosed the area, dozens of small towns and villages lay, all under the watchful eye of Fisher. The moment any of King's men showed up, Fisher would know instantly that King had made his move.

King's eyes narrowed thoughtfully.

"I hear Fisher distributes medical supplies to the villagers every month. That's something you can manage as well, isn't it? I represent Saudi Arabia, and I'm offering to donate twenty tons of medical supplies. Starting now, send in a hundred people in hazmat suits to distribute these supplies to the villagers."

Medical supplies were critically scarce in this country, but even more so were feminine hygiene products.

Items like sanitary pads were considered a luxury for local women.

While Fisher's people thought to win hearts with medicine, they hadn't considered fighting for women's rights.

"We'll also donate twenty tons of feminine hygiene products, all in your government's name. That way, the people won't hold any resentment towards you."

The villagers had long lost faith in the so-called government of their land, fully aware they'd been abandoned, with the chain-link fence serving as a stark reminder.

People didn't care who was in power; they only cared if their lives were improving, a concern shared by citizens worldwide.

But if the current officials employed the strategy King suggested, public opinion might gradually shift in their favor.

"Once this is successful, I'll donate a billion dollars to your nation."

The official hesitated, but at the mention of "US dollars," his eyes lit up with excitement. This was more than several years' national revenue.


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