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Mr President, We Meet Again! novel Chapter 25

He opened the bag and took out a beautifully designed paper box.

A slice of double chocolate fudge cake?

Wang Shen Ze paused for a moment as he fell into a deep thought.

How did she know that this is his favourite cake?

In fact, he does not even eat cakes in general except when it is in this flavour!

Even though humans are naturally imperfect, Wang Shen Ze has never liked to show other people his weaknesses.

He has always preferred to put on a strong front, but deep inside, there are also times when his negative emotions could overwhelm him.

Hence, each time he is feeling down, he would hide in his room to eat this cake and feel much better afterwards.

But he did not recall sharing this secret of his to anyone!

Except... for that one time...

Wang Shen Ze looked up and saw Lin Wen Xin’s busy figure back facing him through the glass windows.

“No! This can’t be it!”

He thought to himself as he looked at the cake again in disbelief.

It must have been a pure coincidence that she has bought this flavour!

Wang Shen Ze sneered as though he had finally understood the whole situation.

“Humph, so you are trying to earn my favour with this small cake? Dream on!”

He then threw the entire box together with the bag into the bin that is near him.

Over in the other room, Lin Wen Xin is indeed busy arranging the carton boxes that Yi Fan had just brought in.

It is even an understatement to say that her office looks like a warehouse now!

She then spent the next hour trying to sort out the documents from one of the boxes.

Balance sheet...? Statement of income... Statement of stockholder’s equity?...

What are these foreign terms??

She is a design student after all and she really could not make sense of what is going on.

Lin Wen Xin realised that this is going nowhere as well and thought that it might be more practical to ask for some help.

She then turned around and saw Wang Shen Ze holding on to a pen and vetting through a document in his hands.

Wow! A man who is serious at work is always so charismatic!

She could literally sit here and watch him all day but it is a pity that she has too much work on hand.

Lin Wen Xin quickly noticed that the paper bag is no longer on Wang Shen Ze’s table.

Oh! Did he already finish the cake?

That’s so fast!

“I wonder if he is feeling better after eating it...”


There was a time in high school when Lin Wen Xin remembered she was in low spirits because some of her classmates had despised her for not having a mother.

She cried for a long time at one of the stairwells in school and a boy happened to hear her from outside.

Suddenly, she saw a pair of shoes in front of her. She immediately looked up and saw that the boy is Wang Shen Ze.

This was actually the second time that they have met, with the first being the secret diary incident.

Wang Shen Ze’s cold personality has resulted in him not being very proficient in consoling people.


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