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Mated To My Sister's Alpha Fiance (Daisy and Xavier) novel Chapter 140


Chapter 140 


Find the location, huhI mumble and grab Lucasthick bicep in an attempt to stop my mind from spinning

He doesn’t mind at all; if anything, he seems to like the attention. His lips curl by the corners and I have to fight not to let my mind wander

Why does he have to be so freaking hot

I clear my throat. Soummhow do we find your Dad?” 

Lucas must notice I’m still dizzy because he hugs me to him as if worried. about me. For being a huge Alpha, he is such a sweetheart

My heart flutters as he speaks into my hairline. When I was a kid, my Dad used to tell me the story about how he and the other chosen werewolves. defeated Lucian in some sort of underground castle in a cave

Is he serious right now? Is that the only clue he has?! 


No offense, but that’s not very helpful,I mutter into his chest and try not to notice how his muscles are pushing through his tshirt. Damn it. Now really isn’t the time to get hot and bothered… 

Lucas laughs softly above me, his chest rumbling against my forehead. I know,he agrees, releasing me. But maybe we could ask my Mom?” 

Your Mom?I question, about to remind him that she doesn’t know who 

we are

but before that, there’s a shriek as the person in question walks inside the room

Who the hell are you guys and what are you doing inside our future baby 


Lucas and I turn around to stare at his Mom. She is gaping at us from the doorway, a hand over the swell of her pregnant belly, her eyes wide with shock and fear. If you don’t get out right now, I swear I’ll-” 


Chapter 140 

Mom,Lucas interrupts gently, stepping forward with his hands raised in a nonthreatening manner. We’re not here to harm you, I promise.” 

The young womanLucasMomblinks at him, taken aback. How do you know my name?” 

He grins at her, seemingly amused by her behavior. I just called you Mom -shouldn’t that tell you enough?” 

His Mom narrows her eyes. You do look a lot like XavierShe shits. before her face softens. F*ck, how are you even bigger than your Dad?Tears gather in her eyes. You’re supposed to be our little boy and never grow up! You can’t be this big and handsome already!” 

I try not to laugh when Daisy reaches up to grab Lucasface. He has to bend down a little, which I find cute. Lucas could easily escape from her. Instead, he doesn’t resist her feeling up his face, probably knowing she is under the influence of pregnancy hormones

Mom,” Lucas gently wraps his large hand around her smaller one, it’s a long story, but you need to understand. We are from the future.” 

Her eyes widen even further. The future?she parrots back, her voice. trembling slightly

Lucas takes her hands and brings them down. Yes, the future, and we need your help.” 

To do what?” 

Help Dad defeat Lucian,” Lucas replies. Do you have any idea where I can find him?” 

Daisy studies her son’s face before she sighs. If you’re anything like Xavier, you can probably teleport to his whereabouts if you try hard. enough.” 

I can open portals, but….Lucas hesitates. I sometimes lose control of 

my powers


Chapter 140 

Not anymore, though,I’m quick to add. I’m sure you can do it now when you’ve accepted who and what you are.” 

Lucas blinks and cocks his head at me. You’re rightshit, maybe this is easier than I thought,his attention lands on his Mom once more. It was nice meeting you when you’re closer to my age, but I got to go. Love you 

Wait!Daisy exclaims, gripping Lucashand. Her face is a picture of frustration. Don’t I get a hug before you go? You’re my son and IShe places a hand over her belly with a wavering smile. Every hour feels like a year. I just want you to be born already.” 

Lucas smiles down at his mother, tenderness softening his features. Of course, Mom,he murmurs and leans down to hug her, careful not to jostle her pregnant belly

The air in the room becomes thick with emotion as they hold onto each other. Daisy starts crying, and Lucas whispers soothing words into her hair, trying to calm her down. I stand on the sidelines, an unexpected spectator to this heartfelt moment

Eventually, they break apart. Daisy looks up at Lucas, tears staining her cheeks but a smile playing on her lips. You’re already an amazing man. Your dad and I are very proud of you.” 

Thanks, Mom,Lucas whispers back, his voice choked with emotion. He turns toward me and extends his hand with a determined look on his face. Ready?” 


I step forward and take his hand without hesitation, ready to face whatever 


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