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Mated To My Sister's Alpha Fiance (Daisy and Xavier) novel Chapter 142

Chapter 142 


The need to prevent Aron from raping me in the future is too strong, and I jump over him while in my wolf form. He falls down on his back, eyes. widened with fear as his eyes meet mine

At this time, he isn’t the coldblooded person I met as a child, but a teenage boy who has not yet committed the atrocities of his future self. Still, my heart hardens at the sight of him, for I know the monster he will become

Skylarthat’s your name, right?he whispers, eyes filled with terror and confusion. Don’t kill me” 

Jinx’s pleas echo in my mind, but I push them away. This is my choice and my future I’m changing. I open my mouth, ready to tear him apart, but freeze when I hear Lucasvoice coming from behind me

If you want him dead, go ahead. I won’t stop you. Just remember that you’re sinking down to his level, Skylar. I know what he did to you. It was terrible and something you will never truly recover from, but don’t you think it all worked out in the end, anyway? You’re with me now.” 

I know,’ I respond through the mindlink. But if this man didn’t ruin me, I wouldn’t have rejected you the first time we met, Lucas. We wouldn’t have to suffer!

but is killing him truly the answer? You could just threaten him, you 


I snarl, my mind consumed with the thirst for vengeance. How dare he suggest threatening a monster who will grow up to ruin countless lives! YetI can’t ignore the whisper of reason in his words

He is also your mate, Skylar,Jinx reminds me in a soft voice. Lucas. doesn’t mean you any harm. If you kill Aron, however, there is no telling. what will happen to the future you builthell, we don’t even know how it 


Chapter 142 

has changed with this little fix we’ve just made.‘ 

The weight of Jinx’s words freezes me in place. My beastly claws hover just inches from Aron’s throat, my pulse thrumming in my ears

Aron swallows hard, his fearsaturated scent hitting my nose, triggering another wave of uncontrolled rage. His eyes beg for mercy. What shall I do with him? It’s a decision between the monster he is and the innocent boy he is

SkylarLucas whispers, reaching out to touch my fluffy shoulder lightly, careful not to startle me. The burning light has died down now, leaving him as his normal human self again albeit with wings. Think about this.” 

He’s right. Killing Aron wouldn’t make me any better than him. But the thought of leaving him alive after everything he will do in the future… 

LucasI whisper hoarsely through the mindlink, turning to look at him. for the first time since everything ended. Ican’t kill him. I want to, but I can’t. Does that mean I’m weak?‘ 

Lucas’s gaze is soft yet strong as he meets mine, understanding washing over his handsome features. For a moment, we just stand theretwo souls interlocked in a silent conversation

but eventually, I can’t stand it. I want to hug him so badly that I shape- shift back into a human and run into his arms. He is just as eager to hold 

  1. me

It’s okay,” he murmurs against my forehead, pulling me into a gentle. embrace. His angel wings blanket us both, giving us a brief moment of privacy

I want to go back,I tell him. Can I open a portal now?” 

I don’t see why not,he says. We are done here, aren’t we?” 

I smile at him then, and Jinx smiles inside my head when I use my powers. to take us back to our time. A portal opens underneath us, and suddenly, we are back inside my parentskitchen, no longer at Lucasplace. Nothing 

much has changed, but I immediately notice that the light is back, and the eternal darkness is long gone

Welcome back,my Dad says and I turn around to see him and my Mom sitting by the kitchen table

I blink at them. Didsomething change?” 

Change?my Dad blinks. I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I see that you took care of Lucian. It’s no longer dark, and guess what?” 


Your Mom will live a long, healthy life,he grins. We found the well, and I’m proud to say we are currently sharing my life force. Her cancer is but a memory.” 

Joy blooms in my chest, and I look over at Mom. She’s glowing, her cheeks flushed with life, and her eyes sparkling with unshed tears

Oh, Skylarshe breathes, standing to pull me into a tight hug. I’m so proud of you for having defeated that terrible demon all on your own.” 

Happiness swells within me at the words, pushing back the dark clouds. that had threatened to consume my thoughts. We’ve won. There’s no longer darkness hanging over our heads, no prophecy of doom waiting to snatch away the happiness we’ve fought so hard for

Lucas squeezes my hand. I’m proud of you, too,he says quietly

Yes,I murmur, leaning into him. We did it together.” 

But even as joy swells in my chest, a thought nags at the back of my mind

what had become of him? Had I made the right call sparing his 




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