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Mistress novel Chapter 31

Meher's p.o.v

"Oh! Allah. I am late. Mehrab must be waiting for me," I thought mentally and started pressing the lift button hurriedly.  One minute without Mehrab is like an eternity for me.

I reached my apartment and rang the doorbell. Mehrab's nanny Siya is with him and I am waiting for her to open the door.

It's been 5 minutes since I am ringing the doorbell but no one is opening the door. I have even called in Siya's number but she isn't receiving the call.

I started calling by her name and Mehrab when someone opened the door. I didn't notice who opened the door.

I entered hurriedly and seeing the scenery in front of me my blood turned cold. A sudden fear run down through my whole system and I started sweating like a pig.

I saw that Sehreyar's Dadi is sitting on the living room's couch and Mehrab is in her lap. He is looking very frightened and crying. Sehreyar's Dadi is tightly holding him. I am sure Mehrab is scared of her. This old woman is really scary and a complete witch.

I also found that four goon type people are also here and two of them are holding Siya tightly. Her mouth is closed by a tape. These goons are having gun as well.

I yelled loudly," What's happening here? Leave my son and Siya."

Saying that I tried to run towards Mehrab when the other two goons hold me tightly. I'm continuously telling them to leave me but no one is listening to me. 

Mehrab looked at me and cried out loudly," Mamma."

Saying that he started wriggling in Sehreyar's Dadi's lap. But, that old witch scolded him," you little shit! Stop struggling or I will call these scary uncles to kill you right now."

She said all these pointing her finger to those goon type people. She is really a witch. How can she scare a little child like that?

Hearing her Mehrab became silent and stopped his wriggling. He is looking too much afraid.

I screamed at that old witch, "Please, Leave my son and this place. Otherwise, I will call the police."

I tried to scare her by saying that I will call the police though I know that police can't do anything to her. This Seikh family is very powerful in every sector.

" You are threatening me! Huh! You are threatening Anmol Seikh! Do you have any idea what kind of relationship I have with the police? They salute me whenever they see me," She replied mocking me.

I am not interested in her rubbish talking. So, I asked her hurriedly," Why are you here? What do you want?"

She chuckled and said," I also have the same question. Why are you here? Why you are in Mumbai?"

I replied trying to act strong," I am here for my work purpose."

" Which work? To trap my grandson again. Did you just forget about that letter? Sehreyar clearly said that he doesn't want you in his life anymore still you came into this city. Don't you have any shame?" She replied clenching her jaw. I can see her hatred and disgust for me in her eyes.

I replied confidently," I don't have any relationship with your grandson anymore and I am not interested to be with him. So, stop bothering me. Let me lead my life peacefully."

Hearing me she came forward with Mehrab in her arms and threatened me," If you ever try to come in front of Sehreyar then I will not spare you and your little shit. I don't want your filthy shadow in my grandson's life."

Saying that she handed over Mehrab in my arms making a disgusting face like she has touched any trash.

I am too much angry after hearing her continuous shitty words about my son. But, I decided to keep my mouth shut seeing all the goons. I don't want anyone to hurt my son.

I said to her holding Mehrab in my arms tightly," I will never return to your grandson's life. It's my promise to you. But, you have to also promise me that any of Seikh family members will never bother me in my life."

She clutched my hairs tightly and replied dangerously," No one will disturb you until you disturb us in our life."

I am hissing in pain because of her tight grip on my hairs. Mehrab couldn't tolerate his mother being hurt by some random woman.

Without thinking anything Mehrab bitten on that old witch's hand and she let out a scream. She left my hairs and said angrily," This little bastard!"

Saying that she tried to slap Mehrab when I hold her hand and jerked it off. Is she even human! How can she slap a small child!

" Don't say or do anything to him. I request you. He is just a child," I said to the madwoman who is fuming in rage like she will eat Mehrab alive anytime.

After a few seconds, she became normal and came forward to my direction. She whispered in my ear like a creep," I am sparing this little shit because he has Sehreyar's blood flowing through his veins. Otherwise, I would have already strangled him to death."

Hearing her my face became paled and I gulped down my saliva due to fear. How did this old witch know about Mehrab's father? How it can possible!

" He isn't related to your grandson. He is only my son," I said holding Mehrab protectively.

She chuckled and replied with confidence," Do you think I am a fool? What do you think how I run the whole Seikh household? I have all the knowledge about my grandchildren. I know what are they doing and with whom they are doing. It's obvious that this shit in your hold is Sehreyar's bastard."

" Don't call my son Bastard. He has a name. And how can you be so sure that Mehrab is your grandson's child? I asked her trying to act brave though I am hell afraid about this woman.

She pointed her index finger on Mehrab's upper lip and said," Sehreyar has the same brown mole over his upper lip as well and your son has the same mole as Sehreyar. Moreover, I knew from the very first that the doctor couldn't abort the baby because of some problem in your uterus."

After hearing her I became shocked beyond level. I am not understanding what I should say. This woman is really something. She is so cunning like a fox. She was keeping her eyes on me like a spy.

I am still looking at her with my wide and shocked eyes when she said like a psycho," Maybe this little shit has Sehreyar's blood but I will never accept your son and Sehreyar will also never accept this little shit of yours. So, make sure that Sehreyar never comes to know about your son. Otherwise........."

" Whatever! Your grandson is nothing for me and my son will not have any connection with your grandson as well," I replied sternly cutting her sentence in the middle.

I don't need that man's acceptance. I am enough for my child. Mehrab will have his mother's name only.

" I hope you will keep your promise," that old witch said and signalled those goon type people to leave this place. They obliged her immediately.

I am consoling my frightened son when that old witch again said," Sehreyar is happy in his life with his wife. So, don't ever dare to snatch my grandson's happiness."

Saying that she left my apartment hurriedly. I didn't react to her saying. What's the point of reacting or crying. He was never considerate to me.


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