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Mated To My Sister's Alpha Fiance (Daisy and Xavier) novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143 


After my son’s call, Xavier and I are on our way to join Lucas and his mate, Skylar, in the magical realm. I’m standing in front of the mirror while inspecting my outfit

Do you think I look fat in this blue summer dress?I lift it to frown at my stretch marks. These days, I never wear anything that shows off much skin

What’s with the frown?Xavier asks as he comes up behind me, placing a large hand right over my belly. I meet his eyes in the mirror, and my heart skips a beat

He hasn’t aged a day since he accepted his vampiric side, and even though I’m not usually bothered by the fact that I’m aging while he doesn’t, I feel it today

After drinking from the well of fates in the magical realm, Xavier and I will share his life force. While I love the thought of spending forever by his side, I’m concerned about my age and appearance

What if he doesn’t find me as attractive now as he did back when I was younger

It would have been so much better if we found the well earlier and I stopped aging at twentyone. Instead, I’m soon in my forties with a husband who looks like he belongs on the cover of MQ magazine. And unlike Xavier, I can’t change my appearance at my will

I’m stuck like this and shit….is he going to be unhappy with me always looking like this

Why the heck would I be unhappy?Xavier growls above my head. His chin is resting on the top of my head, and his big arms are wrapped around me in a hug

Even though we have been together for eighteen years, my heart still flutters at his touch. I don’t even mind that he read my thoughts. It’s all 


Chapter 143 

forgiven by him holding me like I’m the most precious thing in the world

I sigh while letting my back lean against his chest. Because I’m no longer as pretty as I used to be” 

You’re prettier now than you were in the past,he says those words without any hesitation. And those stretch marks? Those are proof of the son you carried, of the family you gave me. They’re beautiful, Daisy. You’re my heroine, and I’m so happy you were able to carry a quadbrid.” 

I shudder at the memory of how much iron I had to consume while. carrying Lucas due to his vampiric genes. There was a time when all I did was sleep with Xavier massaging my back and taking care of me

Anyway, you’re gorgeous, Daisy,Xavier assures me, tracing his fingers lightly over the faint lines. His touch sends shivers down my spine, and his words warm my heart

But Xavier,I say, my voice shaky from emotions that are threatening to bubble over. I am aging. Every day, I see a new wrinkle, a new gray hair.” 

And every day, I fall more in love with you,he retorts immediately, spinning me around to face him. His hand cups my ch*ek, and his eyes. bore into mine. Can’t you see? Each wrinkle is a memory, each gray hair a tale of our love. Daisy, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on. And you only grow more beautiful with each passing day. Sure, you will stop aging once we visit this well, but I’m glad I got to see you age and mature a bit before then. I prefer this Daisy to the younger one. You’re more sure of yourself. More confident and not afraid to shine. I love you so much, you know that, right?” 

His words hit me hard, stirring emotions so deep within me that tears well 

up in my eyes

Are you crying?Xavier asks, concern lacing his voice as he gently wipes. away a tear that had escaped down my ch*ek

No,I lie, sniffing and blinking rapidly to keep the rest at bay

I can hear your heartbeat, Daisy.He raises a brow, a playful smile tugging 


Chapter 143 

at the corners of his lips despite his pained expression. I know when you’re lying.” 

Fine, I am crying,” I admit, my voice choked with emotion. But they are happy tears if you must know.” 

Happy tears?he questions with a soft chuckle, the sound resonating deep in his chest where my head is nestled

Yes,” I reply, pressing my hand against his heart where I can feel the steady rhythm of his life force. Tears of joy because I have someone who can still love me despite my age and appearance.” 

You’re not that old, Daisy,Xavier retorts with a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. And your appearanceHe shakes his head as though at a loss for words. Your pregnancy left you with these wonderful curves. Your hips? I love the extra pounds you’ve put on there. It’s s*xy.” 

I giggle like a schoolgirl when he grabs my hips and lifts me off my feet with a mischievous look on his face

Oh, don’t you dare take me to our bed,I tell him. We have places to be!” 

He frowns and even has the audacity to look like a puppy someone just kicked. But I want you.” 

I roll my eyes. Later” 

I’m so hard, thoughHe presses his nose against my neck to inhale my scent. And you smell fantastic. I want to press my tongue against your cunt so badly” 

XavierI warn, trying to sound stern even though the bastard has already managed to make me wet


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