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Moon Warriors novel Chapter 14

Looking at Mario’s disgruntled expression, Emily was about to burst into laughter. For these past six months, she finally felt a hint of pleasure.

But she didn’t plan on paying Mario any attention.

“Come on, cousin, I’m begging you. Grandpa and your uncles are all waiting for you. I promise, if you’ll go, I’ll never talk back to you again. Whatever you tell me to do, I’ll do it.”

The second she heard this, Emily was elated, and said, “Alright, then get out of here!”

Mario’s expression grew dim. He bitterly smiled and asked, “Then, will you come?”

“Get lost!” Emily said in a cold tone.

Mario walked out in a humiliated manner. Right now, he felt like he wanted to kill Emily.

She told him to get lost!

But he didn’t leave right away. Since he was here to beg for Emily’s help, if he wasn’t sincere, there was no way she’d go to the meeting, and grandpa would definitely skin him alive.

After a while, Emily also came out; she told Mario, “Sometimes, you can’t be too proud as a person. You might end up asking for help sooner or later as well.”

“What was before won’t always stay the same. I hope you’ll remember well what kind of state you are in today.”

After she was done speaking, she headed into the Martin family’s conference room.

Mario looked up and glared at Emily. There was no way he’d let Emily off the hook for this.

Emily got a good look at the Martin family. None of them treated her like a member of the family.

The second she entered the conference room, everyone’s expression was odd. Each one looked very enthusiastic and was full of smiles.

Sure enough, the moment she sat down, grandpa cut to the chase and asked her directly, “Emily, the reason we called you here today is to ask you when you will go sign the contract with Mr. Fraser. How come we haven’t seen you these past few days?”

“Yeah, Emily; it’s better to get this settled early; what if they retract on their offer. These days, there’s word out that our family is getting played.” Eden added.

Emily looked at the two of them, and said bluntly, “Grandpa, didn’t you ask cousin to go sign?”

The second she said this, Brian’s face instantly turned red. He quickly added, “What, that’s not true; who said so?”

Emily looked at Mario and said, “Him; he said so himself.”

“Wh- wh- what!” Brian threw a death stare over at Mario.

Then he laughed and said, “I was worried that you’d be too tired! So I asked Mario to help you out. After all, he’s your cousin; he should help you out when he can. We can’t just let him idle around.”

Emily laughed drily in her mind; help her out? Where was he to help her out when she was still working in the office? Now that she was about to sign the contract, he was here to “help her out”. Never had she seen a more shameless person.

“Emily, don’t play coy; now’s not the time. Hurry and get the contract signed, that’s the most important thing right now.”

Emily said, “I’m not going to sign. You guys are quite capable, no? Go sign it yourselves.”

Mario couldn’t stand it anymore; he clenched his fists and was about to speak.

Eden blurted out, “Emily, it’s my fault. Since we’re all family, please, don’t fight with your cousin, alright?”

Eden never looked up to Emily and always talked down on her. But now, even he knew he had to soften his attitude.

Emily looked to Brian and said, “Grandpa, I know the Martin family has always taken care of me and my mother. I don’t want to hassle you all, but I just want to get the respect I deserve.”

Eden butt in and quickly said, “Of course, of course; we’ll definitely respect you from now on. Can you sign the contract now?”


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