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Moon Warriors novel Chapter 13

As Mario was surprise by these words said, he shouted with eyes wide open, “What? You want me to piss off? Is this what Aleksander said? Do you know that I...”

As he was about to finish his sentence, he quickly stopped talking. This was because the strong man was staring at him furiously.

“Never mind, you guys let me in and I'll talk to Aleksander myself.”

After saying that, he was about to barge in.

“What do you want to do? Get out when I tell you to get out. You want to cause some trouble?” The guard drew out an electric baton.

“Are you deaf?” The guard shouted again.

“No, no, you're just two guards. I've been waiting for Aleksander for the entire day. I must meet him...” Before he could finish his sentence, the guard grabbed on to Mario.

“Are you deaf?” As he said that sentence, he threw Mario out.

“Hurry up and get out.”

Mario stood up furiously and cursed, “You win this time.”

After returning home, Eden and grandfather, Brian, were there, and Brian asked, “Mario, how did it go? Did you get him to sign the contract?”

Mario was angry and wanted to cry. However, he definitely could not talk about what happened today, so he could only say while being thick-skinned, “Aleksander said that I should go see him tomorrow.”

“Alright, that’s good, as long as you can get him to sign the contract, you will be the pride of our Martin family in the future.”

Mario nodded his head with a bitter smile.

He remained think-headed and went to beg for three days. However, in exchange for his dedication, the result his got was being told to get out.

He finally could not hold it in any longer, so he went home to vent his anger.

“What? He wanted you to scram?” Brian looked at Mario in surprise.”

He nagged so much that he wanted to smack Mario a few times in that instant, “You punk, you're really not good enough to accomplish anything.”

“It’s not that, grandpa. I think that Emily must have given him some benefit. Otherwise, how could he not sign the contract? I knew that Emily must be relying on the fact that she has good looks, so that's why...”

“You should shut up!” Brian shouted angrily.

“Go, call Emily to come over.” Brian sat down on the chair, gnashing his teeth in anger.

After Mario left, Brian said angrily, “If I had known you couldn't do it, I wouldn't have let you go, what a useless person.”

Eden pitifully pleaded for his son, “Father, Mario also just wanted to do something for our family, his mindset was good.”

Brian glared at Eden with hatred and roared, “This is all because of the good son you taught.”

“Father, don't worry. In the future, Mario won't cause you any more trouble.”

On a dining table, there were three people eating, it was Emily’s family.

Rosa said to Emily, “Emily, you shouldn't blame your grandfather too much, we are living with them after all. He gave us a place to stay and it’s already not that easy, at least we're not homeless.”

“Mom, I know.” Emily replied.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Andrew expression changed and he said, “Don't worry guys, we will be home soon.”

Rosa and Emily looked at Andrew but they did not reply.”

“Emily, there is something I need to tell you.” Andrew put down the bowl in his hand with a serious face.

Emily observed based on Andrew’s expression that he was serious and nodded her head, “What is it? You may tell me.”

“Later, Mario might come over to find you and tell you to go to the conference room. If his attitude is bad, you must not go. People like Mario can’t be continuously spoiled, or he will become reckless.”

Emily was a bit confused so she asked, “What is he coming to see me for?”

“He wants to bring you to help sign the contract.” Andrew spoke while picking up his clothes.

Emily continued looking at Andrew in bewilderment and asked, “Didn't Grandpa tell him to get it sign?”

“He can't, this contract will only be sign if you are there.”

“By the way, I have something to do, I'll leave first. Remember, don't agree to Grandpa's request, you can only agree to it if I say so.” Andrew said as he walked out towards the door.


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