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Moon Warriors novel Chapter 29

For everything that had just happened, there had been a pair of wide-open beautiful eyes that kept watching. She was so frightened that she held her breath.

"Holy shit, what kind of person is this? How can there be such a person who doesn't even blink when he kills someone?" Evelyn hurriedly patted her chest and gasped for breath.

However, at this moment, a big strong hand grabbed her, and she abruptly looked at the person and found that it was Andrew.

Andrew didn't give her a chance to speak, pulling her directly into the Red Banner limousine before letting go of her.

When Phoenix saw Andrew pulling a woman into the car, he asked suspiciously, "Commander Stone, who is she?"

"Shoot! Do you want to die or do you want to live?" Andrew asked mercilessly.

Upon hearing Andrew's words, Phoenix's expression immediately changed.

Evelyn shuddered with fear as she looked at Andrew and Phoenix. What they said about dying was definitely not a scare, because they had just really killed someone.

She swallowed hard and said, "Of course I want to live, who would want to die?"

"What is the purpose of your following me? Say it." Andrew was indifferent as ever.

Evelyn swallowed again and said, "Actually, I have no other purpose than to beg you not to bother with me for what happened today during the day. I know what I did was wrong, and I sincerely apologize to you. I really need that contract, and I probably wouldn't have survived without it."

"Just for this?" Andrew's eyes gentled slightly and the atmosphere eased slightly.

"Yes, that's it."

"You saw everything just now, didn't you?"

"Ah, I...I didn't see anything, I don't know anything." Evelyn often hung out in these places, and of course she knew what Andrew meant when he asked that question. If she said she saw it, she was going to be exterminated.

"Good! I hope you didn't see anything, too." As soon as Andrew's words left his mouth, Phoenix suddenly stopped the car.

"Get out!" Andrew said indifferently.

"Ah!" Evelyn exclaimed in surprise, "You haven't promised me about the contract yet."

"I don't want to say it twice." Andrew was still so cold, it was impossible for him to be polite to anyone else except Emily.

"No, if you don't promise me, I won't leave! I'll be killed anyway if I leave without the contract. Instead of being killed by them, I'd rather die by your hands." Evelyn clasped her hands and simply looked like she was ready to die

Andrew glared at Evelyn with some impatience, but Evelyn grabbed Andrew's hand and said, "How about this! I'll be your mistress, and I don't want money. I just want you to promise to let me sign that contract."

With that, Evelyn placed Andrew's hand directly on her exposed thigh.

Evelyn knew that no man could resist her beauty. Those fifty or sixty years old men had no resistance when they saw her, let alone this man who was only in his twenties and at the peak of his energy and hormonal expansion.

Her charisma was an absolute killer for these young men.

She breathed out delicately, wanting to conquer this man with everything she had.

When Andrew didn't move, Evelyn felt she had succeeded, so she plucked up her courage to grope Andrew's body.

But soon, she was thrown from the car directly by Andrew.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't you know how to show pity and tenderness to a woman?" Evelyn shouted angrily at Andrew inside the car.

Andrew's car had already driven away and she was so angry that she stomped her feet. This was one of the most humiliating experiences she had ever had. She devoted herself to play with him in the car, but surprisingly, he threw her off the car.

"Aren't I better than your wife?" She shouted at the exhaust of the car without good grace.

How would Andrew pay any attention to a woman who exploited her sexual attraction?


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