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Mistress novel Chapter 32

Author's p.o.v

" I really respect your emotion, Sir. But, I am not ready to be in any kind of relationship. You don't know anything about my past," Meher replied to Rehaan politely.

A few moments ago Rehaan came to meet Meher in her office and he proposed her. Rehaan was having feelings for Meher from the very first but couldn't say anything to her thinking that she is married. Recently, he came to know that she isn't married. So, he decided to propose her.

On the other hand, Meher is not ready to be in any kind of relationship. Moreover, she doesn't feel anything about Rehaan because she is still stuck with Sehreyar's memories. So, she politely refused him.

Rehaan tried to convince Meher," Try to understand Meher. I don't want to know about your past. I don't have any problem with your past. Anyone can have a bad past. Even I also have a bad past. That doesn't mean we can't be happy in future. We should move on in our life."

" Sir, try to understand. I have a baby. I am a mother. I am not suitable for you. You will find any better girl than me," Meher replied politely.

Rehaan said smilingly," I will be a good father for your baby. Just give me a chance. You don't have to answer me so early. You can take as much time you want."

Hearing him, Meher thought for sometimes. She remembered Sehreyar who has already moved on in his life. He is very happy in his life with his wife and family.

" If he can move on then why am I not moving on? I should also move on. What's the point of shedding tears for a person who never considered me as his anything," Meher thought mentally.

Meher replied to Rehaan," Umm....I will think about it. I hope you will not mind."

A big smile formed on Rehaan's lips and he said," Ok. I will be waiting for your reply."

Saying that he left Meher's office and Meher just sighed. She isn't understanding is she doing right by giving a chance to Rehaan.

After some hours Meher came out of her office and ready to return home. Her apartment isn't that far from her office so she decided to walk though she has her car.

Meher is walking and thinking about Rehaan's proposal when without any warning someone pulled her into his chest by holding her hand.

Meher got startled by the sudden action and became frozen like a statue. Her body became cold hearing the voice of this person.

" I missed you so much," the voice said with too much emotion and the person is none other than Sehreyar.

Though Meher was wearing a burkha(veil) but Sehreyar didn't commit any mistake while recognising her. He removed the face veil from her face and cupped Meher's face in his palm.

He said almost crying," You won't believe how much happy I am after seeing you alive. Why did you leave me? You don't know how much pain I have endured without you? I was searching for you like a madman and here you are."

Saying that he hugged her tightly and Meher is still in her shocking position. She isn't understanding why Sehreyar would miss her when he was the one who told her to leave from his life.

" Where did you go? Huh! This time I will not let you leave me. You are mine. This time I will give you every happiness which you deserve. After losing you I came to know about your value. After losing you I understood how much empty is my life without you. I love you, Meher. I love you so much," Sehreyar confessed truthfully tightening his hug.

Meher couldn't believe what she has heard. Her mind became blank and she is just standing like a statue. Her eyes became watered hearing his confession. Her heart is beating so fast like it will explode at any time. She is going to hug him back when she remembered all those past memories and Sehreyar's Dadi's threat.

" It's all lie. He is a lier. He will again play with your feelings and your life. Think about Mehrab also," Meher's subconscious reminded her and she pushed him away from her.

Sehreyar became startled by her action and looked at her with his wide eyes. He is going to touch her again when Meher jerked off his hand and screamed," Don't touch me. You lier."

" I know. You are angry with me. I am sorry for misbehaving with you. Forgive me, please," Sehreyar said with too much guilt in his voice.

Meher let out a sarcastic laugh after hearing him and said," Misbehave! Just misbehave! You have ruined my life. You are a monster. I will never forgive you."

Sehreyar replied with his vulnerable voice," After losing you I understood how much wrong I was. I understood how much I love you and need you in my life."

" You need me just for my body. You have never tried to understand my feelings. Moreover, how many lies you will say Mr Sehreyar? Didn't you tell me that you don't want to see my face? Didn't you tell me that you will not see my face even if I die? Didn't you tell me that you are now bored with me? Didn't you tell me that you love Sajal Seikh? Then, what happened suddenly that you want me in your life again? Meher asked angrily where tears aren't stopping from her eyes.

Sehreyar became surprised by hearing her questions. He never said all this to her. He asked her confusingly," When did I say all this to you? I can never say all this."

" Don't act like you don't know anything about that letter. How can you forget about that letter which you send me by your Dadi's hand," Meher snapped at Sehreyar.

Sehreyar replied knitting his brows," what letter? What are you talking about? I never sent any letter to you."

" Enough. You are a lier and you will remain a lier. I don't want to hear any of your rubbish talking. Just leave me alone," Meher said and going to leave the place when Sehreyar hold her hand tightly and said," Not this time."

Saying that he started dragging her to his car. He said with too much determination," You are mine and today I will make you mine officially."

Meher jerked off his hand and said angrily," I am not going to be your mistress again. You don't own me."

Sehreyar didn't answer her. He is going to hold her again when she almost run to the road and said angrily," If you don't leave this place then I will commit suicide in front of your eyes right now."

" Have you gone mad? Don't act like a kid," Sehreyar said and tried to pull her from the road.

Meher replied going to the edge of the road," Return to your car and leave this place right now."

" Meher, don't act like an immature. People are looking at us. Come back here," Sehreyar said trying to convince Meher.

Meher replied angrily," Will you leave this place or I should jump under any car. You will be responsible for my death."

" Ok. I am returning to my car and you just stop behaving like that," Sehreyar said and returned to his car. He doesn't want to lose her.

Just the blink of an eye Meher became vanished from this area before Sehreyar could do anything. He has lost her in the busy crowd.

" Dammit!" Sehreyar said angrily punching on the steering wheel.

Then he called his detective Ahsan and growled," You useless shit! You have given me just her workplace address. I want her house address and with whom she is living in Mumbai. I want all the information in 24 hours."

" I will try m........" Ahsan tried to say when Sehreyar replied angrily cutting his sentence in the middle," I will fire you if you fail to do this work."

Saying that he cut the call and said with determination," This time I will not let you go from myself. I will make you mine with your consent or without your consent."

But, something is bothering him too much. He isn't understanding why Meher took his grandma's name. Also, he isn't understanding anything about that letter which Meher talked about.

" I have to talk with Dadi," Sehreyar mentally thought.


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