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Mr President, We Meet Again! novel Chapter 26

Wang Shen Ze continued walking forward with his big and steady footsteps, completely disregarding Lin Wen Xin’s question.

He had walked so quickly that there is now a huge distance between them.

Uhm... Did he not hear her question?

Lin Wen Xin was really confused but the answer soon became clear as Wang Shen Ze closed the lift’s door right in front of her face.

“Wait...! Hold on...”


“Oh well, I guess... maybe not then...”

She then walked dejectedly to the employee’s lift and took it down to the ground floor.

The bus services are already not operating at this hour so she has no choice but to take a taxi back home.

Today was such a long day for her and she really could not wait to get back home and rest for the night.

Lin Wen Xin held on to her handbag as she strolled across the lobby, towards the entrance of the building.

“Wen Xin!”

Xiao Yu Zheng called out to her as soon as he saw her exiting from the main entrance.

“Yu Zheng??... Why are you here?”

She was surprised to see him waiting for her outside the office with his car parked just a few steps away.

“I called you earlier but I couldn’t reach you.”

“You called me??” Lin Wen Xin reached for her phone in her bag.

She fiddled with it for a few seconds, “Oh! I think it is out of battery... I’m sorry!”

Xiao Yu Zheng smiled and shook his head lightly, “It’s okay! I initially wanted to bring you out for dinner to celebrate your first day of work here.”

“Dinner? But it’s already 10.45pm! Don’t tell me you waited for me from 6pm and haven’t had your dinner yet??”

Lin Wen Xin could already guess the answer from Xiao Yu Zheng’s face as he remained silent and continued smiling gently at her.

“Yu Zheng!! Are you out of your mind?? You should have gone to grab something to eat first!” Lin Wen Xin said to him with concern.

He laughed it off and replied, “It’s fine, if I had left for a short while, I wouldn’t know if you have already knocked off from work or not...”

“And anyway, I have nothing much to do today so I might as well wait for you here.”

Well... If this sentence were to be heard by Xiao Yu Zheng’s secretary, he would definitely faint on the spot!

There is a huge pile of documents at the office awaiting for his signature!

“And thankfully I’m here isn’t it? Otherwise how are you going to get back home? It’s already so late.”

Xiao Yu Zheng looked at Lin Wen Xin dotingly while trying to reach out to hold the bag for her.

“Stop right there!”

The two of them quickly turned their heads to the side - curious about the person who had just shouted from afar.

Wang Shen Ze??

Didn’t he already leave the office? Why did he come back?

Lin Wen Xin saw Wang Shen Ze walking in large strides towards her direction.

His face was full of anger as he grabbed her left wrist and pulled her behind him in a protective manner.

“??” Lin Wen Xin had a bewildered look on her face as she struggled to free her wrist from his hand.

“Ouch!... It... it hurts...!”


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