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Moon Warriors novel Chapter 30

After seeing Rosa Martin leave.

Emily Clark said to Andrew Stone, "Let's go!"

"Okay!" Andrew nodded.

They rode their e-bike and set off. Andrew asked faintly, "Are you nervous?"

Emily shook her head and said, "I don't know why, but I don't feel so nervous when you’re around."

"That’s okay! You have to face it sooner or later. D.K. Group is just the beginning." Andrew's words were spoken, but Emily didn't hear them because of the strong wind.

In a few moments, Emily felt that something was wrong, and she asked, "Andrew, aren't we going to the company? Why are we coming here?"

"Before going to the company, firstly we have to buy a car. You’re now also the chairman of the board, status can’t be degraded." After saying the words, they came directly to the Mercedes-Benz 4S store.

After parking their e-bike, Andrew took Emily's hand and walked directly into the 4S store.

Just walked into the store, Emily pulled Andrew's arm and said, "Andrew, let's get out of here. This is a Mercedes-Benz store. I have no money to buy for it."

Andrew said slowly, "It's okay, I'll buy it for you."

Once Andrew said this, Emily didn't believe it.

Andrew was only a waiter. If he had the money to buy a Mercedes-Benz, he won’t live like now.

Meanwhile, a tall, sexy and beautiful saleswoman who was wearing black silk approached.

"Are you both looking for a car? Is this gentleman driving? Islady driving?"

"My wife will be the one who drives! Please recommend a suitable car for her." Andrew said straight to the point.

The saleswoman evaluated Andrew and Emily from head to feet. In her mind, these two people didn’t look like any rich people, and they came here by e-bike just now. They said they wanted to buy a car, but maybe they didn't really mean to buy it.

So, she randomly pointed to the Mercedes-Benz A-class and said, "This car is more suitable for women to drive as it is compact. There is a special offer for the lower trim level, and you can drive the car away with a down payment of 80,000 Yuan."

80,000 Yuan! Emily's bank card didn't even have 10,000 Yuan in it, so how could she get 80,000 Yuan?

"No, this car doesn't match my wife's status. It's too small." Andrew shook his head and refused.

The saleswoman frowned, thinking that if he couldn't afford then he should say so, why was he pretending that the car didn't match their status.

These days, there were too many people who like to pretend.

Andrew went straight to the front of the Mercedes-Benz S-Class and said, "This car looks okay. I think this is more suitable."

The saleswoman was stunned. It looked like this person didn’t know anything about cars.

What salesperson afraid the most was people who came to buy a car without knowing the price in advance. So she smiled and said, "Sir, this car is more than a million. Even if you want to do a down payment, it needs at least 400,000 Yuan to do so. You still need to pay the remaining 600,000 Yuan in three years.

And the monthly repayment amount is more than 20,000 Yuan, almost 30,000 Yuan. With your 400,000 Yuan, you might take a look at a Mercedes-Benz E-class."

This price had scared Emily and she was completely afraid to make a single sound.

Andrew was so unreliable. If he wanted to show off, he should find a suitable occasion!

"As I said, those cars don't match my wife's status, so let's take this one. It's not really good, but still can use for a while." Andrew said it very clear.

"What?" Emily took Andrew's arm and said, "Andrew, we don't have any money right now."

When the saleswoman saw this scene, she couldn't help but laugh, "Sir, are you sure that you want this car?"

Andrew nodded his head and said, "Yes!"

"Okay, sir. Please pay the deposit of 100,000 Yuan first!" The saleswoman looked at Andrew with a smirk. She just wanted to get rid of this kind of people who brought woman to pretend that he was very rich as soon as possible.

"No need to pay the deposit, I'll drive away now! Hurry up, please go to swipe this card, the password is 950223, my wife's birthday." said Andrew while took out a black card and handed it to the saleswoman.

When the saleswoman saw the black card, her face instantly turned pale.

This kind of card was unlike the ordinary cards. It was said to be a bank card which showed one’s status.

She hesitated for a moment and stretched out her trembling hand to accept the black card.


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